Chapter Twenty-Six: Coming To A Truce
Wyatt's Pov
After we got Malia to the nurses office the nurse checked on her and told us that she's fine.
She told us that she fainted from feeling too overwhelmed but she should wake up soon.
She placed a hot towel on Malia's forehead and laid her to rest on one of the beds, so she could be comfortable.
When the nurse left, Zed offered to stay with Malia, to keep her company.
While that was settled, Addison dragged Elena and I outside of the room and forced us to stand next to each other, much to our displeasure.
However, we were both trembling in fear.
Because Addison is standing in front of us, her arms crossed, glaring at us.
And that glare is completely could rival the glares from Malia and Willa.
Before either of us could say anything, Addison walked towards us, the glare never leaving her face.
She raised both her hands and slapped us both upside the head.
Elena and I both winced as our hands flew up to the spots that Addison hit us.
"Ow!" Elena and I yelled.
"Addison, what the hell?" I asked.
"I'd say sorry, but you two deserved it" Addison scowled.
"Excuse me?" Elena asked, glaring at Addison.
"You heard me! You both deserved it!" Addison yelled.
Elena and I looked taken aback, especially me.
Addison hardly yells and to see her angry is really rare.
Then again...she did see Malia, her best friend, her sister, passed out because of the argument between Elena and I.
And, knowing how protective Addison is over Malia, it's understandable for her to be this way.
"Addison-" I started, but she cut me off.
"What the hell is wrong with you two? Why were you even arguing in the first place?" Addison asked.
I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Ask this stupid redhead over here" I managed to say.
"Hey!" Elena yelled, clearly offended.
"It's true! If you had just left me alone, let me do what I came here to do, none of this would've happened!" I yelled.
She's trying to disregard the fact that the reason we were even arguing was because she pushed my buttons.
She just gets on my damn nerves that I snapped.
"I was sending you a clear message about leaving Malia alone! I don't want you anywhere near her after what you did!" Elena yelled.
Now that, that alone made me lose it.
"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? As far as I'm concerned, I can see her whenever I want!" I yelled.
"Why would she want you anywhere near her? Why would you want to be near her? As far as I'm concerned, you lost any right to be around her after being an asshole towards her" Elena yelled.
There she goes again, reminding me of my mistakes.
It gets on my nerves and that's what caused us to argue in the first place.
I opened my mouth to say something when Addison stepped in.
"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Addison yelled in frustration.
Elena and I jumped back, clearly startled, as we turned to her with wide eyes.
Honestly...I believe this is the first time Addison cursed.
"You two are acting like selfish little kids. And stop trying to put the blame on each other when you're both at fault for what happened!" Addison yelled.
I winced, she's really loud when she's angry.
"Malia was already having a stressful day today and you two idiots just had to stress her out more" Addison gritted her teeth.
That made me confused.
Elena and I shared a glance before turning back to Addison.
"What do you mean she was already having a stressful day?" Elena asked.
Addison sighed and ran a hand through her hair, realizing what she had said.
"Look, I wasn't going to say anything because Malia seemed to have already made her decision, but she's not really in the best state to tell either of you anything. So, I'll say it" Addison said.
She took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Malia came to realization with her feelings and she was going to reveal who she wants to be with. But she was stressing out over it because she was afraid that you guys would hate her because of it" Addison explained.
That alone cause Elena and I to gasp in shock.
"Are you serious?" Elena asked.
"Yes. And the reason she fainted was because seeing you two arguing didn't help her situation. She knows that you two hate each other and she realizes that revealing the person she wants to be with, things would've become worse" Addison explained.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
And by the look of it, Elena was in the same boat as me.
I...I didn't know that Malia felt that way. Neither did Elena.
Neither of us knew that Malia realized who she wants to be with but she's scared to say anything because one of us might end up hating her.
I could never hate her. Never.
We heard the door open and we turned around to see Zed stepping out of the room.
"Zed, is everything ok?" Addison asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine. But we should get going. Willa texted and wants to know where we are" Zed said.
Addison's eyes widened before she sighed.
"I forgot we were going to hang out with A-lan, A-li and A-spen to show them around" Addison said.
Zed nodded in agreement.
Addison bit her lip before turning back to Elena and I.
"You two stay with Malia until she wakes up. We'll meet up with the others and explain to Willa and the aliens what happened to Malia" Addison explained.
"Text us when Malia wakes up" Zed said.
I hummed and nodded.
Zed patted my shoulder and waved at Elena before walking away.
Addison shot Elena and I one last glare, a glare that definitely said 'get your shit together soon', before turning around and walking away.
When they were gone, it was just Elena and I standing in the hallway.
Silence filled the air between the two of us. It was uncomfortable.
Considering we both hate each other and we don't really know what to say.
The uncomfortable silence stayed that way for a while before Elena decided to speak up.
"Wyatt..." Elena trailed off.
I didn't bother hiding the glare that escaped my lips.
"I swear to god if you say anything that involves me being a shitty ex-boyfriend, please shut up right now" I growled.
Elena flinched, but wisely shut her mouth, and played with her fingers.
Good. She finally listened and shut up.
Now I can finally say what I've been meaning to say ever since she got here.
"After Malia broke up with me I've been thinking about everything that has happened so far and it didn't take me that long to realize how much of an asshole I was. I realize that Malia loved me the same way that I love her and I should've known better. I tried many times to talk to her but she has been ignoring me, not that I can blame her. I hurt her" I explained.
I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist at my side.
