warning: violence, robot death, character death and blood, lots of it
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city of angels
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THE HAZE OF dust and smoke clouded Diana's vision and mind as she aimlessly wandered, helping people up if they fell, blasting at robots as she saw them arrive. It was like time stood still for a moment as the altitude increased more and more by the second. The crumbling of stone and mortar all around her made her heart race as she dived out of the way of a building that was already on its last leg.
"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability." Ultron's booming voice flooded her ears, making her gut twist with dread as she stood on the shaky ground, "You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
Diana eventually made her way to where Steve was. Panic rose in her chest like the bile that desperately wanted to escape. She hated this.
When she made it to the entrance of the bridge, she watched Steve get picked up and thrown over her head, crashing straight into the windshield of an abandoned car. Diana ran for him, standing on the tire of the front passenger side. She didn't hesitate to grab his hand and try to pull him up.
"Cap, you got incoming," Tony spoke in the comm, and Diana understood Steve's sass instantly.
"Incoming already came in." Steve grunted, an explosion in a nearby building startling the both of them, "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."
Diana snorted and patted his shoulder before the both of them ran off towards a crowd of robots that terrorized a group of civilians. The two worked in tandem as the robots dropped like flies due to their effectiveness.
They eventually had to split when screaming from the bridge alerted Steve and Diana. He turned to run for the bridge, Diana jumping in the way of the robots to keep the attention on her. Blast after blast, she got good at headshots.
When Thor and Steve managed to get three people who fell off the bridge back up to the semi-safe ground. Diana was still in the thick of the fight, metal bits flying as her arms shook in pain. This was the most she's ever used her powers, and up until now, she thought she had an endless supply.
Diana was wrong. But she still pushed.
She couldn't afford to run out of her energy so she forced herself to have more. And it seemed to work for her as she continued to eliminate the robots around her. There was one that was too close, she was back to a corner made by two cars that crashed bumpers into the perfect 90-degree angle.
Anytime she brought her arm up, it would be blocked, any hit with a spear or her favorite pipe would be defended. Did Ultron analyze her fighting style? Who was this robot so good at hand-to-hand combat?
"Renfrey!" Steve's voice yelled out over her grunts and in her peripherals, she saw the shield heading her way. In one last attempt to back up the robot, she kicked the robot back.
This gave her the chance to catch the shield, she watched as her energy crackled around the vibranium, and with wide eyes, she realized she had the perfect weapon. She launched forward, shield first, and watched as it collided against the robot, the metal of the mini Ultron exploded into smaller parts, wires and plates flying, her energy still crackling away.
The stuttered gasp that came from Diana left her heart skipping beats and she looked over at Steve who quickly approached her with a light jog. He looked at the aftermath of her attack with bewilderment.
"Did you know you could do that?" Steve asked, the lull in the attacks shocked Diana, surely the kill would have pissed off Ultron.
"No." she shook her head, retracting the energy from the shield so she wouldn't blow up Steve when she tried returning it.
They had to shake the image out of their mind and continue to fight. A blur of a black suit riding on the top of a low flying robot made Diana's heart skip yet another beat. The distance roar of Bruce as the Hulk filled her ears and Diana knew who was in front of her.
Natasha's red hair bounced as she landed on the ground as the robot flew into a concrete wall and slumped to the ground, unmoving.
"Miss me?" The woman asked and Diana ran for her.
"With every second you were gone," Diana replied, the two joining together at the arm.
"Tony upgraded you," Nat pointed out.
Diana nodded as she looked around, blasting at a robot that flew overhead, watching as it crumbled to the ground.
"It was about time."
"Nice reunion ladies but you have another round incoming on your right," Tony spoke up.
Diana and Natasha spun to have their sides touch, Diana held up her spear, feeling the glow of her energy grow as her gauntlets got brighter. Natasha held up her batons that served as loud tasers, awesome. These robots didn't stand a chance.
Thor seemed to be the best at getting the robots down. Of course, he would, he was a god. After taking out twenty or so in the sky, one seemed to plummet down to a gas truck, causing an explosion that took out even more of the robots. Diana let out a small cheer as she continued to tear into more robots, she threw another charged pipe at a robot, sending a blast at the pipe, making it go faster, the pipe tore through three robots in a row, making Diana smirk as she ran after it, jumping over robots.
