Page 2.
" DELIRIOUS" Luke yelled making me jump in my seat and turn my head towards him glaring as he softly chuckled " What" I asked slight annoyance in my voice " Oh nothing" he said returning his eyes back to the road.
I groaned and squeezed his hand slightly " I hate you sometimes" I said chuckling and returning my gaze out the window as we drove through town " I know but it would be boring if I didn't bug you" he said as we pulled up to a red light.
He picked my hand up with our fingers still together as he gently kissed the top of my hand before returning it back to the spot between us and slowly stepping on the gas as the light turned green and the cars in front of us started moving.
" So what are we doing today" I asked watching the people walking along the streets pass by as blurs " Well we are to watch the Main Street for anyone speeding so a pretty boring day" he said in a calm voice as we turned onto the street leading to the main one.
Once on the Main Street we drove down it until we hit the main stretch and parked in the grass, he turned the car around and parked between the bushed that gave way enough for us to see the traffic but yet still hide our car.
He turned it off then let go of my hand as he set the speed radar up so we could clock people and see how fast they were going, I set our small laptop up and plugged the tracker in as it turned on and started to stabilize and traced the speed of passing cars.
" You want to take a nap we're going to be here all day" Luke said giving me a small smile and I shook my head " No I'm fine for now" I said and he nodded his head before he leaned his seat back and watched the cars passing by while keeping an eye on their speed.
I pulled my phone out and scrolled through social media seeing a few of our fellow workers arguing over whose house the fire was going to be at, I chuckled softly as I tapped to the news there was debate in my old town about the case on me going cold since they couldn't find the killer that randomly disappeared.
I sighed clicking off and I felt a hand on my shoulder " You ok" Luke asked and I tilted my head towards him " Remember when you first arrested me" I said chuckling a little bit as he smiled brightly at me " You mean the night you were drunk and running around like a mad man" Luke said grabbing my hand.
" Yep" I simply said staring into his eyes " That night will never fade that's the night I found my best friend and brought your drunk stumbling ass home" he said laughing lightly and kissing my cheek before laying back on his seat.
" You're a bitch" I mumbled out and he looked towards me not moving and raised a brow " I was totally going to kick that trash cans ass before you stopped me" I said and he laughed making me smile as I heard it run through my ears.
" Yeah that poor trashcan I saved its life" he said taking a deep breath and calming down from his laughter " You saved more than that trash cans life" I whispered but low enough he didn't hear me as I stared at his facial features and his tattoos showing slightly under his sleeve.
I leaned my seat back all the way staring at the roof of the car when I heard the radio changing channels, I didn't even have to look up to know that Luke was the one who was switching around before he stopped on the rock channel.
A few songs passed as we laid there silently until he let go of my hand and started the car, I sat up and buckled back in " Blue honda was going 94" he said as we pulled out " Maybe he has to take a shit man" I said and Luke chuckled " Well he should have brought his butt plug then" he said as we pulled out.
We turned our lights on speeding down the road as cars pulled out of our way after a few moments we saw the blue car and I grew nervous until Luke grabbed my hand " Babe it's ok" he said gently not taking his eyes off the car.
They started to slow down and pull over as we parked behind them " Everything if fine stop worrying" Luke said patting my leg before he grabbed his book and opened the door stepping out and walking up to the car slowly.
My heart was racing the whole time as he leaned on the side of the car talking to the man inside from what I could see he was just shy of 6 feet had medium brown hair and was alone in the car, Luke took the man's license and registration looking it over as he walked back to the car.
" Run the name... um..." He paused looking over the mans stuff " Rick swiftly" he said and I nodded typing into the computer making sure the man doesn't have a criminal record or any warrants for his arrest " He is clean other then this isn't the first time he was tagged speeding" I said and Luke nodded.
He walked back up and filling out the report before handing everything back to the guy and nodding lightly, he turned back towards the car and got in " See babe everything's fine" he said buckling back up and grabbing my hand.
" I know I just can't help it" I said looking down shamefully " Listen I know what happened you told me but we're cops nothing's going to happen" he said and I sighed " Cops are more likely to get shot" I whispered and he chuckled starting the car.
" Well it's a good thing I have a bullet proof vest and an ex convict with me then" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek " You know I don't like thinking about that" I said looking out the window as we started back onto the highway.
" Yeah I know but your with me I can always make you smile and forget about those bad memories" he said as we pulled into our spot to watch for anyone else " Whatever I'm going to take a nap" I said leaning my seat back " Don't sass me or I'll have to beat your ass" he said.
" You would want that wouldn't you" I said closing my eyes and turning to my side " Oh yeah babe you know I love that ass of yours" he said and I didn't need to be looking at him to see he winked and is now smirking at me.
" Stop staring at me and watch for anyone speeding" I said chuckling out and I felt a hand on my thigh " Wonder how fast your clocked at" he said in a smug voice and I smiled " Luke damn it stop trying to fuck me and do your work one of us has to" I said and he chuckled lightly and removed his hand.
A.N, Well here is page 2 I hope everything sounds alright so far.
This may turn into a longer story, Im going to try and take my time to stretch it out and see how that goes for me, plus this is my first H2OtOoNz story.
Most my stories are long in the beginning then go quickly omce the drama happens so im going to try and stretched this out let me know if you like it better that way or not throughout the story.
Feel free to throw some ideas at me if I like them, then I will see about adding them into my story so far im taking it by pages instead of writing ahead altho I have my main plot planed out.
Love you guys stay strong<3!
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