Chapter Six
James' POV
I wake up to Sirius running around the dorm picking up all of his stuff. "WHERE IS IT!" He shouts in my ear.
"Where is what?" I asking jumping out of bed and grabbing my clothes.
"Marlene's present, I got her something for Christmas, I was gonna ask her out that day with the present, and I can't find it!"
"What does it look like?" Remus asks coming out from the bathroom.
"It's in a little green box, shaped in a rectangle an- FOUND IT!" He shouts holding up a rectangular green box with a white bow wrapped around it.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Well prongsie glad you ask. It's a necklace , she loves cats, and she knows I love dogs, so it has a charm of a dog and a cat."
"Cute, hope she likes it." Remus says as I pass Sirius clapping him on the back heading into the bathroom.
When I get out fully washed and dressed, we all grab our trunks and head out the room.
We walk down the stairs and see the girls about to leave the common room. "OI GIRLIES!" Sirius shouts.
They all turn around and stop to wait for us. When we get down there Marlene smacks Sirius in the head. "You know we have names. It's not just 'Girlies.'"
"Sorry female marauders." He says laughing.
"Oh shut up." Marlene shoots back as we climb out of the common room.
We walk down the stairs and out to the Great Hall. We all grab a quick breakfast and head down to the carriages. Sirius, Peter, Remus and I sit on one side while Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice sit on the other side.
Time skip to when everyone is off of the train because I just want to get to Christmas.
Sirius spots my parents first and we head over to them. "Who did you invite to the party?" My mom asks after she and my dad hug us. "Sirius, Peter, Marlene McKinnion, Dorcas Meadows, Alice Prewit, and Lily Evans."
"Isn't Lily that girl that you like?" My dad asks.
My face turns red as Sirius says, "Oh yeah, because of her James is pulling less and less pranks."
"Wow" my mom says shocked. "I like her already."
"Yeah well, Sirius hasn't had a girl friend since the beginning or August because he likes Marlene." I say earning a glare from the bright red Sirius.
"Well then, I like her too." My mom says laughing.
Sirius groans. "Common lets go home." He then disappears through the barrier.
When we get home Sirius and I head up to our rooms to unpack. The last thing I take out is my gift for Lily. It's a bracelet that she has been wanting for a while now. It has a couple charms, a Lily, a book a doe and a witch hat. I know it'll look amazing on her and I am not gonna give it to her on Christmas. I decided to wait till New Years. I haven't asked her out at all this year, okay maybe once, but I'm hoping that this is gonna be the time she does say yes.
I tuck the bracelet in it's box and put it in my sock drawer. I also got her three books that she hasn't read yet that I am gonna give her on actual Christmas.
Time Skip to when everyone is sitting in the living room.
"Present time!" Sirius shouts running to the tree. He grabs all his presents and sits down in an armchair.
After we all get our presents and are seated I speak up. "Okay so what we should do is everyone opens their present from Remus, then Peter, then me, then Sirius, then Lily, then Alice, then Dorcas, and finally Marlene?"
They all nod in agreement and we start to open the presents.
From Remus I got a broom cleaning kit, from Peter I got new gloves to improve my grip on my broom. From Sirius I got a bunch of chocolate frogs and new goggles cause I cracked my old ones. From Lily I got a thing that muggles call a record player that plays music and is pretty cool. from Alice I got a mini broom that flies around the roomand some hair gel. From Marlene I got a Gryffindor jumper and finally from Dorcas I got some muggle books and some art supplies, and I was pretty happy with it all. I haven't down much painting lately and I love painting.
That night, at 5:00, half an hour before people arrive, I take a quick shower and pull on some pants and a polo shirt. I go down stairs to see that all the guys and Dorcas is ready. The guys are dressed similarly to me, while dorcas is wearing a red dressed that goes to her knees and her hair is in a side braid.
A minuet later Alice Lily and Marlene come down stairs. Alice has on a blue dress that has an open back and ends just above her knees, her hair is straightened. Lily is wearing a green dress that looks tight around her torso but flutters out starting at her hips. Her hair is in a complicated bun. Finally Marlene is wearing a black dress with sequins on the top half and her hair in a complicated twist.
"Who is ready to party!" Marlene says jumping from the last step. Lily laughs at her and walks over to Remus whispering something to him then she goes to ask my mom something. About ten minuets later our door bell rings and in step the Malfoy's. My parents hate them, but the party is for the Ministry and because Mr. Malfoy works their my dad had to invite them.
"Hey, lets head outside." Remus offers. We all nod and head towards the back room. Lily and Marlene sit down on the swings that I probably haven't touched in years, Doracs and Alice sit on a bench right next to the swing set as Sirius remus peter and I climb up to the platform.
"Wish it would snow." Alice says looking up at the sky.
"Same, at least last year we had a lot. Most snow I have ever seen." Remus says.
Lily smiles. "Yeah, me and my muggle friends made like five snowmen, on of them, Danny, started a snowball fight, then we all headed over to his house and made Hot Chocolate. I wish you guys could meet them. You would all probably like Danny, he's really funny. He was pretty upset that I wasn't going to be with them for New Years, but I always spend it with them, so it's you turn."
When she mentioned that Danny kid I felt a twinge of jealousy in my stomach. She might just see him as a friend, but I still got jealous that he got to spend so much time with her and I didn't.
For the rest of the night we talk and joke. Around midnight, the guests start to head home and we trudge inside and up the steps to our separate rooms. As soon as I get into bed I hear Sirius shout "GOOD NIGHT GUYS." and then Dorcas shouts "SHOUT UP ASSHOLE." Then everyone starts laughing. Even though we are all in separate rooms we all hear this and can't stop laughing for a good five minuets. The laughter finally dies down and I lay my head on my pillow falling into a heavy sleep.
11pm on new years eve
I run into my room and grab Lily's bracelet. I stuff it into my pocket breathing out. I'm a bit nervous, to be honest I usually am around Lily. I leave my room and head over Lily's room. I plan on just talking to her for a while, make her laugh. Then around midnight I'm going to ask her. And no I am NOT expecting her to kiss me. That will probably take at least a week.
When I get to her door I am about to knock when I hear voices. Two.
"I just don't know how to tell him." Lily says. Tell who what?
"Come on lily, just tell him." I hear Remus say.
"It's not that easy Re. He doesn't even like me anymore."
"I'm sure he does."
"How would you know?" She has to be talking about that Danny Bloke. I mean, if she was talking about me she would never say I don't like her because I make it pretty obvious.
"I haven't even talked to him to much, it's like I just realized now that I liked him. I can't believe I haven't noticed sooner. But I am afraid to tell him." Now I know she isn't talking about me because she has always hated me up until three months ago. She has to be talking about Danny.
So while Lily and Remus are still talking I tuned them out. I grab the box from my pocket and look at it, turning it over in my hands. I sigh and look away as I drop it on the ground turning and walking back to my room.
I sigh sitting on my bed, head in hands. I lay down, I have a choice. Keep trying to get Lily to date me, or completely give up. Based on what I heard tonight, I've decided to just give up. Nothing has ever happen with us, and nothing ever will. I just have to live with that.
Wow longest update I probably will ever have. I have decided that every Monday around 7:30 to 8:30 I will update. I know today is Sunday, but I will be at Potted Potter tomorrow so I just wanted to make sure I updated.
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