It was one after another, Diana wasn't sure how much longer she could take this, her adrenaline was through the roof, but it wouldn't last forever.
"Alright, we're all clear here," Clint's voice in the comm couldn't make things any worse as Diana pushed a robot into Steve's path as she fought one that tried to sneak upon him.
Her pipe was gone, she doesn't remember which robot it landed in, they all look the same when they're strewn pieces on the ground. Diana picked up a piece of a dead robot, the jagged edge now crackling with yellow, Diana shoved it into the neck of the robot, decapitating and decommissioning it.
"We are not clear!" Steve yelled out from behind her, throwing his shield at the robot Diana shoved in front of him, "We are very not clear!"
"Alright, headed to you!" Clint replied.
It wasn't even a minute later when Diana found herself next to Wanda and Pietro the nearby police stopped their gunfire, the combination of Diana and Wanda's blasts together as they hit the robots was enough to vaporize them. A gunshot sounded off and Diana looked over at Wanda, she was fine, but when she looked at Pietro she could see the cut on his arm from where a bullet grazed him. He was looking over at the line of policemen with their guns, his back to Diana and Wanda but she could already tell what his expression looked like.
The robots stopped coming, Diana knew there had to be more but it seemed that Ultron realized his plan wasn't working. Though Diana didn't like the idea of Ultron formulating a new plan, she did appreciate the time it gave to get the rest of the civilians to a relatively safe spot.
After Diana helped the twins with the last of the groups, she rejoined Steve and Natasha. They were finally clearing the clouds, the air was getting colder and thinner as they got higher. If they fell now, billions would be dead, who knows what other effects may happen to the earth after that.
"The next wave's gonna hit any minute." Steve spoke, his hand at his ear as he tried focusing on the conversation over all the noise of the civilians, "What have you got, Stark?"
"Well, nothing great, maybe a way to blow up the city." Tony's words made Diana's heart sink as she looked out at the blue sky, the clouds floating below them, the non-disturbed view was beautiful despite the death sentence she just received, "That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."
"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve refused, Diana wished she had that sense of optimistic stubbornness.
"Impact radius is getting bigger every second." Tony replied, "We're going to have to make a choice."
"Cap, these people are going nowhere." Natasha spoke up from the other side of Steve, "If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..."
"Not 'til everyone's safe." Diana couldn't find words her heart ached, she would never be able to leave Sokovia without a sense of guilt, but as she realized, there was no plausible way to get home, the only way would be a free fall after the city gets vaporized and crumbles into the water that filled in the hole the city left below.
As Diana looked around, all she could do was accept the fact, and prepare herself to hopefully see Judith sooner than expected, if that's even in the cards for her.
"Everyone up here versus everyone down there?" Natasha asked, "There's no math there."
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Steve's tone was him trying to be final, Diana recognized it after hearing it so many times before.
'I didn't say we should leave." Natasha spoke, pulling Diana and Steve's attention to the redhead. She had the same thought process as Diana, "There are worse ways to go, where else am I gonna get a view like this?"
"Glad you like the view, Romanoff." Nick Fury's voice interrupted the conversation along with Diana's thoughts, hope-filled her chest, a wave of yellow energy rolled over Diana as she looked out at the horizon of the sky, "It's about to get better." -the Helicarrier showed up; the sun glinting off the windows is a fantastic display of saving grace- "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve's voice was elated, but that didn't stop the gasp that left Diana's voice, all she could think about was the money that he would be putting in the swear jar when they got home.
"Oooh!" Fury whistled, "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing," Maria spoke into the comm, it seems that everyone was on the same channel now, which was fine for Diana, they'll have updates about the city that Diana is going to want to hear.
"Lifeboats secure to deploy." Another voice spoke up, it was male and unfamiliar, but Diana knew he was SHIELD, "Disengage in three, two... take 'em out."
Diana jogged over to the edge of the rock, watching as lifeboats flew toward them, Pietro was by her side now, closer to the edge of the bridge this time. He watched in amazement as the boats got closer.
