"At last you decided to show up , That's a big surprise" said Haider sarcastically , It did hurt Areeka . Whatever it may be but it would be a lie telling that Areeka didn't have a soft corner for Haider. She couldn't meet her eyes with his eyes, she looked down
"What happened Areeka , You didn't come here for nearly a week , Is everything fine with you?" asked Haider with a cold expression on his face which she felt like was stabbing her . She was speechless , She couldn't say that she needed a break to get over him.
"My Mom's friend was over so both families were hanging out together and I wasn't feeling well for a while too" said Areeka and Haider had a questioning look on his face but it turned into a cold expression in seconds, Areeka felt a knot in her stomach seeing him like that.
"That's great that you had fun when you didn't come , you didn't ask but I was feeling awful and heartbroken , but you don't care so why should I care anymore" said Haider with a cold broken numb expression in his face which was slowly breaking her.
"Haider please don't say like that , It hurts" said Areeka in breaking voice and he rolled his eyes
"I'm hurting and you don't care so tell me why should I care about you hurting , It's give and take not Give , Give and give" said Haider in a cold voice and Areeka felt like crying .
She remembered what he said during the first few weeks , She would say that she doesn't need any of the grand things he would do and he would say "Love is all about Give, Give and Give , I'm giving it the person I love" . His words hurt her bad.
"You're right , I hurt you and you don't owe me anything to not to hurt me , I'm your Criminal and that's fine" said Areeka with a tearing up voice , She saw pain in his eyes and disappeared soon too , He concealed his feelings in front of her.
"I'm Sorry for hurting you and giving you all this pain , I hope from my heart that one day you'll forgive me for giving you pain when you gave me love" said Areeka with a breaking voice in the verge of crying , Her teary eyes met His cold eyes.
"I'm Sorry for everything Haider , Please forgive me one day and I hope that day comes soon , I need to attend classes so I'm going to go" said Areeka , She wanted a good cry but she didn't want him to see her tears , She was the one who broke off.
Areeka walked away but she was stopped . Haider held her wrist so she couldn't walk away , His grip was hard making it harder . She looked at her hand and turned towards him with questioning eyes. He pulled her towards him , Both of their faces were close.
"Areeka Mark my words , I'll Never forgive you for all the pain you caused me" said Haider and she could feel his warm breath on her face . He left her all of a sudden , She took a few steps back to gain balance.
She turned and walked away to nearest Washroom. Tears were falling from her face , She wiped her tears and washed her face. She took her phone and put a voicemail to Tehreem about what all happened . Her voice was breaking in the voicemail just like her heart was seeing him like that.
"Be strong Reeka" Tehreem Texted Back , Areeka wiped her face and walked out with confidence. A lot of eyes were on her because the news of their breakup spread around the school like some wildfire . Areeka reached her class to see her best friend and sat next to her.
"Areeka , Is it true?" asked her friend
"Neha , It hurts , I know I was the onw who broke up with him but it just hurts so much and seeing his Cold attitude , It just hurts more when he acts like this with me , his words hurt bad" said Areeka
She started Explaining what happened and how she came to the decision of the break up to Neha. Neha heard all of her narrations with concentration and surprise . Haider was walking to his class and heard Areeka's voice , He heard her saying his name. He stood near the window to hear her.
"So you are telling me that you asked Tehreem hypothetically of what to do" Asked Neha and Areeka hummed a yes , Haider stood there Dumbfound.
"She advice that its better To break up and you did , So her advice was all it took to do this" asked Neha
Areeka hummed a yes , Haider couldn't hear another word anymore , He walked away from there. Haider was Cursing Tehreem in his mind , He always thought her as a sweet bookworm girl but he didn't expect her to ruin his heart this much.
"I had my mind on break up before itself but her advice just gave me strength to go forward with it , She understood what I said and where it was coming from , She trusted me and helped me go through everything, I didn't think Haider would be this hurtful and bitter, I'm hurting too" said Areeka
Areeka avoided everything and just wanted to reach home. She reached her home and was walking towards the staircase when she heard her mother calling out to her . She came down the stairs and walking towards her mother.
"Don't take this in the wrong way and you need to understand that we love you and want you close to us as much possible for us but that's not possible, Ashar has some problems with leave so we are thinking to do the engagement in a week , only if you have no problem with us doing that" said Nusrat
"I don't have any problem Mom" said Areeka......
So the story moves forward
I can't now bring phone to school🤧🤧 i usually update while coming home in bus which isn't possible now
Curse my principal all you want... Everybody hates him at this point
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