Bonus One: Emotional Moments
Malia's Pov
There are moments like this one that I'm grateful Missy and Dale are on vacation and won't be back for a week.
And when Addison is going to stay over with the aliens so they can help her control her alien powers.
And since I've got the house all to myself, I figure why not invite Wyatt over so that we can spend some time together.
And, well, make up for the time we lost when we were broken up.
Right now, as we speak, we're currently in my room making out.
We weren't always making out, believe it or not.
I did have some laundry to fold and put away and Wyatt was more than happy to help me while Emily was in her room watching T.V or playing with her toys.
When I was finishing up the last bit of laundry Wyatt had hugged me from behind and began kissing my neck.
I tried to resist but it was really hard when he had a tight hold on me and refused to let me go.
Not that I was complaining. Not one bit.
Eventually, I gave in and I spun myself around and began kissing him and he immediately kissed back.
We went over to my bed and continued our makeout session there.
I was sitting on my bed while Wyatt was kneeling in front of my bed. We were kissing passionately, our hands touching each others faces.
I gasped when Wyatt gently pushed me down so I was lying on my back, my hair sprawled out.
He got on top of me and smirked down at me before his lips made contact with my neck. I gasped more and leaned more into him, leaned more into his touch.
There's just something about him that makes me so weak.
It's like whenever he kisses me, whether it's the lips, the cheek, the forehead or my neck, it always makes me weak in the knees.
"You're so beautiful, angel" Wyatt whispered against my neck.
I hummed and pushed him away gently so that we were eye to eye with each other.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought one hand to cup my cheek.
"And you're so handsome and sexy" I whispered back.
He smirked at that before bringing me into another kiss, a kiss that I easily returned.
Just as things were about to escalate to the point where we'd remove our clothes, we heard a knock at the door.
We pulled away and I propped myself up with my elbows while Wyatt sat up.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Mommy, it's me. Can I come in, pwease?" Emily softly asked.
Wyatt and I made eye contact with each other and let small soft smiles appear on our faces.
Wyatt kissed my forehead before moving so that he was sitting next to me and I sat up completely on the bed.
"Come in, sweetie!" I yelled out to my daughter.
The door opened and mine and Wyatt's smile grew when we saw Emily walk in.
Her eyes brightened when she saw the both of us and she immediately ran towards us.
Well, let me rephrase that, she ran towards Wyatt.
Wyatt laughed and grabbed her and picked her up, gently setting her on his lap.
"Hey there, princess. Are you alright?" Wyatt asked, smiling.
"I'm great, I'm just really happy to see you" Emily smiled back at him.
"Princess, we literally saw each other like an hour ago when I came over" Wyatt chuckled.
Emily just continued smiling at him while shrugging her shoulders.
I let out a loud and fake huff, gaining their attention, as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I'm hurt, princess. You seem to love Wyatt more than your mommy" I pouted playfully.
Wyatt rolled his eyes at me playfully while Emily let out a laugh as she shook her head.
"Don't be swilly, mommy. I love you with all my heart" Emily grinned at me.
I grinned back at her and extended my arms out.
She basically jumped out of Wyatt's lap and into my arms. I laughed loudly and hugged her tightly, placing a kiss to her head.
We pulled away and I brought one hand up and gently cupped her cheek with it.
"Mommy loves you, princess" I softly smiled at her.
"I love you too, mommy" my daughter softly smiled back at me.
I hummed and kissed her forehead before repositioning her, so that way she was sitting on my lap while facing Wyatt.
"So, what brings you to your mom's room?" Wyatt asked.
"I wanted to ask if we could go play outside, my toys aren't fun" Emily pouted.
"What about watching T.V?" Wyatt asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
Emily pouted more and shook her head.
We laughed at that and shook our heads.
"Well, princess. How about we go outside and chase each other for a few minutes?" Wyatt asked.
"Yes, please! Can we mommy?" Emily asked, turning her attention over to me.
I chuckled softly at her and nodded.
"Of course. You two head outside and play while I finish up the last bit of my laundry" I smiled.
Emily let out a squeal as she kissed my cheek before hopping off my lap, landing on the ground.
"Yes! Come on, Wyatt! Come on!" Emily yelled, jumping up and down from excitement.
Wyatt laughed at her excitement and fondly shook her head.
He quickly pecked my cheek before taking a hold of her hand, laughing more as he allowed her to drag him out of the room.
I was laughing myself the entire time while fondly shaking my head at my daughters antics.
Emily always loves playing with Wyatt whenever he comes over and he doesn't mind because he also enjoys playing with her too.
Tag, hide and seek, dolls, you name it and Wyatt will definitely do it with her.
He loves her more than anything and he sees her as his daughter even if they aren't related by blood.
I know Emily loves Wyatt too and loves seeing him and I together, but she's never really called him dad.
Wyatt doesn't mind and he obviously isn't going to force her to call him dad if she's not ready.
But, he has told me a few times that he wishes she would call him dad because he's grown fond of her.
I sighed and stood up from my bed to finish the last bit of laundry I had before joining my boyfriend and my daughter outside.
Wyatt's Pov
When Emily and I made it outside she had immediately touched my arm and yelled "tag, you're it!" before running off.
I playfully glared at her because of that action alone before running after her, laughing at the squeal that escaped her lips.
We were running for a minute and I had to admit I was tired but not that tired.
Neither was Emily. She had tons of energy based on how fast she was running.
I swear she gets her energy from her mother.
Whenever Malia and I are in the woods we playfully chase each other around and that girl can run fast.
Then again, my girl has got tons of talent so it's not really a surprise.
Finally, after running around in circles I finally caught up to her.