"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked, glancing over at Diana with an elated look on his face. She patted his shoulder with her empty hand, making sure that it wasn't covered in her energy before she did so; she didn't want to send Pietro over the edge of the rock.
"It's what it should've been," Diana replied.
"This is not so bad." Pietros content voice was refreshing in the situation they were in. The lifeboats were mounted onto the ground, securing themselves before opening their doors and pushing out a ramp so everyone could get on.
Diana turned around to face Steve, giving him a thumbs up over the rubble, the boats were ready to be boarded.
"Let's load 'em up." Steve's voice crackled into the comm, and soon after he said that, waves of people came in, Pietro zipped around, helping the elderly get in. Diana stuck to the people that approached, directing them to the open spaces in the boat.
They filled up fast, and the commotion that the lifeboats and the helicarriers made was brought to the attention of Ultron as some of the flying robots flanked the helicarrier. Diana aimed her fist and tried sending a blast but she couldn't get a clear shot, the robots were too fast. SHIELD would have to deal with them, and after witnessing the destruction they could cause from inside one, Diana knew that the helicarrier would be prepared from some robots.
It wasn't long before Rhodey, armed to the teeth within the War Machine armor appeared, destroying the robots with bullets. The familiar red and gold suit of Tony flew overhead, assisting Rhodey with the bogeys.
"Yes!" Rhodey whooped, "Now this is gonna be a good story."
"Yep. If you live to tell it." Tony replied.
More robots were crawling the rock, causing issues for the civilians trying to load the boats. Diana moved away from the people, pulling the attention away from them. Pietro was by her side, occasionally throwing a robot at her as he rushed through the mess of them. A blur of blue is what she saw for the most part but sometimes the silver of his hair peeked through.
"You think I can't hold my own?" Rhodey asked. The distinct sounds of robots being blasted at filled the background noise as she went further into the city, soon close enough to the temple where the base of Ultron's plan was.
"We get through this, I'll hold your own," Tony replied. Diana made a face at his words, blasting at more robots as Pietro whizzed by, soon clearing out the rest of the robots from the temple. The whirring of the machine pulled Diana's attention to the ground.
"You had to make it weird," Rhodey replied, voicing Diana's thoughts
"Number six boat is topped and locked." The SHIELD agent from before spoke, "Or, uh, or stocked, topped. It... it's, uh, full of people."
Diana snorted as she looked over at Petro, he had a similar look on his face to hers at the agent's words. The two began to head back to the edge where more groups of people evacuated.
"Does Sokovia have a Starbucks?" Diana asked as she and Pietro directed more people to the evacuation area.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows as he guided an elderly man onto the boat.
"That's the coffee corporation right?" He asked, nodding to someone who thanked them in their native language.
"Yeah, they have tea and stuff too," She answered, patting the side of another boat as it reached its max occupancy, the doors closing and the ramp retreating before flying off.
"Yeah, we don't have those, the country is too small," Pietro spoke, answering her original question.
"Well, I guess I'll have to pop your Starbucks cherry when this is done, if you want to return to America with us, if that is," Diana smirked, making Pietro cough on air as she walked off, directing another group to a different boat as it landed.
"Thor, I got a plan!" Tony's words cut through Diana's thoughts and her adopted emergency routine.
"We're out of time." Thor replied, "They're coming for the core."
Diana's heart dropped, after the last person she boarded was settled, she ran for the temple that the machine was in. it was in her field of view but suddenly she was there and Pietro was at her side. He gave her a wink before running off, Diana stayed with the Vision and Thor as they fended off the robots.
Ultron wasn't allowed within the structure and she was going to make sure of it.
"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier," Tony instructed.
Diana picked up a piece of rubble and threw it at an Ultron, running at it after and jumped kicking the robot out of the temple before blasting its head off.
"On it," Rhodey replied.
"Avengers, time to work for a living," Tony spoke up.
"Right because we were on vacation before," Diana rolled her eyes, dodging the blast of another robot, sending two blasts after that one, hate surged through her as she got glimpses of the city around her.
She would blast at a robot and watch it join the rubble that he created. It made her angry. Sokovia was beautiful, and soon it'll be a pile of rocks. Steve had jumped through a window, a robot in his clutches as it exploded into pieces against the ground when he landed. He sent Diana a nod when he got back to his feet. Tony was by Diana's side, covering her as she caught her breath.
