Chapter Seven: The Alien's First Day Of School
Malia's Pov
It was the next day, meaning that it was the alien's first day of school.
I hope they have a great first day. I want them to feel welcomed, not outsiders. It was hard for the zombies and it was slightly hard for werewolves too.
I just want them to feel welcomed and want them to be themselves.
I just hope that the werewolves don't give them a hard time.
I'm looking at Willa, because she has trust issues, which is understandable, but she can at least have faith in Addison and I.
Addison and I were in the library together, working on some assignments.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Bucky walking towards us, just by looking at his face I can tell he was annoyed.
"Addison, Malia, you guys can't help those invaders" Bucky sternly said.
Addison sighed in annoyance while I shot him an annoyed glare.
This dude really can't learn when to just accept things, can he?
Come on, he's accepted zombies and werewolves, sure he still has a huge ego, but it's not as bad as before.
Why can't he accept the aliens?
I opened my mouth to say something when Willa walked towards us, shooting Bucky an annoyed look.
"Back off, Bucky. Your cousin's the cheer captain now. Not you" Willa said.
Bucky scoffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes while Addison smiled at her.
"Thanks, Willa" Addison smiled.
"But Bucky is right" Willa sighed.
Hold up, what did she say?
"I'm right?" Bucky asked, shocked.
"He's right?" I asked, making sure I heard her clearly.
"Yes of course I'm right" Bucky smiled.
"A little right" Willa corrected.
Bucky rolled his eyes while I chuckled and shook my head, going back to writing.
"I don't trust the aliens, guys. Last time outsiders swooped into Seabrook, our moonstone was stolen. And this time, we might lose our shot of getting into Mountain College" Willa explained.
"Which is why we need to protect what's ours. The Seabrook Cup, my legacy. Me, in general" Bucky said, pointing at himself.
The three of us shot him weird looks.
It's fair to say that we're trying to get used to his actions.
We just hope it comes to an end when Eliza returns from her internship.
"Right, Willa? Or should I say, Wacey?" Bucky asked, smiling.
I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to laugh at the name Bucky came up with.
Willa shot Bucky an angry glare, shaking her head.
"You should not" Willa scowled.
She growled at him, causing him to scream in fear before running away.
When he was gone I removed my hand from my mouth and began laughing, leaning against Addison.
Addison laughed and shook her head at me, gently patting my head.
"Willa, come on, have some trust in them. I trust them. And remember, they're not going to be here forever, it's just until after the cheer competition" I explained.
"Exactly, don't worry about the aliens. I'm not afraid of a little competition" Addison smiled.
Willa simply smiled at us and shook her head.
A Few Minutes Later
I left the library to meet up with Zed since he needs my help with his exceptional student application.
I walked into the hallway and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Zed standing near some sort of machine.
I walked towards him and when he saw me he smiled.
"Hey, Malia. Look what Eliza made" Zed said.
My eyes widened and I looked at the machine, only to see Eliza on the screen.
"Woah, Eliza, you made this?" I asked.
"Yeah. I whipped up a little something with the spare parts laying around Z-Corp" Eliza smiled.
"This is amazing, Eliza" Zed smiled.
Bonzo walked towards us and gasped when he saw the machine, pointing at it.
He spoke in zombie, asking Eliza if the aliens imprisoned her, which was honestly a bit funny.
"No, the aliens didn't imprison me in this robot body. I did this" Eliza said.
The three of us began walking as Eliza followed us, or well, the machine, but you know what I mean.
Bonzo once again spoke in zombie, causing Zed to nod his head.
"Yeah, I would've made myself taller too" Zed chuckled.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head, causing him to wince in pain.
"At least I didn't fail my driver's test, Bonzo. Twice" Eliza angrily said.
"Eliza" I sternly said, watching Bonzo's face fall.
"Sorry, low blow. You're a genius" Eliza said.
Bonzo smiled again, causing me to chuckle and pat his shoulder before turning to Zed.
