Chapter One
This is starting in their sixth year
Lily's P.O.V
I jump on to the train waving goodbye to my parents. Unsurprisingly my jerk of a sister isn't here. She's at her boyfriends house. Uhg I've only met him once and I already hate him.
But enough about my snotty sister and her no good boyfriend Vermon, I- I mean Vernon, I need to find my friends.
I walk down the train when I see one of my friends, Alice, walking into a compartment. I hurry up to it then open the door. "Lily!" I hear three voices shout and then suddenly I'm knocked onto the floor with three bodies on top of me.
"Ouch" I mumble.
"Oops sorry." I hear Marlene say.
Alice, Marlene, and Dorcas all get off me then I stand up myself.
I hug Alice, a petite mousey brown haired girl, first. Then I hug Marlene, a tall Blonde, and finally Dorcas, a tall brown haired girl.
"I've missed you guys so much!" I smile at them.
"I know! Summer can get boring without you guys" Alice laughs.
"But at least you have Frank" Marlene grins poking her stomach.
Frank is Alice's crush. Marlene and I think that he likes her back but Alice doesn't believe us.
"Shut it Marls!" Alice groans.
We all laugh at that.
"But your summer must be fun to, I mean you live right next door to the Potters, and doesn't Black now live with them?" I ask.
"Yeah, and?" Marls asks.
"Well, they always pull pranks so didn't they pull any on you?" Dorcas says.
Marlene thinks for a bit. "Yeah, they found out about what muggles did and 'egged' our house." She rolls her eyes.
"Eww! I hate it when that happens. Although usually it's Halloween that people do it so I'm not home but I takes forever to clean without magic" I shudder.
"What's egging?" Alice asks.
"It's when you take a couple cartons of eggs and, well throw all the eggs at the house. Did the TP you too?" I explain.
Marlene nods. "Yes"
"That sucks"
"That also doesn't sound fun." Dorcas says.
"It's not" Marlene tells us.
We all laugh again.
"Man I wish I lived near all you guys" Alice says whipping her eyes.
After that I have to leave for the Prefect meeting. But luckily it's the 5th years that have to do patrols on the train I just need my times for rounds. Half of them are done with Remus, and the other half of mine are done with the 6th year Prefect Annie Glug.
When I get back to the compartment I change into my Hogwarts robes with the other girls and then we play a few games of exploding snap before we arrive at Hogwarts. (I have to admit, when I was 8 I thought it said exploding snape😂)
We climb out of the train and go to a cart. We hop in and sit down. Right before the cart starts moving, the door opens, and in comes the marauders. There is only one tailorable marauder, and that's Remus Lupin. He is an average height, brown haired skinny boy. Then there is Peter Pettigrew. Short, fat, and a follower. I don't like him that much, he gives me the feeling to not trust him, he looks like a rat and he seems like a rat. Next Sirius Black. He is cocky arrogant and a player. He dates a girl, next week he dumps her. He has long shaggy black hair and is tall but not that tall he is also a huge prankster. Finally, Blacks partner in crime, James Potter. The most arrogant and cocky guy you will ever meet. He has messy, just got out of bed, raven black hair. He has black glasses and hazel eyes. He's the tallest of the four and is always tying to get me out. But he's no better than black, he's gonna date me kiss me and dump me. Just like black. So when ever he asks my response is always a big fat NO!
"Oh it's your four!" Porter says flashing a smile at all of us.
I scowl at him "Hello Potter, Black, Pettigrew, Remus."
"Aw come on Lilyflower! Aren't the rest of us worthy of our first names!" Black fake pouts.
Marlene rolls her eyes. "Quiet Black."
"Oh come on McKinnon! You know you love me" he says winking at her.
"Barf!" Marls says.
"Quit the flirting" Dorcas laughs.
Marlene glares at her and then we all fall silent. After a while Remus pulls out a book (I'm going to use books from this era) and when I see the title I say. "Merlin Remus! You haven't read The Fault in Our Starts yet!"
He looks up and smiles. "Course I have I'm just re reading it."
"Um what's 'The Fault in Our Stars?'" Alice asks confused.
"It's a muggle book written by one of the bet authors of all time, John Green." I say grinning.
"It's one of my favorites" Remus says.
Alice nods "Maybe I should start reading muggle books, you always make them sound interesting Lils."
"You should!" I exclaim! "I can give you a few"
"That'd be great thanks."
"What's so great about books?" Black pipes up.
"Yeah I mean they are just a bunch of words in paper." Potter says, and Marlene and Dorcas nod in agreement.
I sigh "you guys just don't understand"
"Yeah reading is amazing and you really need to get into it"
"I would but, OH here we are, well gotta go!" Marlene says hopping out of the cart. Alice Dorcas and I jump out after her and run up to the castle.
When we reach Marlene I tell her, while breathing heavily, "come on... Reading isn't.... Bad..."
"Yes, yes it is." She responds
I just roll my eyes.
We go to the Gryffindor table and sit down. The 1st years all walk in and the sorting starts with "Accner Frank, SLYTHERIN." And ended with "Zan Bailey HUFFLEPUFF!"
Dumbledore does his opening speech and then the food appears.
We all dig in and most of the time the hall is silent because it's been a whole summer since we got to have the castles food.
After dinner Dumbledore says the rest of his speech and we all go to bed.
We might not have homework tonight, but tomorrow school starts, and it doesn't matter if it's the first day of school, we will be getting homework. And everyone loves homework! Did you hear my sarcasm?
First chapter done! I'm going to do a question of the chapter so
QOTC: What position does James play in quidittch?
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