Never Gonna
Alright, Ashly. I know you are still laughing about my posts from Facebook. I know it must have been the best harmless hacking you have seen in your life. Will you please stop laughing for more then five seconds so I can tell you what happen! STOP IT! I get it! 'You won't give me up' and you 'gonna let me down!' Will you please stop laughing!? I am being serious! I don't care there were remixes and sixteen videos of it on my profile. The remix with the dub step was different . . . Ahh, will you stop laughing? I mean it! I am not goofing around! Yes, yes. Okay the 'Goofy Gober' is one of my favorite songs! ASHLY! ASHLY!! GET IT TOGETHER I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED!
Alright so I went to the library the other day so I could research the project for class. I was taking a break from finding primary sources for the three branches of government. I had been at it for like three hours. I just wanted a short break on Facebook to see Mika had posted anymore photos of her cat. Yes, Ashly, I live in the Dark Ages. I still have a flip phone and no laptop. My parents said I will get a new laptop on my next birthday. Not to mention, I broke my last smartphone when I dropped it in the rain. Yes, I know, Ashly, I can just get a new one when I earn money from my job. It will take me only like seven more weeks. Will you please let me get to the point, Ashly? You haven't even allowed me to get down to the fact now that I have likes on my engagement with Thor or why I suddenly like some 90s sitcoms everywhere.
So, there I was out at the library with my stuff at the computer labs. I had been busy with browsing everything. I had been looking at photos from Mika's page when my mother and Stephen, that brat of a sister, came in like a storm in the library. I apparently forgot to answer my mother about how I was doing and I hadn't gone outside like I agreed to. Yes, Ashly, they do treat me like I am four even if I am seventeen. Will you just listen? So Stephen started running around on a sugar high, because my grandmother had just feed her like a hundred chocolates. Stephen was screaming and running through the library. She was like the worst first grader ever.
I had to abandon my computer and round her up. God, Stephen is the worst! Anyway, I had do it quickly before we got band from the library again. . . I know! Right! It would be like the second time this year!
So, yea. . . I forgot to log out of Facebook when we rushed out of the library. My study partner, Aaron, found the computer and my account. He was a nerd and decided to mess with me. He took my account as you saw and posted all the "Never Give You Up" and "Goof Gober" videos. He then subscribed me to different pages about "The Fresh Prince." I know Ashly that sixteen videos and a bunch of random subscriptions are harmless to you. But I had to clean it all up and not roll my eyes out of my head. Aaron did log me out and text me to change my password. I am glad . . . No, I am not going to date him! I don't care that he was funny to you!
Look Ashly, I was luck it was just Aaron. He has been my friend since middle school. But can you imagine, if some random creeper found it? Okay, now will you stop laughing about how Aaron did his own dance to the darn song!! Ashly!!! He is not cute! You date him then if you like him so such! I made sure to get back him this morning at homeroom. No, I didn't hurt anyone! I just thanked him! Okay, Ashly, I have to go Stephen is trying to eat my brownies for the bake sale. See you later tonight for it! Go Eagles!
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