I grinned and grabbed her and picked her up, spinning around and laughing in delight as she squealed.
"I got you, princess!" I yelled.
"No fair, you cheated!" Emily yelled through her squeals.
I stopped spinning around and repositioned her in my arms so we were eye to eye with each other.
"Who are you calling a cheater, princess?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"You" Emily huffed, pouting.
"Oh, I'm a cheater, huh?" I asked.
Emily grinned at me and nodded, sticking with her original statement.
She's got confidence. Just like her mother.
"Oh, well, I guess I have no choice but to..." I trailed off.
I smirked evilly at her and began ticking her, causing her eyes to widen slightly before she erupted into giggles and laughs.
"Hey, stop it! That tickles!" Emily yelled through her laughter.
"Take back what you said and I might" I chuckled at her.
She huffed and shook her head, causing me to playfully glare at her.
I grinned evilly and continued tickling her, which caused her to erupt into more giggles and laughter.
"Daddy, stop tickling me or I will tell mommy!" Emily yelled.
"Not until you..." I trailed off.
My eyes widened and I found myself retracting my hands from the little girl in my arms, stopping the tickling.
I heard Emily let out a small sigh as her giggles and laughter slowly died down.
Did I hear what I think I just heard...?
Did Emily just call me her dad...?
Or am I somehow imagining things and she just called me by my name...?
"Emily...princess, what did you just call me?" I softly asked.
"Daddy, are you hawing problems hwearing?" Emily asked, frowning slightly.
I would've laughed at that and went back to tickling her if I wasn't in more shock than I already was.
She called me dad...
She actually called me dad...
I didn't mishear anything, she actually called me dad...
"Princess, y-you...y-you called me dad" I managed to say.
"Yes I did" Emily grinned, proudly nodding her head.
"You realize that this is the first time you called me dad, right?" I softly asked.
Emily nodded.
"You realize that you didn't have to call me that if you didn't want to, right?" I softly asked.
"I know, daddy. But I dwid it bwecause I love you and you're my daddy" Emily smiled.
I felt my knees going weak but somehow I managed to stay standing.
"Emily, princess, you know that I'm not your real daddy, right?" I softly asked.
As Emily started growing Malia told her everything as best as she could.
Malia told her about her biological father and how she broke her heart and left them for another girl, leaving her mother heartbroken.
Emily's reaction when she learned the truth about her biological father absolutely broke my heart.
She was crying in her mothers arms, sobbing loudly and uncontrollably. She surprised Malia and I when she called Ben stupid and a meanie, saying that if he didn't want them then Emily doesn't want him in her or Malia's life.
I won't lie when I say I was feeling incredibly smug at that.
Not only does Malia hate Ben, but now Emily does too.
Ben lost his ex lover and now he lost Emily too. I was incredibly happy at that.
But, I felt bad for Emily because she had to find out the truth that her biological father was a jerk to both Malia and her.
"I don't care. Ben isn't my daddy. He never was and never will be" Emily rolled her eyes.
For a 2 year old she really does have sass.
Then again, Malia is her mother so she was bound to have some sass in her.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my cheek.
It took me a second to realize that it was Emily's hand on my cheek.
I looked at her and saw her staring at me with a soft small smile on her face.
"You are my daddy. You love mommy and I. You treat mommy like a queen and you treat me like a princess" she told me.
My heart fluttered at that before I let out a sigh.
"But, princess, you do know that I did hurt mommy, right?" I softly asked.
I will always hate myself for being such an asshole towards Malia and being the reason we broke up.
Being the reason I hurt her and caused her another heartbreak when I promised her I would never hurt her the way Ben did.
She may have forgiven me and given me another chance, but I will always hate myself for what I did.
Emily frowned softly at the reminder before shaking her head.
"Everyone makes mistakes, daddy. But mommy told me we must learn from them. And you did. Which is why I'm not mad at you" she softly said.
She removed her hand from my cheeks before placing both hands on my shoulders.
"You are my daddy. You aways hwave been. I love you, daddy" she smiled at me.
That's currently how I was feeling.
Completely speechless.
Emily, for the first time, called me her dad and she told me that she has always seen me as her dad and that I will always be her dad.
She doesn't care that we're not related by blood.
She cares that I love her and Malia and would never leave them. She knows that no matter what happens, I'm here to stay.
And that warms my heart more than anything.
Tears slowly started gathering in my eyes and streamed down my cheeks.
I released a small gasping sob before hugging my daughter close to my chest, burying my head into her hair.
Emily giggled softly before hugging me back, placing her small hand on the back of my neck.
"I love you too, princess" I whispered in her ear.
I smiled softly when she turned her head around in order to kiss my cheek.
We both gasped when we felt and saw bubbles being blown into our direction.
Soon Emily started giggling and wrapped her little arms around my neck, hugging me tighter. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her small body, hugging her back just as tightly.
My eyes wandered around before they stopped at Malia, who was standing by the door with her hands stuffed into her pockets.
I noticed tears were streaming down her cheeks, meaning that she had heard everything that Emily said.
Including how she finally called me dad.
I laughed softly at the reminder and placed a gentle kiss to my daughters temple, causing her to giggle.
Emily is my daughter. I'm her father.
We might not share the same blood but she's my daughter nevertheless and I love her with all my heart.
And as her father, I'm going to do everything I can to shower her with all my love and be there to protect her from everything.
Hey guys, how are you all doing?!
So, I have decided to make some bonus chapters and this bonus chapter is what happened when Emily called Wyatt dad for the first time.
I figured some of you would want to know what happened.
I'm going to add two more bonus chapters and it's going to be based on Elena and Wynter, so stay tuned for that.
Have a great day and see y'all next time, bye!
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