Don't get the dragon furies enough to destroy a forest
Tyson had calmed down and went back to looking after Tala with Julia looking after Bryan who blushes each time she removes a piece of clothing making her to giggle at his cuteness which makes him blush even more.
Tala and Tyson enjoy the show while Mariam and Max were dating, but broke-up since it's not working out for them and now Mariam is dating Spencer making the poor guy to have a hard time making words.
Tala has blackmail on them if they give him a hard time, but Tala looks to Tyson as he is sleeping on his chest making him to wonder why Tyson had falling for him and not someone else.
Grandpa Granger, which he made sure everyone calls him grandpa with no Granger at the end, had told him Tyson and his mother went to Russia one time and Tala himself had taught Tyson a bit making him to fall for him, the second time as when they were in the Black Abby as Kai's grandfather hired Tyson to be friends with him.
Grandpa Granger also told him, Tyson lied to the man to keep Kai's secrets safe and to keep him and his friends: Tala, Spencer, Bryan and Ian safe as well.
The man didn't know they were lies and that Kai wasn't on the road to power and greed making Tala to be shocked.
Grandpa Granger also told him that the love Tyson has for him the third time as he saw Tala grown-up more and once Tyson saw Tala after two years, he just wanted to jump him and hide him from the world.
Tala doesn't know what to say as just a gasping fish as grandpa Granger told him once Tyson turns sixteen, they plan to revel the real Tyson Granger as he needed to be protected until then.
Tala wonders what that was, but two hours after he had falling asleep, Ian had taking a picture of them to frame and grandpa Granger just shakes his head as Tala has his arms around Tyson as he is still asleep on his chest.
Tyson saw everyone was working hard, but when Judy said Tyson should be training and not looking after Tala as he also needs to training, Judy has scars going from small to large with her right arm bone sticking out.
Her left leg bone is also sticking out making everyone to be shocked as Tyson looks murderous. Tyson ran into the forest as Chief sighs as Judy hadn't learned her lessons it seems.
"Tyson really loves Tala, doesn't he Ian?" Ian nods as he shows Chief the picture making him to smile as Tyson and Tala looks peaceful as if the outside world doesn't mender to them at all.
The other cousins saw the pictures and they had to smile at the picture as well as Hilary and Mathilda as Tyson looks happy with Tala.
Max still doesn't understand why Tyson gets so angry and Rick looks to Grandpa Granger who nods and Rick told Max everything making him to have tears coming out of his eyes while saying he wasn't Tyson's friend making Rick to hold the little guy to his chest.
Tala can move, but can't even go far without someone being there to catch him if he falls and Ian with Chief went with him to find Tysonl.
All three saw Tyson has destroyed a good half of the forest around his cottage making Tala to be shocked as he didn't think Tyson can do that all by himself, but he was wrong as another punch had destroyed eighty trees in one go.
Tala walks over to them and pulls Tyson into his chest calming him down and Tyson just hugs Tala back as he needs Tala to keep calm now.
"Let's head back and rest." Tyson nods as Tala, Chief and Ian walks back and Grandpa Granger had the others bring the trees over so they can have a cook out outside.
The others liked this as Rick, Spencer as he is much better, Bryan making Tyson to think he's showing off to Julia, and Gary are carrying the bigger pieces while the others are carrying the smaller pieces.
They were using their beyblades to cut the trees into perfect four pieces making it easier to carry and it would be a good training as well, too.
Tyson wonders if Tala would love them after everything is reveled and would still be with him, but Tala told him what grandpa Granger told him making Tyson to sigh of relief, but at the same time afraid Tala would leave him.
Tala won't be letting it happen as Tala had to admit, he had falling for Tyson those four times like he did making Tyson to smile before he kissed Tala on the lips shyly as this is his first kiss and Tala deepens it a bit making Tyson to moan.
"Better not be doing any rated 18+ up there, you two!" Grandpa Granger called from downstairs making Tyson to "EEEEKKKK!" while Tala blushes as grandpa had to say that.
Tyson had shutted down the stairs at him making him to laugh as Tyson pouts at him for laughing at him which he kissed away.
Tala can tell Tyson was hoping to go forward more, but can't making Tala to laugh softly at him before he kissed him on the lips to make the pout to go away.
"We'll continue once you turn sixteen. It'll be my birthday present to you." Tyson smiles as he nods his head before both went to sleep with Tyson in Tala's protective arms making Tyson's cousins and grandpa Granger to smile at the site.
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