CH 1
"Where are you taking me, A-Cheng?" Wei Wuxian asked, his eyes squinting from pain yet he was smirking. Jiang Cheng rarely cared for him! Well, Jiang Cheng only cared for him when he was injured. Poor him! Really! His smirk turned into a pout. "You care for me when I'm only injured. You wound me, A-Cheng!"
Wei Wuxian could taste the blood in his mouth. Those fucking bastards really got him this time.
"To the fucking hospital, Wei Wuxian." Jiang Cheng gave him a glare. "The only wound you have now is a fucking stab wound, and it's not from me! You fool dared to be stabbed and called me. It won't be fun seeing you dead," Jiang Cheng scoffed, making Wei Wuxian laugh heartily at his best friend, his partner in crime, quite literally.
Jiang Cheng was basically dragging him to the parking lot. Ahh~ I am too lazy for this. Fucking hell. Being stabbed is not fun.
"I hate hospitals, A-Cheng." Wei Wuxian smiled sloppily. "You know I hate hospitals." He hated needles. Gosh, he hated them so much with passion. He groaned when another wave of pain strongly hit him as he sat in the backseat of the car. He covered his wound with his hand.
Fucking blood.
Okay, he loves blood, just not his own.
"Hospital is the least of your worries. You'd hate your mother getting very worried about you and nagging at you for doing what you do. You don't want me to tell aunt about this, right?" Jiang Cheng revved the car.
Wei Wuxian just glanced at the moving traffic. He was getting dizzy from the blood loss, and the pungent smell of blood filling the car was not helping.
Fucking blood.
"A-Cheng, this car. Clean this right after. I hate the smell of my blood in it." He weakly laughed, slightly grimacing. "Plus, my girls wouldn't like it." He laughed again. "Ahh~ and boys. We'll never know." He coughed.
"Such a playboy," Jiang Cheng grumbled. "I just hope you find an equal and leash you, Wei Wuxian. I really hope."
"Love is not for me, A-Cheng. But if there is a beautiful human, why not? Beautiful enough to reach my standard. I'm choosy, you know." He was spouting nonsense. The dizziness was getting into him.
"I pity that one, then."
Wei Wuxian chuckled, taking offense at Jiang Cheng's statement. "Psh! You underestimate me, A-Cheng. I pity myself! I'm pretty, you know. Pretty face with a large dick. Will there ever be someone for me? Someone who matches me?" He really was a goner. He was nowhere as confident as he was if he were sane.
"Ugggh~" Jiang Cheng groaned. "Stop telling me you have a big dick every single fucking day. I don't need to hear it every day, Wei Wuxian."
"I am just proud, A-Cheng. Just proud."
"Hmp~ You're all talk, Wei Wuxian. We know you're all talk. When was the last time you had sex? Do you even have sex?"
Wei Wuxian's brows furrowed even more. "Yesterday?"
"What is your yesterday?" Jiang Cheng laughed a bit.
"What month and year is today, A-Cheng?" He was really confused. Why were they talking about sex again?
"March 2024, Wei Wuxian. For fuck's sake, I always remind you of the fucking date," Jiang Cheng turned to the right.
"Oh, well, I had sex when I was 17, A-Cheng. It was funny," he laughed wryly. "I can't even locate the hole. Dumbass Wuxian was a phase."
"Dumbass Wuxian isn't just a phase as you still are right now. Then again, you are still a playboy, going around breaking hearts. You ghost them every damn time," Jiang Cheng complained as if he was the one Wei Wuxian ghosted.
The car halted in front of the emergency. "Fuck. I can't blame them if they fall for my charms... A-Cheng, I am getting dizzy."
Soon, dark spots appeared in his vision, his head heavy, and he could vaguely hear Jiang Cheng's annoying voice, the stretcher rolling, and a deep voice trying to calm the fuck out of his best friend.
Psh. I am not dying. I am too young to die. Hell wouldn't even want me.
Plus, I still have to go around and fuck.
When was the last time I fucked somebody again?
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