Page 10.
*BEEP* ... *BEEP* ... " SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled slamming my hand down on my alarm clock smiling at the peace and quiet *Ding* I groaned rolling over fluttering my eyes open at the sound of my phone going off.
I picked my phone up seeing a text from Luke " Morning babe need me to pick you up?" I smiled at his text just about to reply before another one came in so I quickly checked it seeing there was no ID " Hey! Its Craig would you pick us up today, only if you feel up for it :)" I chuckled at the message quickly saving his number in my phone then telling Luke I will meet him at the station.
I got up quickly showering, getting dressed then grabbing a piece of toast as I made my way into my car then down the street I feel well rested but I would have loved to just sleep in this morning then sat in bed watching random movies all day but sadly I have a job to do.
" Looks like you enjoying that bread" Craig said leaning on the side of my car door I chuckled opening the door shoving the last piece in my mouth " Good mornin" David said walking up behind me " Ye get in the back this time" David said pushing Brock inside the car.
Once everyone was in I started the car up " You sure this wasn't too much to ask for we're are running late" Craig said leaning between the front seats " Nah your fine I run late sometimes" I said waving it off " Looks like your feeling better today" Brock said as I nodded my head.
" So why were you guys running late" I asked keeping my eyes on the road " Well David decided he was going to turn the hot water off on me in the shower" Craig said staring the male down I chuckled at the sight in my rearview mirror " What you think that's funny to" Craig said with a huff in his voice " Yeah but try it on me and I'll kick your ass" I said giving him a playful glare.
We pulled into the station and everyone got out " So what are we doing today" Craig asked as I shrugged my shoulders pushing the doors open walking towards my desk as I felt arms around my waist " You have to buy me some of those candles" Luke's voice rang out making my chuckle and turn around " Maybe one day" I said giving him a quick kiss " OH someone's in a good mood today" Luke said as the guys raised a brow at us.
" Well might as well tell you guys this is Luke my boyfriend" I said seeing their confused stares " Max aint strict about dating co-workers he says if shit happens he will kick our ass till we get over our problems" I said chuckling as they let little laughs out.
" JON MA BOI" Max yelled walking over to me " Hey man" I said as he looked at the new guys nodding " Sup guys" he asked as they all replied simple answers " Alright well your in charge of them so go do whatever you want today" Max said walking away towards Adam.
" SO you boys want to go break up a street race later tonight" I asked seeing them smile " Fock yeah" David said as I patted his arm " Alright well first off I have to see how you guys are at driving so come on I have an extra car we can use" I said grabbing both keys and walking out the door.
It was me and Craig driving in my car with Brock and David following us I was taking them to an old dirt path with some pavement track we always go to when testing out cars or new drivers.
Once we pulled in I rolled my window down " Alright Brock since your driving your up first try to follow me or cut me off" I said as David and Craig got out of the vehicles, I took off with Brock right behind me he wasn't bad at following me and soon cut me off but I drifted my car around his taking off again speeding past the guys seeing shocked expressions on their faces.
Brock came up and cut me off making me brake as he jumped out quickly pointing the airsoft gun I gave him at me " GET OUT OF THE CAR HANDS BEHING YOUR HEAD NOW" he yelled as I obeyed, he came over pulling my hands behind my back " Alright good job" I said turning around.
" Thanks" he said giving me a gentle smile " Damn were did you learn to drive" Craig said walking over to me " I was a teenager at one point" I said chuckling with the guys " Alright who's next" I asked twirling my keys " Me" Craig said getting into the car, this is going to be one hell of a fun day.
*Time skip*
" Alright David you in place" I asked over the radio " Yup ready when you are" he said as I looked over seeing Brock nod to me, I drove up flashing my lights seeing people and cars scatter from under the bridge " Get who you can" I said in the radio as I chased down a yellow corvette.
He took a corner I knew well, I turned going down another alley cutting him off as Brock jumped out pointing his gun at the guy " GET OUT, HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" he yelled as I got out kneeling in by the hood ready to shoot if I had to.
The guys got out raising his hands and me and Brock approached him carefully, I ripped his hands behind his back cuffing him " Got one boys" I said over the radio leading the guy to my car leaning him over the hood " Yeah we have a corvette that needs towed" I heard Brock calling it in while I searched the guy for any weapons.
" I wasn't doing anything" the guy protested " Sure is that why you have a roll of cash in your pocket" I said pulling it out setting it on my car " Yeah I always have money on me dumbass" he said while I pushed him in the back seat " Yeah because everyone carries 5,000$ dollars on them" I said shutting the door.
" The car is called in it will be towed here soon" Brock said as we got into my car " Got two guys" David said over the radio, I told them good job and the address for the overnight cells where the guys will be held and charged before taken to jail.
We got back to the office as I yawned stretching out " Didn't think we would be getting into anything this quickly" Brock said as the guys stood around my desk " Yeah well I hate taking things slow I'm not good with people so I want to get this 'training' over with" I said grabbing some papers ready to right my report.
" Need any help" Craig said " Uh well we right reports after here" I said handing him some paper and pulling a few chairs up around me " Just watch how I do it" I said and started writing it out with Craig doing the same thing with different information since they took down a different group.
" Hey babe it's getting late want me to handle the rest" Luke said walking over to us as we saw the station was almost empty " No I got this and another paper to look over can you take the boys home" I asked staring down boredly at the papers.
" Yeah I will see you tomorrow" he said as I looked up giving him a quick kiss " You guys ok with me driving you home" Luke said as they nodded " I can stay here with you and finish" Craig said putting a hand on my shoulder " No I can go over you dashcam footage and fill out the rest go home and relax" I said seeing him give me a quick nodded before running out with the guys.
Hours passed and it was just me in the station today wasn't that bad I know I rushed it a little too quickly since Adams trainees arnt out doing this stuff yet but the guys are more skilled than most and I really just want to get this over with, I sighed rubbing my tired eyes I was almost done with Craig and David papers and I couldn't wait.
" Come home its late and we have work tomorrow" I heard someone say, I snapped my head around seeing Luke standing behind me " What are you doing here" I asked as he set his chest on my back leaning on me with his arms wrapped around my neck " Went for a walk and I knew you would be here late trying to make everything perfect" he whispered kissing my cheek " I know how badly you try and make everything right" he said closing my folders putting them in my desk.
" Come on you need some rest" he said letting go then grabbing my hand pulling me from my chair as I walked sluggishly beside him, he took my keys and drove my car home since he walked here just so he could do that.
" You staying the night" I asked as we pulled into my driveway " I can if you want" he said shrugging his shoulders " Well then get your ass in here" I said hearing him chuckle turning my car off then grabbing my hand as we walked up to my room ready to sleep.
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