She felt like she could sleep for a month after this. Her arms shook as she raised them, they ached with every movement. But she still had to push on. The next wave of Ultrons passed and soon, everyone had a minute to breathe. Wanda and Clint joined them, Pietro and Wanda checked up on each other when she arrived.
Diana walked over to Clint. Her legs felt like jelly as she took every step and her back twitched as she looked around, her whole body felt like it could shut down at any moment, the only thing that kept her upright was the desire to get home and see Charle Jr again.
"They still glowing?" She asked, talking about her eyes.
"Yeah, I don't know why Ultron doesn't turn tail at the sight of them, it's scary, to be honest," Clint smirked at her question, making her chuckle as she shrugged.
"We'll make him regret it," She said, looking down at his bow and arrow, notched and ready to be drawn. She got an Idea and noticed as a robot flew by, "Aim at that Ultron for me, please."
He complied and Diana reached out, touching the arrow, she made sure the tip crackled with energy, she smirked. Clint seemed to get the hint because when she pulled her hand back, he loosed the arrow and the two watched as the robot blew up upon impact.
"Awesome." They spoke in unison, making Diana chuckle.
"Will you teach me that?" She asked, making him send a look as they got closer to the machine.
"Then what good would I be?" He asked, making Diana snort.
"I guess you're right." She smirked, an airy laugh escaped her lungs when an offended look flashed on his face at her agreement.
"Romanoff," Tony asked, looking around, everyone was here except for the redhead and the Hulk, "You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini."
Diana cringed at Tony's words and sent a light warning blast at his head, watching the energy roll over his helmet, unaffecting on the suit, she could hear his giggles through the comm.
"Relax, Shell-head, not all of us can fly." Diana watched as Natasha arrived on a bulldozer, slowing to a stop and joining the rest of the team as they psyched themselves up for another fight the redhead found herself on the other side of Tony, "What's the drill?"
"This is the drill." Tony pointed to the device behind them, "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."
The Hulk crashed down on a pair of robots, one punch and the third shattered into pieces on the ground. When the Hulk moved, the view behind him made Diana's heart drop. It was like the mention of his name summoned him. He was hovering in the air, his robotic face was contorted to resemble a smug look. How could an overrated toaster do that?
"Is that the best you can do?" Thor taunted, he was still jittery, itching for another fight.
And it seemed his words brought just that. More and more robots appeared, running up to form a wall, a few fliers overhead to complete the picture of a sea of silver that blocked everything else. Diana's stomach twisted at the sight, she was ready to puke. Her body began to hurt just by looking at what she had to do, the mind-splitting headache did her no favors either.
"You had to ask." Steve's sarcastic tone cut through the tension that Diana felt, she looked around at her teammates, they were seriously outnumbered, but she knew that she would only stop fighting when they were all gone, or when she was dead.
And with the knowledge of the lifeboats waiting for her, she didn't plan on dying today.
"This is the best I can do; this is exactly what I wanted." Ultron smugly spoke, a flash of anger ran through Diana, her energy crackling over her at a louder volume, "All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Well, like the old man said." Tony spoke, making Diana look over at him, a small smile creeping up her face, "Together."
The Hulk roared, challenging the robot army, Diana's ears rattled at the proximity of the load display.
Ultron didn't like that. Diana could tell by the many robots that tried to kill her to get to the machine behind her. The anger that the robot felt somehow was only fuel to Diana's fire because she was angry too. She was angry at Ultron. She was angry at the fact that she wasn't home to see Judith in her last moments, she was angry at all the actions that were taken to lead her here. She didn't want to be on a floating rock that threatened to wipe out all human life. Diana was angry and it all pushed her to send one more blast, to hit one more robot with a pipe that she made from the arm of a fallen robot.
They were doing it, one after another, more fell at the hands of the Avengers, a blue of blue would occasionally flash before her eyes, showing Diana that Pietro was running in circles, thinning out the herd. He was going to have to eat a lot of calories to make up for the ones he's burned in the last twelve hours. She would have to join him after a long nap.
