Wait did hearing things.
"Okay! Please sign here!" Lucy said smiling. "Oh..Righ! sorry.." I say and grab the pen from her smooth hand and sign the paper.
"Great..So your available when ever?"
"Yes, miss Lucy." I say bowing.
"Lovely! I'm planning to go on a mission with Natsu, I'll make sure to call you and Leo!"sshe says.
I always loved the zodiacs. I wanted to be just like them and grow up big and strong hoping my owner could love me as much as them. Boy was I wrong. My first owner was when I turned 5 to a boy named, Harven. He was such a bully to us silver keys but man he treated Sagittarius like a brother. Then my next owner, Sabrina, hated me because I was too 'adorable?' but to Libra nooo. It was love and hugs, and Libra exposes more of her body than I ever could! Then Karen came..she was the worst..but Leo..he treated me with the love I needed..
"Um..Lilly?" I heard a voice call from afar. I was back at the celectial world with Aries. "Sorry! must've dosed off.." I say looking down. We were walking through the Celestial park when Aries asked me a question to which I thought I would explode.
"Isn't Leo just cute?" she says.
"W-what?!" I blushed so hard my body trembled.
"Silly! I'm only kidding! Leo is like my brother!..but how do you feel about him?" she winked.
"I uh..PICKLES!" I scream.
"Pickles? So when you think of me you think of pickles?" A voice so lovely said behind me. Then I felt strong muscular arms wrap around my waist. I turned slightly and my eyes locked with Leo's. Then I was carried up to the air. "WHAT ON EARTH! LEO PUT ME DOWN" I yell being embarresed my dress exposed most of legs, I could've sworn you could see my underwear.
I was wearing a short white dress, with a pink ribbon in the center of my chest. My jade eyes felt like they would pop from embarresment. My white flower that was in my hair fell off. My turquoise/greenish hair flowed around and my snowwhite skin which exposed most of my body.
"Relax crazy! I'm only playing with you! Your reaction was priceless!" he laughs, puts me down and falls over gripping his stomach. I was alittle upset for 2 things. He was teasing me..and that he didn't mean it. I blush and turn away.I bend down and put the flower that was on the floor back in my hair.
"Hmph!" Is all I say. I pout and he gets up and kisses my forhead.
"Aww is lil Lilly upset?" he says playfully. I give him a playful push and try to hide my embarrassment. Then both of our bodies began to light up and shimmer with stars.
"W-whats going on!?" I shout.
"Don't worry! Lucy just wants you two to go up to earth land!" Aries yells and waves giving me a cheeky smile.
"Guess we better get serious if she wants both of us" Leo says next to me.
"Its been so long since I've been a battle...I might be a little rusty. Then I felt a hand grab mine.
"Don't worry, you'll do fine. Trust me." he says looking into my green eyes. We both blushed and arrived next to Lucy.
"LUCY!" Leo runs next to her. I stare with shock in my eyes. Lucys in a pool of blood. And Natsu's unconsious,
"We- took..a-an S-class..j-job" she chokes on her own blood. I could see tears form in Leo's eyes.
"(Y/N) USE SOME OF YOUR PLANT MAGIC THAT HEALS!" he screamed at me. I never seen Leo like this. But no time to think about that, Lucy needs my help. I run over to her and place my hands on her chest and chant
"Plant magic- heal extobrios! Leo...her wounds ar-"
"I DON'T CARE! HEAL HER! I'm going to kill the bastard who hurt my friends...Lilly you better heal Lucy and Natsu. Im going to kill those monters!" He yells and runs to the 10 headed beast.
"Lill-lilly..behind yo-.." Lucy whispers. I turn around and a beast takes me away.
"Plant magic- Ivy!" and he drops me as my body turns to Ivy...
"He- key!" she yells barley able to.
"Crap!" I notice.
"MY KEY!" I yell. My key was on the middle of the floor.
If that beast steps on it Im doomed!
~Leos POV~
I see Lucy about to die of blood loss.
Damn it where is Lilly?!
I turn and find Lilly's key about to be stepped on. "
NOOOOO!!!" I scream. I need to choose who to save. The person who saved me..Or my best friend who I just reunited with..
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