Never tickle a sleeping dragon
Tyson was sleeping and Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate, Ray Kon and Chief a.k.a Kenny were looking at them when they were asleep.
Chief saw they were going to wake them up and he warned them not to, but before Max went to tickle Tyson, he left the room quick.
'SHIT! NEVER TICKLE A SLEEPING DRAGON!' Chief thought to himself as he was outside with Mr. Dickenson as he explains why he was pale.
They heard three screams and saw Kai, Ray and Max running towards them and grabbed them while still running.
They ran all the way to the beyblade tournament building and ran straight to the beyblade dish as everyone looks at them strange expect for two people and one team.
"WHY DID DRAGOON TRY TO KILL US?!" Both Chief, Mr. Dickenson and the team, White Tiger, were confused to what they mean by the last one.
"What do you three mean?" Chief asked as all three look to him.
"Max went and tickled Tyson and Tyson glared at us like he wants to kill us." Ray started to say before Max spoke up fast with fear in his voice.
"Then out of nowhere he siced Dragoon onto us, but Dragoon showed himself and tried to kill us all!" Kai was quick to hold the boy down before he started to hurt himself.
"We just wanted him to wake up. We didn't expect this sort of reaction. Why did you leave the building?" Kai said as Chief sighs.
"I did the same thing three times along with Grandpa Granger and Mr. Dickenson. 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon' is a memo used on Tyson only.
I know one team tried to wake him up and had the same fear as you three. Not going to say their names." Chief said as they looked at him as the other people, but the White Tiger were starring at them shocked.
Max had just tickled Tyson who growled at them before looking at them making them to back off as Tyson has a look that tells them: He is going to kill them. Tyson's hands came out with his beyblade and launcher.
Tyson released his beyblade and had almost hit Ray's hair as he had almost cut it fully off when he dodged into Kai's chest and Max dodged to the other side.
Dragoon showed himself and glares at them angrily making them to scream as Dragoon tries to kill them with his claws.
Flashback Ends
Kai, Ray and Max were still scared as Tyson could of killed them with his beyblade. Mr. Dickenson and Chief just sighs as they shake their heads.
The White Tiger members looked worried for them as they too were scared and knows something of Tyson that the others, but Chief and Mr. Dickenson knows about.
With the White Tiger
"Should we?"
"No. Leave it. They'll find out on their own."
"Don't like this, Lee-Lee."
"Don't worry, Marianette. It'll be find." Lee Won said to his little sister, Mariah Won as she holds onto his arm with him holding Kevin in his arms and his lap as well while Gary just shakes in his seat.
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