Another round of robots pulled her attention as she pulled her spear from her back, she sent out a series of blasts managing to hit their heads every time, more and more robots falling. Sweat seemed to pour from Diana's scalp and through every crevice of her body, her ponytail was loose, stray hairs flying off in all different directions and with a spin of her head, the ends of it stuck to her cheek and neck. Normally if this was a training session with Steve or Natasha, Diana would be pausing to gag at the feeling as she moved the hairs, but she didn't get the luxury now. Stopping meant dying and Diana was physically fighting her body from stopping, her shaking arms and wobbly legs were forced to hold her up as she continued her fight.
There were fewer and fewer robots, and it was getting harder and harder for Diana to fight.
Ultron finally flew in, picking his fight with Vision, that thing would never get tired. Diana caught glimpses now and then until she saw a streak of yellow, similar to the energy blasts pushing Ultron out of the structure and onto the ground, Thor and Tony joined Vision outside, each sending out beams of electricity and arc reactor energy respectively to their abilities. Diana continued to go after the stray robots that insisted on trying to get to the machine that whirred on behind her, taking them higher and higher.
The energy beams ate away at Ultron's body, destroying the vibranium. He seemed to give up on pushing back against the rays of energy, Diana watched as he fell to his knees, the other robots paused, it seemed that Ultron needed to use all the energy he could to push back with his main body.
"You know, with the benefit of hin-" Ultron didn't get to finish his sentence before the Hulk came in and gave an uppercut so intense that he went flying.
The green east looked at the last group of robots. They turned around and flew off, now trying to escape from the fight that he epically lost.
"They'll try to leave the city," Thor spoke. Diana wanted to do something but she couldn't fly.
"We can't let 'em, not even one." Tony's voice dripped with panic, "Rhodey!"
"I'm on it." Rhodey replied, "Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave. War Machine, comin' at you, right-" he paused, "-Okay, what?"
"We gotta move out." Steve spoke up, ignoring Rhodey's not-so-inner monologue, "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."
"What about the core?" Clint asked, there was a lull, Diana looked around, she was preparing herself to volunteer, but someone beat her to it.
"I'll protect it." Wanda spoke up, Diana looked at the brunette in surprise, she was met with a determined look on Wanda's face, "It's my job."
Diana raised her hand for Wanda who returned the high five.
"I'll see you in a bit," Diana spoke up, glancing over at Pietro, she winked at the silver-haired man before jogging off to catch up with Natasha and Clint who found a convertible.
Diana vaulted herself over the side of the car as Clint and Natasha got into the driver's and passenger's seats. Diana initially groaned at the impact, her muscles tensing up at the strain. But soon the cushion of the seat allowed Diana to relax and lean back in the seat. She felt the pulsing throb of her body as the adrenaline began to try and wear off. The pain only got worse as the car started up and Clint began to drive.
The cool air blowing on Diana's face was welcomed as she reached up and tightened her ponytail, more air blowing against her neck and cooling her down even more. The breeze almost made up for the way Clint jerked the car around, avoiding the other cars that blocked the road.
"I know what I need to do." Clint spoke up, making Diana's eyebrows furrow as she looked over at the man driving, "The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice workspace for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you think?"
"You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway." Natasha shrugged. Diana smiled at the casual conversation, she missed having one like that, it had been days since she was able to even hear a conversation that wasn't about Ultron or robots.
"No one eats in a dining room." Clint scoffed, the ride ended as the car stopped, a lifeboat around fifty feet away. It was fifty more steps than Diana wanted to take. She wondered if someone would carry her if she pretended to be asleep, "We don't have a lot of time."
"So get your asses on a boat." Natasha smiled, getting out of the car to go get Bruce calmed down.
Clint and Diana got out of the car making a light jog for the boat.
"So I'll be able to visit when the dining room is done?" Diana smiled at her joking words, making Clint chuckle.
"You already know where I live now so why not," Clint replied.
Diana opened her mouth to say something but a woman stopped her before she could. She was sat on the ground, wrapped in a wool blanket, face smeared with dirt and hair coated in dust, Diana figured she probably looked the same with slick streaks from her sweat to add to the gleam.
"Costel?" The woman called out, "We were in the market. Costel!"
Clint looked over at Diana, who was fighting the urge to sigh.
