Chapter Five: Interrogating The Aliens
Malia's Pov
When the aliens were arrested they were taken to Z-patrol headquarters.
Addison and I tried to get Dale to call off the arrest but he refused. He didn't want to take any chances.
I was with Addison, Bucky, Wyatt, Emily, Missy, Dale and Principal Lee in the control room as we were watching the aliens from the computers.
Dale had placed Emily back on his shoulders since she seemed to like being held up high.
Anyways, the aliens were put into different rooms, still handcuffed.
Zed and Bonzo were with the alien with short hair while Willa and Wynter were with the girl alien.
The boy alien was alone in a room, sitting on the table, just having fun by himself.
"Great idea separating the aliens, Principal Lee" Dale smiled.
"Not my first time dealing with spacey teens" Principal Lee smiled, proud of herself.
Dale held his fist out for a fist bump but Principal Lee wrapped her hand around his fist and shook it.
I snorted while Dale shot her a confused look before shaking her head.
I heard Emily giggle, causing me to smile while Wyatt let out a soft chuckle.
"They're probably here to clone me to create an unstoppable cheer force. I mean, who wouldn't want more me?" Bucky asked.
"With that ego, I wouldn't" I scoffed.
Addison and Wyatt snorted while Dale, Missy and Principal Lee chuckled.
Bucky shot me an annoyed look and I just rolled my eyes.
"Well, they're uninvited and have to leave" Missy said.
"But we invited everyone to our cheer off to compete for the Seabrook Cup" Addison said and I nodded.
"Um, you can't just give away my bling" Bucky said, clearly annoyed.
"First, you're not even a cheerleader anymore, and second we don't intend to lose" I huffed.
Addison smiled at me and nodded, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"Malia and I always believed that cheer could bring people together. Maybe even worlds together" Addison smiled.
"Or tear our worlds apart. Mark my words, these aliens are here to take what's ours" Bucky said.
This made Emily turn to me, curiosity shown in her eyes.
"Aliens?" Emily asked, tilting her head.
"Yes, princess. Aliens" I nodded.
We all jumped when we heard Bucky scream. We turned around to see the boy alien inside the room with us.
"Ah, alien! Wyatt, hold me!" Bucky yelled.
He ran towards Wyatt, catching him off guard, before jumping into his arms.
Addison, Emily and I looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
Missy and Principal Lee were giggling uncontrollably while Dale was covering his mouth, trying to muffle his laughter.
The boy alien was also laughing, finding Bucky's reaction amusing.
I mean, who wouldn't.
Wyatt shot Bucky an annoyed look before setting him down, causing Bucky to glare at him slightly before clearing his throat.
Bucky turned to us, a sigh escaping his lips.
"You guys are never gonna let me live that down, are you?" Bucky asked.
"Not a chance" I smirked.
Addison smiled and nodded her head, causing Bucky to roll his eyes at both of us.
"Greetings. Did you want me to continue waiting alone?" the alien boy asked.
The adults began stuttering, trying to figure out what to say, before Missy spoke up.
"Uh, I think that would be for the best. Yes" Missy said, offering him a small smile.
"Very well. Shall I redon your ceremonial jewelry and rewire your door panel?" the alien boy asked.
My eyes widened when I saw that he had gotten free from the handcuffs, they were literally broken.
"That would be dynamite. Yeah" Missy nodded.
"Yes please" Principal Lee sighed.
"Oh! May you find harmony" the alien boy smiled.
He glanced at me and offered me a smile, one that I returned back.
Wyatt let out a low growl and wrapped his arm around me protectively.
I shot him an annoyed look while the alien boy simply smiled at him before leaving the room.
When he was out of the room I looked at the others.
"I'm gonna go check on Zed and Bonzo" I said.
The others nodded and I quickly pecked Wyatt's cheek before leaving the room.
I entered the room and smiled when Zed and Bonzo turned to look at me.
"Hey, guys. How's it going with your alien?" I asked.
"We're just about to talk to them right now" Zed said.
I nodded before turning to the alien, offering them a polite smile.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Malia Rose" I smiled, extending my hand for them to shake.
"Very nice to meet you. I'm A-spen" the alien, A-spen, smiled.
I extended my hand for them to shake. They looked at it weirdly before shaking it.
We pulled away just as Bonzo said something in zombie, he was still talking about the invasion.
"Bonzo, let's not deal with the alien invasion right now. I'm kind of in an impossible situation" Zed said.
He was definitely referring to how he lost his chance to be accepted into Mountain College.
"I understand. To get here, we developed interstellar flight, defeated space squids, traversed a carnivorous black hole, twice" A-spen explained.
I frowned and looked at Zed and Bonzo, only to see that we were in the same state as me.
"Uh, okay, not that impossible. Because of you, I can't get into Mountain College. The recruiter quit, and zombies can't apply" Zed said, clearly upset.
"And werewolves" I added.
A-spen hummed and nodded their head before reaching under the table to take something out.
Zed and Bonzo flinched back in fear and let out yells, hiding behind me, while I rolled my eyes.
A-spen had just taken out some glasses and put them on their face.
"Mountain College. Downloading" A-spen smiled.
They pressed something on the side of their glasses and I was in awe when I saw some symbols appear.
Damn, their technology is better than ours.
"What are they doing?" Zed asked, confused.
A-spen smiled before turning their glasses off as they took it off.
"Too bad you are not exceptional" A-spen said, looking at Zed.
This caught Zed off guard while I snorted, Bonzo snorted too, causing Zed to shoot us annoyed looks.
"The only way for you to get in is to prove that you are exceptional. Mountain College has a separate application for an exceptional-student scholarship and it does not specifically prohibit zombies" A-spen explained.
Huh? That makes sense.
Bonzo smiled and spoke in zombie as he looked at Zed.
"Yeah. That sounds exactly like me" Zed grinned.
A-spen looked Zed up and down and shook their head, a smile appearing on their face.
"Perhaps exceptional means something else in this galaxy" A-spen said.
"Ah, okay, you know what? Believe me, I'm impressive. Kay" Zed smiled.
"I don't see it" A-spen said.
I snorted at that, especially at the offended look Zed made.
"Whatever. I am going to get that scholarship to Mountain College and knock down the door to higher education for all monsters" Zed grinned.
Zed and I looked at each other as smiles appeared on our faces.
"Yeah!" Zed and I yelled.
Zed and Bonzo looked at each other and did their usual zombie cheer before they chest bumped each other and began screaming in joy.
I fondly shook my head at them and turned to A-spen.
No surprise, they're looking at them in confusion and slight fear.
"Why are you so agitated?" A-spen asked.
"Oh, we are not agitated. We are happy. You found a loophole. A way for zombies and werewolves to go to college" I smiled.
"Yeah. Come on" Zed grinned.
He held his hand up for a high-five but A-spen just stared at his hand weirdly.
I felt bad so I just high-fived my best friend, causing him to smile at me.
"Oh. Emotions are messy for telepaths, so we suppress them. But they do seem interesting" A-spen said, looking up at me.
I smiled at them and chuckled lightly.
We turned around when we heard knocking at the door. We turned around to see Dale standing outside the door.
"You can all come on out" Dale said.
Zed and Bonzo nodded and walked out of the room.
I looked at A-spen and offered them a small smile, gesturing for them to follow me.
A-spen nodded their head before getting up and following me as we both left the room.
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