"It is a long story, but I guess our story begins when I was twelve. Now to understand this you need to know my father was a member of the marines as a colonel and my mother was a doctor. They were both monsters.
Two children, both with [H/C] hair, ran through the pier of their home town. The girl, [Y/N] [L/N] of the duo had a stream of blood drip from her forehead from where the blade made contact. The boy, Aiden [L/N], led the way for him and his sister, bruises and cuts on his arms and legs. He had taken most of it. Before long the two found a cargo ship and made it there way onto the ship. They were stowaways, and they would not be caught.
"My brother and I stowed away on a cargo ship several years ago. When we docked, we went through the town before hiding out somewhere. After awhile, we realized we couldn't live without doing anything after Aiden fainted from lack of blood sugar and nutrients. So, we resorted to thievery. Pickpocketing people's money and stealing food from restaurants. And ehen we were done, we would get on another ship and repeat. They never caught us. They never seemed to catch on. It was like that for several weeks. Until one day..."
Twelve-year-old [Y/N] ran through the crowd, her littke fingers swiping wallets and taking thr money from it in one fell swoop. No one even noticed. Until she spotted a man. Entirely dressed in black from the onyx shade of black hair to the charcoal boots that displayed his feet. He had some money. More than anyone else here. She looked over at her brother who stared at her, giving her a look. A look that told her to stop. But she didn't, and she took her opportunity. But just as her dainty fingers grazed the money bag, her wrist was grabbed by the man. He stared at her, scowling with a cigar in his mouth.
"What do you think you're doing girly?" he asked, his tone sending shivers up and down her spine.
But then something shifted in his eyes as he gave the girl a once over. Through her old, dirty clothes, emmence body odor, the grime and dirt littering her body, he saw the scars on her legs and arms and the one on her head. His eyes softened at her sight. The girl's breath hitched in her throat at the sudden change in demeanor.
"AIDEN! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" the young girl shrieked after she got over her initial shock.
And almost at once, the crowd panicked. And the crowd dispersed, trampling over then. One of the people knocked into the man, making him drop the girl. Now her weeks of training and speed through pickpocketing came in handy. She made it over to her brother and the two ran off, towards their secret route to the pier where the next cargo ship they'll board will be. However, they didn't notice the man following after them.
The two teens (well one was fourteen and the other twelve) waited behind a wall to make sure the coast was clear. When no more personell came off the ship or were there to witness them getting on board, the two shared a look. They nodded and got into a running start. Unfortunately, they only made a step before they were grabbed by their collars and bonked their heads together.
"You two knuckleheads are coming with me." the man told them.
The two were dragged aboard a pirate ship. Abd the two of them sighed. Phew! The good guys. They were tied on the top deck by other members of the crew while the man left them. After who knows how long, they were lead to a room where they were faced with the Dread Pirate Roberts, a pirate that had become practically inmortal. Practically.
"Hello, children. Welcome aboard my ship. You're my new guinea pigs." The man took off his mask to reveal the man from before.
"WHAT?!?!" The Straw Hats chorused.
"WHAT?! You were on Dread Pirste Roberts ship? How did you survive? He never lets hostages survive? How did you become captain?" Nami asked.
"And how did you become so beautiful?" asked Sanji.
To which Sanji immediately hunched over the table, clutching his stomach. I sent Aiden a knowing look. He just stood there like the innocent jellybean he knew he wasn't. I noticed how Zoro raised an eyebrow at that while everyone else left that unnoticed.
"To be fair, eight of my crew members are apart of the Dread Pirate Roberts Crew. Hakoda, Sarabe, Fumikage, Hera, Eustace, George, Winifred, and Uric. They take on their duties here as they did on their former captain's ship." I explained.
"Surely Dread Pirate Roberts didn't just give you his men!" Usopp said.
"He did." I stated, proud about that fact.
My body language, hands on hips and chest puffed out and nostrills flaring, told them I was proud. But deep down I didn't like how we got here.
