Chapter Two: Cheering For Zed
Malia's Pov
It was the next day and I was currently with Addison and the rest of the cheerleaders as we were getting ready to cheer Zed and the other football players on.
Emily is at the house with Missy taking care of her. It won't be long until my baby girl has to start preschool.
Now, while everything has changed in Seabrook for the better, zombies and werewolves still have one last thing to tackle.
And that's college.
Mountain college is the college that we all want to go to. But so far only humans have been accepted into college while it's been hard for zombies and werewolves because of who they are.
Zed has to win tonight's game so he can be accepted into college. Not only that but we need the rest of the zombies as well as werewolves to get into college.
I can't imagine going to college without Wyatt. I need him by my side. Going to college alone will just be weird.
Sure, I'll have Addison and Bree, but I want all my best friends and my boyfriend by my side.
So, right now, Addison and I, along with the rest of the cheerleaders are getting ready to cheer on Zed and the other players to give them some confidence.
Honestly I'm surprised that I've stuck to cheerleading. I didn't really like it at first but overtime I've grown to really love it. It's just so much fun, sure there are times where it's hard, but as long as I work hard it can be really fun.
Oh, and speaking of cheer, I forgot to mention that Addison and I are preparing for Seabrook's first international cheer off.
And with Addison as the new cheer captain I can tell that we'll win. I just know it.
"Malia" I heard Addison call out to me.
I jumped, a bit startled, before turning around to look at her.
"Yeah? What's up?" I asked.
"Are you ok? You've been lost in thought for a while" Addison asked, concern washing through her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking" I said.
"Let me guess, college?" Addison asked.
"Yeah" I nodded.
Addison sighed and walked closer to me so that she was standing next to me, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I know, I'm just as nervous as you are" Addison said.
"I know Zed is amazing when it comes to football, but remember that some people in Seabrook still haven't really accepted zombies and werewolves. What happens if he doesn't get in?" I asked, worried.
Addison sighed and uncrossed her arms, letting them fall to her sides.
"I know, but there's nothing to worry about. Zed will win them over. I know he will. He's amazing as football and when the recruiter sees that they'll not only allow Zed to go to college, but they'll allow all zombies and werewolves to go to college" Addison softly smiled.
I sighed and nodded my head, her words sticking to my head.
She's right. I have to remember that Zed is awesome when it comes to football. He's a star and has won nearly every game.
I'm confident that he'll win tonight's game and get into college. Not only that but every other zombie and werewolf will have the chance to go to college too.
"You're right, Addy. I shouldn't be stressing over this. Zed is amazing and I know that he'll win tonight's game and get into college" I smiled.
"That's the spirit" Addison smiled, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
I laughed softly before wrapping my arm around her waist, giving her a side hug.
"Now come on, we've got some players to cheer" Addison smiled.
"Lets go!" I yelled.
We pulled away and ran towards the cheerleaders, that were waiting for us on the field.
When we arrived they immediately got into position. Music began playing and that's when the cheering began.
Five, six, seven, eight
The football players as well as the coach ran towards us when they saw we were getting ready to cheer for them.
Zed spotted Addison and smiled at her, winking at her in the process.
I fondly rolled my eyes before I smiled and waved at him. Zed smiled and waved back.
We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout
From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now
We wanna lift you high
You'll never feel the ground
We'll get you up, we'll never stop
This is our hometown
We are the Mighty Shrimp
We wanna hear you shout
The boys lifted me up into the air and I did the splits midair with my arms out. I bent my back before the boys caught me.
Once I was set down I smiled at them before making my way towards Addison.
From the left and from the right
Turn up the volume now
We are the Mighty Shrimp
It's time to show you now
We got the stuff to light you up
It's getting hotter now
We're getting hotter now
It's getting hotter now
When we were done with the cheer everyone began clapping and cheering for us, smiles on all their faces.
Addison and I smiled at each other before embracing each other in a hug. When we pulled away we ran towards Zed. Zed ran towards us with the coach following him.
Addison and Zed shared smiles with each other while he ruffled my hair, causing me to huff slightly.
"You guys" Bree called out to us.
We turned around to see Bree and Bonzo running towards us, Bonzo had his arms wrapped around Bree's shoulders.
