Chapter Twenty: Fixing The Ship & Saying Goodbye
Malia's Pov
We've been on the mothership for hours, we've been doing nothing but work.
We have to get the ship powered up in order for the aliens to get back in space so they can travel to Utopia.
Everyone was either in partners or groups. Anything that could help get this done faster.
A-li and A-lan were working together.
A-spen and Willa were working together.
Wyatt, Bonzo, Bucky and Eliza were working together.
I, of course, was with Elena.
Under different circumstances, I would've been working with Wyatt.
But, given where we are now, and the fact that I can hardly stand being near him without hurting him, it's better that we're not working together.
Moving on from that, I really didn't mind working with Elena.
She is my friend and we've gotten along really well, despite the fact that we just met yesterday.
While connecting some of the wires together, our hands brushed against each others, causing me to blush.
Elena noticed, she smirked and winked at me before going back to what she was doing.
I internally cursed myself before getting back to work. I had to stay on task.
When we were done we met up with the others. Luckily, they were all done with their parts as well.
A-lan was explaining what has to be done in order to get the mothership working again.
"Only our people can connect to the ship's stardust reactor. But unfortunately, the moonstone's power is lethal to us" A-lan explained.
I bit my lip and glanced at the others.
I turned back to A-lan, only to see him looking at Addison.
"But your being half human might just work. You'll be a living bridge" A-lan said.
"Addison can do it" Willa spoke up.
"Yes. She's an alien" A-spen nodded.
"And a cheerleader" Bree and I smiled.
"And apart of our pack" Wyatt smiled.
Addison smiled at all of us before her eyes landed onto Zed.
"You were born for this" Zed nodded.
Addison nodded before turning to A-lan. He quickly handed her one side of the adapter before moving away.
Addison turned to A-li. She took a hold of the other side of the adapter as A-li quickly moved out of the way.
All of a sudden electricity formed around the adapters as they began crackling.
A-li yelped and stumbled backwards. A-lan quickly caught her before she could fall.
The ground began moving, causing everyone to yell as they covered their faces with their arms.
Zed held onto Wynter while I surprisingly saw Willa holding onto A-spen.
I ended up tripping on something, causing me to yell as I began falling to the ground.
"Malia!" Wyatt yelled.
He tried running towards me, trying to catch me, only for his knees to buckle and his the ground.
Fortunately, Elena lunged forward and wrapped her arms around me, keeping me close as she refused to let me go.
I wrapped my arms around her tightly, not wanting to let go.
Addison grunted in pain, trying to hold on as best as she could, but the pain became too much for her and she let go of one side.
"I couldn't hold on! It's too much power!" Addison yelled.
"We must reestablish the connection now, or all is lost!" A-lan yelled.
A-li held onto his arm tightly, causing him to calm down slightly as he held onto her free hand.
Bucky ran over and helped Wyatt off the ground.
Wyatt nodded at him before turning to me. His fists clenched at his sides when he saw Elena's arms around me, and mine around hers.
I scoffed and looked away from him.
What's wrong with him? Why the hell is he angry?
My eyes widened when I saw Zed gritting his teeth before running towards Addison.
He grabbed onto the other side of the adapter before turning to Addison.
"Take my hand. The power can flow through me" Zed said.
"You'll be fried in a minute!" Addison yelled, clearly worried.
"It's gonna be ok" Zed reassured her.
Addison sighed and shook her head before holding onto his hand.
Soon the electricity came back, the ground shook again but it was more powerful, causing everyone to scream.
Everyone held onto either their partners or their friends.
Elena tightened her grip around me, refusing to let me go, covering my face from the electricity.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Wyatt holding onto both Wynter and Bucky. Well, Bucky was screaming like a girl while clinging to both werewolves.
Wyatt and Wynter's facial expressions were hilarious, I won't lie.
Zed began growling, the pain was getting to him more than it was to Addison.
"I'm so sorry!" Addison yelled.
After a few more minutes Addison and Zed let go of the adapters.
They both sighed, clearly tired yet relieved, as Zed leaned into Addison's side. Addison held onto him tightly.
Everyone uncovered their faces and looked around the ship, trying to see if everything did work.
Elena hesitantly let me go, but she did keep an arm around my waist, keeping me close.
"We're all full charge!" A-spen yelled.
We all began cheering and clapping, hugging their partners or friends.
A-lan and A-li hugged tightly, smiles on both their faces but I could also see their cheeks turning slightly red.
Elena wrapped her arms around me, hugging me as she lifted me up.
I let out a loud squeal before hugging her back, burying my face in her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her hair.
"Mama's back!" mothership yelled.
Elena set me down and released me, a smile on her face.
I smiled at her before turning around. I was ready to hug anyone because of how excited I felt.
However, the smile immediately faded when I realized that I was this close to hugging Wyatt.
Wyatt realized too and the smile on his face faded as well.
Our arms had been extended out but we began putting them down.
It's clear that there was awkward tension between the two of us. Which makes sense.
