Chapter Fourteen
James' P.O.V
For the rest of the school year I managed to ignore Lily, the classes where she was my partner, I asked for a new one, and I got one. I haven't talked to her in months, but I still talk to the other girls.
It hurts, it really does, and after four weeks I was ready to actually talk, but she to started to ignore me. So I figured if she didn't want to talk to me, then I won't talk to her.
I'm now at home, enjoying my summer vacation (yes I know it's a huge time gap but this chapter should be really fun to write) when suddenly Sirius runs into my room and grabs my arm pulling me off of my bed.
"We need to go right now." He states, arms crossed.
"Why?" I groan, rubbing my eyes.
"It's Lily." I jump up.
"What, what happened?"
"Nothing happened to her, but well come on." He grips my elbow and apperates on the spot.
We land in front of Marlenes house. "Sirius what are we doing here?"
"Marls brought Lily here after it happened."
"After what happened!"
"Just, come on."
He pulls into Marlene's house. He leads me over to where everyone is standing. Including Alice, Remus, a nervous looking Peter, Dorcas, a crying Lily leaning on Marlene, and that Zach character.
Remus turns around, sees us and walks towards us. He takes my arm and leads me and Sirius into another room.
"Okay, I'm not a dog guys, I can walk on my own, and why the hell is Lily crying?"
Remus sighs. "her parents, they were murdered by Death Eaters."
"What! When?"
"Yesterday. Lily came home after hanging out with some muggle friends, and she saw the Dark Mark over her house."
"I have to go talk to her."
"James, don't do anything stupid." Sirius says looking me straight in the eyes.
"Trust me, never again."
I dash into the living room, only to see that Lily and Zach are the only ones left. Lily was leaning against Zach, who had his arms around her, running his fingers through her hair.
I march up to them, and tap Lily on the shoulder. She looks up, turning around.
"J-james, what's u-up?"
I sigh, not taking my eyes off of Zach, who, in turn, is also giving me a death glare. "Lils, we need to talk."
She nods, wiggling out of Zach's arms, and leads me out of Marlene's house to the backyard.
"Okay, talk, I'm giving you thirty seconds."
I nod taking a deep breath. "LilyIreallyamverysorryIknowIwasactinglikeanassandIreallyregrettitbutinallhonestyiwasjustreallypissedoffand
"Okay, slow down say that again. Slower."
"Lily I really am very sorry. I know I was acting like an ass and I really regret it, but in all honesty I was just really pissed off and upset about us and I just couldn't take it any more. Then I wanted to talk to you but it seemed like you didn't want to talk to me, so I just stopped talking to you all together. I know I'm an idiot, and totally deserve nothing from you, and this was a really shitty apology." I pause for a second, then, knowing this could ruin everything, I say. "I just didn't know if I could deal with being rejected by the person I love most."
Lily stands there shocked. "You're lying."
I shake my head. "Wish I was, but I've liked you sense second year, and I've loved you sense the middle of fifth Lils."
She looks down at the ground, probably horrified by what I've been saying. "Look, I understand that you most likely don't feel the same way but I just needed to tell you. I wasn't exactly planning on telling you at first. I was going to say how awful it is about your parents, but then I realized that you've probably heard that to many times already. So, that's what came out instead." I start walking back inside, when Lily reaches out, grabs my arm, and pulls me down so that our faces are barely half an inch away.
"Who says I don't feel the same way. Cause, damn are they wrong." And with that she closes the gap, pressing her lips against mine in a slow, sweet kiss.
We pull away after what feels like seconds, but was much longer, when we suddenly here clapping.
I turn my head, arms wrapped around Lily's waist, her head buried in my chest, blushing madly.
"Finally, we have been waiting for this for ages!" Marlene says, as I see Dorcas hand her a few coins, Remus and Peter doing the same with Sirius.
"Hold on, did you make bets on us?" I asked, glaring playfully at them, because at the moment nothing can ruin my good mood.
"Well, obviously, the whole school has bets on you two. Dumbledore will be pretty upset that you guys got together before school started. He said that it was going to happen during the seventh years Christmas ball."
"Hey, who said anything about us being together?" I ask, still grinning, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, well we just figured-"
"Kidding, I'm kidding. Of course we are together now, right Lils."
Lily lifts her head, from it's place on my chest, smiling. "Course, why wouldn't we be?"
I lean down kissing her on the cheek gently.
Alice squeals, and Dorcas laughs. "Zach will probably hate you now."
"What do you mean?" Lily asks.
Alice rolls her eyes. "Come on Lils, don't be daft. Zach has had a crush on you all year."
Lily laughs. "What, me and Zach? He's like a brother to me, I'd never date him. Where is he anyway?"
"Went to the bathroom before we saw you guys. Come on lets head inside."
We all walk inside, me with my arm around Lily, the way I've wanted it to be sense I was twelve.
We walk into the kitchen to the strong smell of tea. "I made a cuppa if anyone wants some. Saw you all talking outside, and I figured you'd all want some tea when you came in." Zach says, not turning around as he pours the last bit of tea into the last mug.
"Mmm, thanks Zach." Lily says reaching for a mug, same time I do.
Once we all got our cups, we head into the living room to sit.
I sit down next to Sirius, who is also next to Remus, on the couch. Dorcas sits in one arm chair, Zach in the other. Marlene and Alice taking the love seat.
"Uhg, where am I suppose to sit, cause I am not sitting on the floor." Lily groans.
"That's what James is for!" Dorcas says, casually sipping her tea.
Lily shrugs, and plops herself into my lap, smiling. "Works for me." I say smirking.
"Shush you." She says laughing. Out of the corner of my eye I see Zach glaring at me from where he sits, as Lily leans in to kiss me, making sure we have both set down our mugs.
"Yuck, get a room you two."
I smirk at Remus. "Don't mind if we do." And with that I grab Lily around the waist and apperate into my bedroom.
Phew, I made another chapter. I feel like it's been years, I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating but when I do decide I'm about to, my computer is either dead, and I'm to lazy to plug it in, it isn't in my room, and I'm to lazy to get it, I'm to lazy in general, or I had a bust day. Usually it's that third one.
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