Page 3.
We pulled into the station and Luke pulled the car out back and parked it " Told you not to worry" Luke said pulling the keys out and opening his door I shook my head and stepped out after him closing the door as he locked the car up.
We walked in the back door and a few people looked up at us nodding and others were running around papers in hand and rambling about stupid cases, I put my hands in my pockets as we walked to the front and I leaned on the wall while Luke handed our reports in for today.
" Jonathan" the captain said from his open office door and I pushed off the wall and walked to his office he stepped out of the way so I could walk in before he shut the door and sat down motioning for me to sit as well so I did.
" What's up Max" I said leaning back in my chair " Well we have new recruits coming in two weeks and Adam will be busy training some of the new recruits we took last week so I want you to take the new guys in and brief them down" he said flipping through papers.
" Alright how many" I said a little nervous I don't like new people much " Um" he hummed flipping through his papers " Well looks like we only have three" he said looking up at me for a moment " Alright I think I can manage that" I said smiling lightly at him.
He handed me the papers and I took them but he didn't let them go so I looked up at him " I know you get nervous with new people but if this is too much I can ask Luke" Max said searching my eyes " No he has enough going on with the paper work from that bank robbery I don't want him over loaded with stuff so I can do it" I said and he let go of the papers.
" If its to much tell me and I will find someone else I trust enough to do this" he said standing up and placing a hand on my shoulder " I will but I think I can handle three people I mean I have to get over my nerves somehow so why not try it with this" I said giving him a small smile and he patted my shoulder " There yeah go" he said opening his office door.
I walked out of the door " Oh and Jon" he said and I looked over my shoulder " Will you be coming to the fire im hosting" he said and I thought for a second and looked back to Luke then I met Max's eyes " Yeah if things aren't too busy we will be there" I said and he gave a small nod before closing his door.
I walked over to Luke who was talking to a guy I call Panda " Hey buddy how's it been" Panda said and I nodded " It's been alright how about you" I said and he chuckled " Fucking shitty some little punk robbed an old lady if he was my kid id beat his ass" Panda said as his voice went a little feminine and I laughed.
" Bitch are you laughing at me" he said staring and it only made me laugh harder to where I covered my mouth " Alright you two, Panda nice talking to you hope the case goes well and you find the kid, Jon let's go home I'm hungry" Luke said.
" See ya Panda" I said giving a small wave with Luke and he nodded " See you two later" he said standing up and walking to his desk as me and Luke walked out the door and towards his car.
" So what you got there" Luke said looking at the folders in my arms " Uh nothing much" I said and he raised a brow snatching them from me " Fucker give those back" I said in a stern voice and he shook his head making me roll my eyes at him.
" Jon" he said in a low voice as he looked over to me as I opened the passenger side of his door and got in the car " Are you sure you can do this if you want I'll take the newbies" he said putting the folders down and starting his car.
" Luke I'm fine and besides you have enough on you right now I don't want you over working yourself" I said and he back out of the parking spot and turned onto the road " Babe its no problem I know how you are with new people" he said giving me a quick warm smile before focusing back on the road.
" I will be ok besides Max always said he wants to see me train some people he always liked how I worked and wants to see more people calm and collected like us" I said placing my hand out the window and feeling the wind on my skin.
" Yeah well look at what all you went through of course your going to be calm under pressure but for real I can handle this for you" he said and I chuckled " Bitch would you stop before I cancel dinner" I said giving him a devilish look.
" Ok as long as your sure about this and won't get to stressed out" he said removing one hand to take mine and hold it, I relaxed my arm as I felt his fingers snake in between mine " So where are we going to eat anyway" Luke said giving me a raised brow " That's a surprise" I said in a teasing tone of voice and he smiled shaking his head.
" Ok well come back here at 7 and we will head out" I said leaning over and giving him a quick kiss before opening my door " Alright babe see you then" he said as I shut the door and he turned around and left my driveway.
I smiled to myself as I took my keys out and unlocked my door stepping in smelling the fresh caramel and vanilla scent that always occupies my house ever since Luke got me a candle and I feel in love with the smell.
I kicked my shoes off and sheepishly made my way up my stairs stripping my belt and jacket off, I opened my bedroom door and tossed them on my bed as I took my shirt off and stripped my pants off leaving me in boxers.
I plopped down on my back and rested my hands under my head as I grabbed my phone and checked the time I have 2 hours till Luke should be here might as well take a little nap I thought to myself as I set an alarm on my phone and set it by my head as I closed my eyes.
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