"Uh, when's your application due?" I asked.
"Uh, today, so not technically last-minute" Zed shrugged.
Eliza and I glanced at each other and sighed in annoyance before turning back to Zed.
"Ok, let me get this straight. The only way you can get in is as an exceptional student?" Eliza asked.
Zed nodded his head, causing her to sigh as she nodded her head.
"Ok, hold on, let me pull up your transcript" Eliza said.
I heard her type on her laptop and we waited for a few seconds before Zed's transcript appeared on the screen.
"Hey, check it out. I'm ranked third in our class for grade point average" Zed smiled.
Bonzo spoke in zombie as me and him smiled.
I looked back at the screen, only for my eyes to widen when I saw that his rank changed.
"Uh, Zed" I said, pointing to the screen.
He looked at it and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw his new rank.
"What? I'm ninth now?" Zed asked, confused and shocked.
"No, that...that's wrong" Eliza said, just as confused as he is.
My eyes widened even more when I saw his rank change from 9th to 18th.
"How the hell?" I asked, confused.
"Wait, ok, this doesn't make sense at all. All these grades ahead of me are, otherworldly" Zed said, his eyes going wide in realization.
Bonzo and I looked at each other before looking at him with raised eyebrows.
"Zed!" we heard Principal Lee yell.
We turned around to see her standing outside one of the classrooms.
She whistled and waved us over. The three of us looked at each other before walking over to her.
"They did the entire course in 23 minutes. It only took them that long because they couldn't figure out how to work a pencil sharpener" Principal Lee explained.
We turned around to see the aliens inside the classroom, huddled around the pencil sharpener.
A-li screamed in frustration before breaking the pencil in half.
A-spen started using the sharpener, causing the aliens to look on in interest, before removing the pencil from the sharpener.
"Look, the utensil is functional again" A-spen smiled.
All the other aliens smiled as A-spen touched the tip of the pencil, causing them to wince and shake their head.
"The aliens stole all my class rankings" Zed said, clearly annoyed.
I turned around only for my eyes to widen when I saw coach removing Zed's name from all his athletic records.
"And beat your athletic records" I added.
"Wait, what!" Zed yelled.
He turned around and ran towards the coach, causing Bonzo and I to follow.
"Oowee, Zed, A-lan just obliterated your best times. He ran crop circles around you. Bench press records, blew yours away. High jump, he's a VFO. Very Identifiable Flying Object. He has six-pack abs" Coach explained.
We turned around to see A-lan surrounded by a few humans and werewolves on top of the stairs.
"I can get to eight, Coach. Just give me time" A-lan smiled.
This made everyone laugh while I released a small chuckle while shaking my head.
"And the best part? The laws of gravity do not apply to them" Coach smiled.
A-lan pressed something on his watch and he started floating, causing everyone to stare at him in awe.
"Whoa, that's awesome" I smiled.
"I'd be happy to dunk on you, Zed" A-lan smiled.
"That'd be fun to see" Coach chuckled before walking away.
"Well, there goes your chance. Now monsters will never get in" Eliza said, clearly upset.
Zed sighed, clearly upset himself, causing me to pat his back for some comfort.
A-lan walked over to us, a sigh escaping his lips.
"Yes, being better than others is very enjoyable" A-lan smiled.
This made Zed glare at him while I shook my head.
A smile appeared on my face when A-spen and A-li walked over to us.
"Hey, aliens. You are ruining my chances to get into Mountain College" Zed angrily said.
"Zed, be nice" I sternly said.
"Oh! I do not like this conflict" A-li said.
"Cannot wait to leave this discord" A-lan nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, okay, so then why don't you just go back to your own planet?" Zed angrily asked, causing me to glare at him.
"Because it was destroyed. We don't have a home" A-spen sobbed.
A-spen began crying, causing A-li to give Zed a pointed look.
"Zed!" I yelled at him.
I hit his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain, before moving towards A-spen.
I wrapped my arms around them and pulled them into a hug.