"Malia, I-" Wyatt started but I ignored him.
I turned away from him and ran towards where Zed and Addison were.
"Are you guys ok?" I asked, worried.
"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore" Zed smiled.
"I think I'm learning to control my powers" Addison smiled.
I smiled back at her and nodded, patting her shoulder.
"Launch sequence, go" mothership said
Oh shit. The ships about to launch.
Meaning that Addison and the other aliens are getting ready to leave.
I turned towards the others and saw them running away, clearly getting ready to leave.
Wyatt tried running towards me but Wynter and Willa grabbed his arms and dragged him away.
Elena tried running towards me as well, but the Acey's grabbed her arms and dragged her away.
I turned towards the aliens and saw A-lan staring at me.
A soft and sad smile appeared on his face as he nodded at me, mouthing the words 'thank you' to me.
A soft smile appeared on my face and I nodded back at him, mouthing the words 'you're welcome' to him.
I'm gonna miss him. Not just him, I'm gonna miss A-spen, A-li and the rest of the aliens.
They all became like my third family, but now they're leaving, I'm losing them when I just got them.
Zed, Addison and I looked at each other and nodded. The three of us held hands and began running.
The others had already left. It's just Zed and I that have to leave.
The three of us stopped. Zed and I turned to Addison.
"I love you, Zed" Addison softly smiled.
"I love you, too. To the end of the universe" Zed softly smiled.
I felt like I shouldn't even be here, especially during their last moments together.
But, I had to say one last goodbye to my best friend, to my sister.
"Maybe we'll meet again. Somehow" Addison softly said.
"Someday" Zed softly said.
Tears began streaming down both their cheeks, neither of them being able to contain them.
They stared at each other for a few seconds before wrapping their arms around each other, pressing their lips together.
Tears of my own streamed down my face as I covered my mouth to prevent the sobs that were threatening to come out.
This is so beautiful...they're both perfect for each other and it hurts that it's ending.
When they pulled away, Addison turned to me.
Her lips trembled, as did mine, and we both embraced each other in a tight hug.
"Oh, I'm gonna miss you" Addison cried, holding me tightly.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Addy" I cried, burying my face in her shoulder.
We pulled away from the hug but we pressed our foreheads together, the tears kept coming.
"Remember, no matter where we are..." Addison trailed off.
"No matter how far apart we are..." I trailed off.
"We're sisters, forever and always" the both of us finished.
We both smiled, softly and sadly, at each other before turning to Zed.
He had tears streaming down his face, his fists clenched at his sides and his teeth were gritted.
Addison and I giggled slightly before I extended my arm out for him.
"Get in here, buddy" I smiled softly.
Zed didn't hesitate and immediately joined the hug.
I rearranged the hug, so that way I was hugging both Addison and Zed, my arms wrapped around both of them.
Addison and Zed both chuckled softly before wrapping their arms around me.
I hate this. I hate this so damn much.
I hate saying goodbye.
I never wanted to say goodbye. Ever.
But, the reality of this world just sucks and there's just nothing I can do to change things.
The three of us reluctantly pulled away from the hug. I did my best to wipe the tears away from my face.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one" mothership counted down.
The three of us clasped our hands together. One last time.
I leaned in and gave Addison one last sisterly kiss to the forehead.
Before I knew it, Zed and I were teleported out of the ship and back on earth with the others.
My knees buckled and I nearly fell if I weren't for Zed wrapping his arms around me, gently pulling me up.
Everyone was silent. Dead silent.
None of us knew what to say. None of us could say anything given that we just had to say goodbye to our friend.
I had to say goodbye to not only my best friend, but my sister.
I hadn't even realized that Wyatt walked over to me and stood next to me. He didn't say anything, which I was grateful for.
I'm not in the mood to talk, especially to him.
But, he ruined my mood even more when he tried reaching out for my hand, which in return I removed to prevent him from touching me.
I moved away from him so that way I stood at Zed's other side.
I saw Wyatt frown before sighing in sadness.
He walked back over to Willa and Wynter, he wrapped his arms around their shoulders and they walked away.
I rolled my eyes before looking down at the ground, finding that alot more interesting.
"She's gone" I whispered so only Zed could hear me.
"Yeah, I know" Zed sighed, nodding his head.
I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Stacey reaching out and grabbing Zed's hand, hoping to give him some comfort.
I'm grateful that she's trying to help him, trying to comfort him after he had to say goodbye to Addison.
I know that Zed and the Acey's started off on the wrong foot, but they're slowly becoming friends.
And I'm glad that they've changed and become nicer and better people.
Elena stood by my side and I immediately hugged her, burying my face into her shoulder.
"It's ok, cutie. Let it out, I'm here" Elena whispered softly in my ear.
That was enough to let the tears to escape my eyes and stream down my face.
I hugged her tighter and I felt her rub my back up and down, doing her best to comfort me.
Addison's gone.
She's really gone.
And I don't know when she's coming back. Or if she's ever coming back.
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