"Then you came and everything changed. Malia changed. She seemed so happy around you, so cheerful and I hated it. I hated it so damn much. Especially when she blushed every damn time you were near her, flirting with her. She looked so much happier when she was with you and I hated it because I only wanted her to be that way when she was with me. I tried my best to deny every possibility of her liking you back, but I couldn't, especially the way you two interacted with each other" I explained.
Flashbacks from Elena and Malia having fun together during the party broke my self restraint.
I smashed my fist into a nearby locker, creating a loud sound, startling Elena in the process.
"It certainly didn't help that you were constantly poking at me, trying to get a reaction out of me, trying to get me to snap. And guess what, you did! Let me tell you something, redhead, I don't need you reminding me what I did. I know I was an asshole, I know that perfectly well, what bothered me the most was you reminding me every single time we saw each other and I just wanted to hit you!" I angrily yelled.
I growled before turning around to face Elena, anger and sadness shown in my eyes.
Elena's eyes widened and I saw fear in them.
"Basically, what I'm trying to say is, yes! I'm a shitty ex-boyfriend for not believing or trusting Malia when she tried telling me that her and A-lan are just friends. I'm a shitty person that lost the most amazing girl ever and I regret that! I want nothing more than to win her back and prove to her how sorry I am but that's a little hard given the fact that she wants nothing to do with me!" I snapped.
I couldn't feel any satisfaction when Elena flinched at my yelling. It was all too much for me.
I was letting out all my emotions that I just couldn't feel anything, I couldn't take it anymore.
My eyes watered but the tears never fell. I didn't let them.
"Honestly...I truly believe I've lost her. And that hurts more than anything" I softly whispered.
Elena said nothing. She did nothing. She just stood there.
She looked lost in thought, she just stared at me, guilt pouring in her eyes.
I buried my face into my hands, groaning in annoyance, before picking my head up.
I walked backwards towards the wall, feeling myself getting a little lightheaded, before stopping when my back made contact with the wall.
Sighing, I slowly slid down to the ground, bringing my knees up to my chest.
Small tears streamed down my face as I bit the inside of my cheek.
I hate showing Elena my vulnerable side, but honestly, I couldn't bring myself to care as much.
"I never knew you felt that way" Elena softly spoke up.
"Believe me, I feel alot of ways" I scoffed, shaking my head.
Elena sighed before slowly sliding down to the ground, sitting next to me.
I raised an eyebrow at her, but I wasn't annoyed nor did I tell her to get away from me.
I...I just let her stay there.
We sat there in silence, and surprisingly it wasn't awkward and there was no tension, it was surprisingly comfortable.
Weird, considering neither of us like each other.
But honestly, after everything, it's time we set aside our differences.
The silence remained that way for a minute before Elena spoke up.
"I'm sorry" Elena said.
Confusion washed through me as I turned to look at her.
"Come again?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
She sighed and rolled her eyes in slight annoyance.
"I said, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for basically everything I did and said to you. It was wrong and while I don't expect you to forgive me, I hope you can at least accept my apology" Elena explained.
I honestly never expected any of those words to come out of her mouth.
And while I did feel smug about it, I was happy that she apologized.
And the fact that she sounded genuine made it better.
"Well, apology accepted" I slowly nodded.
Elena nodded before sighing, running a hand through her hair.
"Look, I know that you and I got off on the wrong foot" Elena sighed.
"That's an understatement" I snorted.
Elena rolled her eyes, but I could see her lips twitch slightly in amusement, before she shook her head.
"But, there is something that we both have in common, and I think you know what it is" Elena said.
This made me look at her, my eyes shining in realization.
She's right.
There is one thing that we have in common.
And that's Malia.
We both have feelings for Malia, we care about her and we want her to be happy.
Hell, we've been fighting for her for a few days.
Which honestly, you can't blame us, given that Malia is a really special girl.
"I want to come to a truce" Elena said.
"And that is?" I asked.
"That no matter what happens, no matter who Malia ends up choosing, we won't make her think either of us hate her. Whether she picks you, or if she picks me, we won't let her think we hate her and do our best to try and get along" Elena explained.
"In case you forgot, us getting along is impossible. We hate each other, you especially, and all we do is argue and insult each other" I chuckled slightly.
Elena chuckled herself before shaking her head.
"True, but we need to learn to set our differences aside, like you said. We need to stop acting like petty little kids and start acting like mature young adults. Malia matters the most to the both of us and we need to think about her first" Elena explained.
She makes really good points.
And as much as I hate to say it, both verbally and physically, we need to try and get along.
Sure, we'll definitely hate it like we hate each other, but for Malia we're willing to try.
And Elena is right, we need to stop acting like petty little kids.
"Alright" I nodded.
"So, have we made a truce?" Elena asked.
"Yes, it seems so" I said.
I sighed before hesitantly extending my hand out, wanting to shake on the truce.
Elena pressed her lips into a thin line, clearly hesitant, before slowly shaking my hand.
It'll take a while for us to get along. It'll take us even longer to try and become friends.
Honestly, we have a better chance at being frenemies than friends.
But, as long as we can come to a truce, we're going to be alright.
When Malia wakes up and she reveals who she wants to be with, whether it's Elena or I, we will accept it and we'd never hate her.
Please, we could never hate Malia for her decision, and she's too amazing to hate.
I just...I just hope her choice is me.
But...if her choice does end up being Elena, I'll do my very best to accept it.
After all...I want Malia to be happy.
I love Malia...but if she picks Elena, I must respect her decision and step back.
Because when you love someone, you shouldn't force them to stay with you, you should let them go.
And if that's what I have to do, then I will.
Anything for Malia.
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