─ peter parker ᵃ
STATUS: available [×] taken [ ]
TITLE: Heart and Soul*
LOVE INTEREST(s): Peter Parker
TIMELINE: Post-Infinity War--Your Choice
brittany o'grady as
chance perdomo as
When Thanos finally collected all of the Infinity Stones and snapped, wiping out half of all life on Earth, Elaine Grey was one of the unfortunate souls that died and turned to dust. Her brother was also one of these people and when she woke up in a world that was almost entirely tinged in oranges and yellows, she knew that she had to find her brother.
Of course, that's not the easiest task, but there are Avengers here in this strange world and she manages to get one to help her look for her brother in exchange for helping him look for other Avengers. And that's only the beginning of their troubles in this world.
They get out, of course they do, they always said that someone would find a way to fix it, to bring them back, but Elaine faces a whole new world of problems when she comes back to life and realizes that she is the only one who remembers the five years they spent in the Soul World. But she has a pact to fulfill, whether Peter Parker remembers promising to meet her in Times Square or not.
› so this story honestly entirely came from the fan made idea of everyone going to the "Soul World" and I thought it would be really cool to play around with
› Elaine Grey is the younger sister of Lance Grey and their parents are Elias and Lauren Grey
› the story would start with either Elaine dying and waking up in the Soul World or just the waking up
› despite dusting right next to Lance, he's nowhere to be seen when she kind of comes to and this causes her to majorly panic because she saw it happening to him, too, and she starts shouting for him but obviously she's not the only one yelling and she gets kinda drowned out
› she finally takes in her surroundings and realizes there's an alien next to her. And she knows it's an alien because they've got like blue, green, pink or something coloured skin so it's kind of obvious
› Elaine screams, startled, and the alien screams, startled, and they run away from each other
› she runs for a while before she's out of breath and pauses, catching her breath and leaning on her knees before she starts looking around for Lance again
› it is now that she meets one Doctor Stephen Strange, who is looking for other Avengers and they agree to stick together and help each other find who they were looking for
› they find Bucky, who is also looking for other Avengers and he joins them. In this time, they encounter no one else they recognize but a few aliens that cause Elaine to freak out again and Strange explains to her, and she calms down
› they eventually find Lance, who was with Sam Wilson and Peter Parker
› I imagine that Sam would make some kind of comment about never expecting to be happy to see Bucky, which makes them both laugh
› Lance and Elaine reunite. It's adorable
› after this, she notices a white gazebo. Yes, that one. She approaches it and can somehow sense that it's different, important somehow, since its the only non-living thing around
› Elaine decides that she wants to help the Avengers find each other and figure all of this out since they helped her find her brother
› this is kind of a... "you helped me find the only important person to me that's here so I'm going to do the same for you" ...type of thing
› slowly, more people appear, along with animals and plants, trees, etc.
› everyone and everything there is mostly pacified, like animals aren't trying to kill people and all that. Fights happen, tensions rise, but it always manages to calm down
› with the appearance of things like trees, they can use those as further landmarks and mark them with pieces of clothing or other trinkets or by doing something to the landmark. The ones that are closest are the ones marked with clothing and stuff and people keep watch on those ones so that no one steals the things
› it takes about a week, but they manage to find all the other Avengers and other people close to them (Shuri, MJ, Ned, Hope, etc.)
› Strange is the one who keeps track of time passing, given who he is and everything
› the five years passes but it doesn't necessarily have to feel like five years, time could be slightly warped. But not like super warped like Scott experiencing it all in five hours
› in that time, Peter and Elaine will grow closer and eventually fall in love. She'll also grow closer with the other Avengers, mostly Doc Strange, Bucky and Sam as they're the first ones that she met in the Soul World
› part of what Elaine loves most about Peter is how he is adamant that one day they'll be brought back to life, that "Mr Stark will fix this" so they make a pact to find each other once it happens, to meet in New York
› when Hulk snaps everyone back, they all go back to where they originally were, in Elaine and Lance's place this is their home with their parents, who still live there and this would be the end of part one
› the beginning of part two will take place a little after everyone comes back and had time to adjust back to life outside of the Soul World
› it's during this time that her family realizes that Elaine is remembering things that no one else is. She still remembers the five years away but Lance, who was also a Snap Victim, doesn't remember anything. And anyone else that they talk to doesn't remember either. But Elaine is insistent and her story is too consistent for it to make sense for her to be lying about it or making it all up
› she's also insistent that she has to go to New York, she has to meet up with Peter Parker in Times Square. They made a pact and she has to follow through
› her parents eventually agree on the condition that Lance goes with her so the two siblings make the journey from where they live in Virginia to New York City
› unfortunately, despite their pact and no matter how long they wait or how many times they come back, Peter never shows
› she figures he's either way too busy with the Avengers or his family and just can't get away or the awful option that he doesn't remember her at all
› Elaine goes to the Avengers compound and confronts them with all the information that she knows and the story goes from there
› the only other things I got for you in terms of story is that I'm sure that they'd bring in Doc Strange to inspect her and do all kinds of tests to make sure that she's telling the truth, she really does remember this and it really did happen. Which they eventually do prove, of course
› there's also all the facts that she knows that they told her in the Soul World and for some of them there's no other way that she could know these things except if they told her
› after this, the main story thread will be Peter and Elaine managing to fall in love all over again. Elain, of course, still remembers falling in love with him the first time and Peter doesn't remember her at all, so that's a definite wrinkle
› from here, you can do whatever you want with the story, take it through any movies you like. Please do run it all by me, of course, just so that I know it makes sense and it makes sense for the story as well
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