"You know where the market is?" Clint asked.
"Yeah," Diana finally sighed, unable to hold it in.
"Lead the way," He spoke, gesturing a hand out for her,
The two began to job off and over the wavering image that the fire brought, was a little boy struggling to get to ground level. Diana recognized him. She had seen the boy a time or two before she was captured so many months ago. Thinking back on it felt like a lifetime ago, all she knows is the powers the mind stone gave her and the blonde hair as a permanent reminder,
The two got to Costel, Diana stuck her hands out and grabbed ahold of the boy, clint grabbed his upper arm and with one big pull, Costel was up. He tried standing on his own but Diana saw the swollen ankle and knew that he would have to be carried. Clint saw it two, holding the boy close to his chest. The two had just cleared past a car when the sound of turrets went off. And it was like time slowed.
Diana looked over at the incoming quinjet, bullets spraying down, ready to mow everything in its path. There wasn't enough time. Diana felt her yellow energy surround her and she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing herself, ready to try and take the bullets, but when they came, so did a blur of blue. She felt a warm spray against her face and neck, making her flinch. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion at the sensation.
The bullets missed, and when Diana opened her eyes, Pietro stood before her, gaping holes littered his body, and red splotches spread along with his shirt and leg.
"You didn't see that coming," His voice was weak but his smile was still genuine.
"No," Diana uttered out, disbelief rattled her brain. Pietros body fell to the ground, "No!"
Diana crumpled to her knees, her shaking heads crackling with energy that seemed to roll over her in waves. She felt her connection to Pietro severed. Diana didn't realize she was screaming until her throat tightened with the burn.
"Get up!" She yelled, grabbed him by the arm and shoulder, and flipped his body over, "Come on Pete, get up!"
"Renfrey," Steve's voice echoed in her ears and she looked up to see her friend staring down at her with a look of sympathy, "Come on."
"I'm not leaving him here," Diana's voice cracked, her eyes watering as she leaned over and dug her around under his armpits, heaving him up, and crying out as she did, her body aching as the weight of him was fully on her, still, she held him up. She wasn't going to leave him on this rock to be blown up, he deserved a funeral, Wanda deserved to be able to bury her brother properly. Wanda.
Diana looked over at the temple to see Wanda faintly screaming on her knees as a wave of red energy flowed out, vaporizing the robots that surrounded her. A wave of hurt flowed through Diana as she dragged Pietro along. Steve seemed to see that and helped, picking up Pietro's legs. The two gently turned him over in their arms. His body was still warm and it was getting harder to hold him up as his blood made her arms go slack.
The two carried him along, Diana didn't notice that her yellow energy retreated from her arms until they made it to the lifeboat. Costel was set on the ground to where he ran to his mother or sister. Diana couldn't tell what the relationship was with them, she looked so young.
Steve set Pietro's legs down, but Diana had a better grip this time, she was able to slowly drag Pietro as Steve went to help the few stragglers that were limping to get on.
"Světluška!" Diana heard a boy call out, she looked in the direction of the voice to see Costel staring at her with a finger pointed at her, "Světluška!"
"He means 'Firefly'," The woman explained, noticing Diana's confused expression.
"Oh," was all Diana could say as she dragged Pietro to the back of the boat.
When she was able to lay his body down. She crumbled to her knees next to him. The yellow accents of her suit were stained red as her yellow glow died down. She couldn't pull her eyes away from his body, not when Clint laid down across the seats on the other side of Pietro. Not when they landed on the helicarrier. Not even when the lifeboat was cleared out.
A familiar pair of pants kneeled by his head and Diana looked up to see the mascara stains from Wanda's tears. She reached a bloody hand out and took Wanda's.
"I'm so sorry."
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5.5k words
did i cry writing pietros death? yes, yes i did. but! diana now has her new, official superhero name!! firefly!
even through she does not have fire powers, nor can she fly, but! she can make her butt glow if she surrounds it with her energy!
I'm so sorry to see pietro go, he truly deserved better and I hope he comes back after the multiverse of madness bc we deserve pietro after all the pain nwh put us through.
thank you all for reading! There's one more chapter before the second intermission and the part two divider! more bonus scenes of Diana and her wacky friends!!!
love you all!
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