"Don't cry, A-spen. Don't cry" I softly whispered in their ear.
A-spen continued crying but slowly brought their arms up to wrap around my waist, hugging me back.
"Uh...I...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I really am" Zed said, sincerity in his tone.
A-li was glaring at Zed as she walked over to me and A-spen, placing her hand on A-spen's shoulder.
"You know, as tough as things have been for zombies, we've always had Zombietown. Is there anything I can do?" Zed asked.
"Yeah, what can we do to help?" I asked, looking at the three aliens.
A-spen slowly stopped crying and looked up at me and Zed.
A-lan and A-li glanced at each other before looking at us with raised eyebrows.
"You would help us?" A-spen asked, hope shown in their tone.
Zed nodded his head while I smiled and nodded mine.
At Lunch
It was time for lunch and Zed and I stayed with A-spen, A-li and A-lan.
The three of them were sitting, their lunch trays in front of them, while Zed and I were standing.
"With our Luma Lenses, we probed all the minds of Seabrook" A-li explained to us.
"Mind probes? Why would you do that?" I asked, confused.
"To learn about cheer, obviously. Cheer" all three of them said.
Zed and I glanced at each other, finding their response a little suspicious, before looking back at them.
"Ok, but what about people's privacy? I mean, you can't just scan people's-" Zed started only for me to cut him off.
"Hey, what is that?" I asked in curiosity.
I saw A-lan holding his luma lense while looking at something, it was a test paper.
"Oh, it's Zed's biology teacher's brain scan" A-lan smiled at me.
"Is that my test?" Zed asked.
A-lan nodded his head as the three of us watch the teacher mark Zed's test.
"A D+" I gasped in slight shock.
"That is, ouch" Zed winced.
"I could beat that easily" A-lan nodded his head.
Zed glared at him while I snorted in amusement, causing A-lan to smile at me.
"You were unfairly marked. Your answers correctly highlight the purpose of brains for zombies" A-spen explained.
"Your teacher does not understand zombie culture" A-li smiled.
A-spen smiled and nodded, causing Zed and I to glance at each other,
We looked back at A-lan and saw him swipe his luma lense to the test results.
My eyes widened when I saw Zed's C- change into a B-.
"There. That's the grade you should have gotten" A-lan said.
"Yes! Just like that? Thank you" Zed smiled.
I smiled and nodded, causing A-lan to smile at both of us as he nodded his head.
"So there is something you can do for us" A-spen said, looking at both Zed and I.
They pulled out their luma lense as Zed and I huddled closer to them.
An image of the moonstone appeared on A-spen's luma lense, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.
"This image appears in many scans. What is it?" A-spen asked.
"That is the moonstone. It is the most precious thing in Seabrook. It's the life force for werewolves" I explained.
Zed nodded his head as the aliens smiled at each other.
"Instrumomo" the three of them said.
"But stay away from it, because the werewolves won't let any outsiders near the moonstone. Literally, the only person they allow near it is Malia because she's friends with them and dating one of them" Zed explained.
I chuckled softly but nodded my head because it is true.
A-spen sighed and smiled up at Zed.
"You are so caring" A-spen smiled.
They wrapped their arms around Zed, hugging him tightly.
"Ok, well" Zed cleared his throat, gently pushing A-spen away from him.
"Zed, we shall reward your help by improving your application" A-lan smiled.
"It's not rocket science, but knowing rocket science won't hurt" A-li smiled, flipping her hair.
"It sure won't" I chuckled.
"What does that expression mean?" A-spen asked, confused.
"It means that the universe has sent me an intergalactic alien dream team to help get this zombie into college" Zed grinned.
He held his hand up for a high-five, looking at A-lan.
A-lan looked at his hand weirdly before holding up three fingers.
"Yeah, ok" Zed nodded, wrapping his hand around his three fingers.
I chuckled softly and shook my head in amusement.
A-lan looked up at me and smiled, causing me to smile back at him.
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