"Can I please continue with my story? It reveals everything you need to know." The Straw Hats nodded. "Okay, so the Immortal Dread Pirate Roberts made us apart of his pirate crew. And to tell you the truth, the Dread Pirate Roberts was not the actual Dread Pirate Roberts. It's not the person that was seemingly immortal. Instead, it was the name itself. The first Roberts died of Malaria, and the first mate took the reins from there, becoming Roberts to not create a fight with the other crew members, but also doing his first mate duties also. And for over three hundred years, the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts went through the ranks as captain traded it over to first mate. Normally, the role would switch over when 'Roberts' died or retired. This Dread Pirate Roberts was a pirate with a family, a wife, two daughters, and a newborn son. He was only still there to make sure his family were able to be comfortable. The man trained us, me and my brother, in firearms and swordplay. Before long, he started treating us like family and he became the father we never had. And when I ate the Ankoku-Hikari-Seiryoku no Mi, he helped me control my powers. But eventually, he told us, my brother, me and his first mate, that he had acquired financial stability for him and his family and would be giving his first mate, Charli, the title and half of the crew. The other half would go to me and my brother. When the time came, he left the ship on his island and we went on our own merry way. It had been decided between the three of us that after Aiden and I got some more training and experience, we would leave the ship with hslf of the crew. Unfortunately, our ship hit disaster in what we would come to realize was a Category 4 Hurricane."
The girl woke up from her slumber to look around her. The ship had shipwrecked onto an island while the other members laid around, dead, unconscious, or disoriented. [Y/N] saw Charli laying on the sand, gazing at the sky. Lifeless. She let out a scream and ran to him. She felt for a pulse and couldn't find one. Why couldn't she find one? Death. He had died. Died in the shipwreck. After a while, it was revealed that only eleven made it out. The rest were dead. Their dead friends and family.
Before long, darkness encased them. And a fire was lit, the flames dancing in the night. [Y/N] left not noticing that someone was following her. Until she felt a blade pierce her side and she letbput a scream. She turned around snd kicked the person in the gut, clutching her side with her hand to stop the bleeding. She looked up to see...
"Riker?" She asked, staring at the middle-aged navigator.
"How are you still alive?" he asked. Huh? "How did you survive that storm? I could have been captain! I could have commanded the crew if you and Charli were put of the way!"
"Why not Aiden?"
"No one would follow him. Even if he is older out of the two of you. You were the one in the way. So how did you survive when I made sure the storm would have wiped the both of you out?"
It was like a glass had shattered atound them as the realization hit her. He didn't it on purpose. Riker, the ship's navigator, purposefully drove the ship into the storm. To get a clean get away to get a ship. And before he lunged again, a staff hit his calf and he fell to the ground in pain.
"That's for attacking, my baby sister." Aiden glared at him.
"We contemplated what to do with Riker. The others wanted me to kill him. For murdering countless of their crewmembers. I couldn't do it. Instead, when we left aboard a lifeboat, we left him alone in isolation aboard the deserted island. I ended up as the unspoken captain of the ship." I explained.
"That doesn't explain why you're called the Moulin Trickshot." Nami told me.
"The pirate's name was Moulin." I explained. "And I can make bullets take a weird course toward their target."
"She's not going to demonstrate!" Dean said.
Then, Shazam perked up and looked at the sky. "What is it?"
"The sky. There's a hurricane coming." Shazam explained.
"How can you tell?" asked Robin.
"I heard a fish say it." Shazam explained.
"How bad is it?" asked Hakoda.
"The fish said it was of the sunken ship strength." Shazam explained.
"And how far away is it?" asked Usopp.
"A day. Give or take." Shazam explained.
"But we're two days away from our next island." Nami looked at her log pose.
"Well, don't worry. Hakoda and Sarabe can get you to the Belmera Island. It's called the shielded island. A Log Pose wouldn't be able to latch onto it." I explained.
"Why not?" asked Sanji.
"It's not actually a land mass. It's called-."
"A living island." Robin explained. "It's not a form of landmass. It's an actual creature. How were you able to find it?"
"That's where Moulin lives with his wife, his three daughters, and his two sons." I explained. "So, do you want to accompany us to shelter before there's nothing left of the Thousand Sunny?"
The Straw Hats looked towards Luffy who slurped up some noodles in pure comedic fashion. "Where too, Captain Moulin?"
WC: 1,786
I tried to set this backstory chapter up like some anime's backstory episodes. You get a little scene with a voiceover ahead. That's why it's split between italics and normal text. I sure hope it wasn't confusing.
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