"Tonight is our last chance to cheer at a Seabrook football game" Bree said.
Me and the others nodded our heads, small sad smiles on our faces.
Bonzo said something in Zombie, causing me and Bree to sigh and nod our heads.
"I know, buddy. I wish we could be cheerleaders forever" I said.
"Maybe we should flunk science so high school never ends" Bree suggested.
Zed, Addison and the coach gave her weird looks while the ACEY'S and I were actually considering that idea.
I mean, it's not a bad one.
"Nah, we just have too much chemistry" Bree smiled, snuggling closer to Bonzo's side.
We all began laughing as we shook our heads at her while Bonzo hugged her closer to him.
"We are so gonna win tonight" Coach smiled.
"And when we do" Zed smiled, looking at Addison.
"We'll be together forever" Addison smiled, looking up at him lovingly.
"Awww" Bree, the ACEY'S and I cooed.
It's fair to say that the ACEY'S have changed so much. After the events of last time they've slowly turned into better and nicer people.
Hell, they even accept Addison for who she is and no longer call her mean nicknames because of her white hair.
To say that they've improved alot would be an understatement. I'm extremely proud of them.
"When I say Sea, you say Brook. Sea" Zed grinned.
"Brook!" we all yelled.
"Sea!" Zed yelled.
"Brook!" we all yelled.
A Few Minutes Later
I told the others I'd be back later before leaving the field to find Wyatt and Willa.
I walked around for a bit before smiling when I spotted them walking together.
"Guys!" I yelled.
Willa and Wyatt turned around and smiles appeared on their faces when they saw me.
"Baby!" Wyatt yelled.
"Babe!" I yelled back, a smile on my face.
Wyatt began jogging to catch up to me. Willa and I made contact with each other and chuckled, shaking our heads at him.
I sighed before beginning to jog myself to catch up with him.
When we were close we embraced each other in a hug. A soft laugh escaped my lips when Wyatt picked me up and spun us around.
When he put me down I cupped the sides of his face while he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I missed you, baby" Wyatt smiled.
"Babe, we literally saw each other last night" I chuckled.
"Well it feels like a week" Wyatt pouted.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him before kissing his pout away, causing a smile to appear on his face.
I pulled away from him and embraced Willa in a tight hug once she caught up with us.
"Hello my feisty werewolf bestie" I smiled.
"Why hello my future sister in law" Willa chuckled.
This made me pull away from the hug as my cheek turned red. I turned to Wyatt and saw that he was in the same boat as me.
Willa laughed when she saw how red our cheeks were, causing me to playfully glare at her.
I wrapped my arms around Wyatt's waist as he kissed my temple before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
The three of us began walking, smiling at the people that walked past us.
It's fair to say that everyone is excited for tonight's game. All the students are cheering for Zed. They want him to win because if he wins and gets accepted into Mountain College then all zombies and werewolves do too.
All of a sudden Wyatt and Willa's moonstone necklaces flash red, causing the two of them to halt.
I furrowed my eyebrows together, looking at my boyfriend and my best friend in confusion.
"Our moonstones are acting weird, Wyatt. Something big is happening" Willa said, looking up at the sky.
I looked up and much to my surprise I saw some sort of red asteroid. I jumped slightly at the blast.
What is that?
"Something big is happening" Wyatt nodded.
He removed his arm from my shoulder and turned around, holding one of the Seabrook flags.
"Biggest football game in the universe" Wyatt smiled, winking at me.
"Just the biggest in Seabrook, babe" I chuckled.
Willa smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
A girl walked up to Willa and tried to paint her face, but Willa's moonstone glowed blue and she snarled at the poor girl, causing her to scream in fright.
"Willa" I warned her.
Willa sighed and stopped with her snarling, causing the girl to sigh in relief.
"Come on. You know how important a win is for all us monsters. Seabrook needs you, cheer wolf" Wyatt smiled.
"You want a fierce werewolf leader to rally a football team?" Willa asked in disbelief.
Wyatt only smiled and nodded his head, gesturing to the flag before nodding towards the girl.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Besides, I know you'll love it" I smiled, nudging her arm.
Willa pressed her lips into a thin line and took a glance at the girl before looking back at us.
Wyatt and I only smiled at her, holding hands while leaning into each other's side.
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