Prologue: I Was Born Sick But I Love You
A/N: Just like the last one every chapter will be Triggered Warned. Do expect this to be a lot more heavy than the last one (yes, I am dead serious about that, I'm writing this with the intention of not keeping it light) and have more triggering topics. So this is going to be a series. If you haven't read Always Remember, I suggest you do so.
So here we go with the TWs: homophobia, demirophobia, shunning, mental/physical/emotional/sexual abuse, p*dophilia, abusive parent, death of a parent, religious cults, helicopter parent, mentions of mass suicide/genocide, trans/nonbinary-phobia, throwing up
This is also more messed up than the last one.
Eleven Years Ago
"You're sick, Gabriel."
Gabriel stared at his father. "I don't feel sick."
His father put down the dish he was washing and said, "Son, we're all sick. You particularly though. You're very sick."
Gabriel asked, "Should I go see one of the nurses at the church then?"
His father said, "No, they can't help you, in the way I can."
"Oh. How are you going to help me?"
His father grabbed his hand and said, "I'm going to heal you spiritually. You've got demons inside you. We're going to get them out."
"I don't think the Lord likes demons. That's why they were thrown in the bad angel place."
"Yes, Gabriel, but you see those demons are inside you right now. We can get them out right now. You just can't tell anyone about how we're going to get them out."
"Why not?" Gabriel asked.
His father turned on the stove and said, "Because some people won't like the way I get your demons out, but I can promise you, it's the best way. Come here now."
Gabriel slipped off the chair he was sitting on and asked, "What are we going to do?"
His father said, "Place your hands here on the stove."
Gabriel asked, "Won't that burn?"
His father pulled a stool over and said, "It will burn the demons. They'll be burnt out of your body. It may hurt you a little bit, but that's because the demons are inside you. Plus, Gabe, wouldn't you do anything for the Lord?"
Gabriel nodded and said, "I think I understand."
"The Lord wants me to burn the demons out of my body."
"That's right Gabriel! Now go ahead. Burn them out. Do not be afraid."
Gabriel nodded and put his hands on the stove. He screamed and cried as he felt his skin boil.
"Do not be afraid Gabriel! Be strong!"
"But it hurts!" Gabriel cried, "It's burning!"
Gabriel's father said, "I know. You have to be strong. Push through the pain. Do it for the Lord."
"I- I can't!"
"Yes you can! Jesus pushed through the pain when he was being nailed to the cross! He had nails drove through his hands and ankles! He bled on the cross for three days for humanity! You can't even burn for three minutes just to get some demons out of your body! Do this for the Lord and yourself!"
Gabriel closed his eyes and let his hands continue to cook. Tears dropped against the stove and sizzled.
After three minutes Gabriel's hands were pulled off the stove. His palms were charred black.
"The demons haven't came out of you yet, but I can tell they're starting to let go."
"What are we going to do? I want the demons out of me!"
Gabriel's father said, "Come with me to the church. I have something there."
The two then walked to the church. Gabriel cried the whole way there. He didn't stop crying until he was in the basement. His father put Gabriel's hands in a tub of holy water.
After that Gabriel was gave a cup of holy water. It had a curly straw in it. Curly straws were always amusing to five year olds.
Gabriel drank water until he could drink no more. He threw up all over the floor.
"There you go, Gabriel. The demons left your body, and see, you threw up. That's because you were sick. Now you're not."
Gabriel asked, "Are the demons going to come back?"
His father picked him up off the floor and said, "Yes, and it will bring seven more. We'll get them out, every single time."
"Why are the demons after me?"
His father sighed, "Because you're a killer, Gabriel. You killed in a way that was not in the name of the Lord. You killed your mother while you were being born."
"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."
"You can tell the Lord that. Maybe you'll be forgiven. In twelve years everyone from this church, except me and you, will go to Heaven. That's when Armageddon will happen. We'll stay here through it. That's what you deserve after all, son."
"I'm sorry..."
Ten Years Ago
"Hey daddy where did Uriel's older brother go?"
Gabriel's father responded, "To the outside world, where it's unsafe. People out there kill each other for sport. They eat bad foods that are unholy. They mate outside of season. They're very sick sinners, and can't be saved."
"Why is Uriel's older brother so sick he can't be saved like I can?"
Gabriel's father said, "Because he did something that the Lord doesn't like. He wanted to kiss other boys."
"What's so bad about that?"
"The Lord doesn't like it?"
Gabriel nodded and asked, "Why aren't we allowed to do things the Lord doesn't like? Like some of the things the Lord did in the Bible I didn't like. The Lord kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden just for being bad once."
"But Gabriel! That was a very bad thing they did! Do not question the Lord in such a way!"
Gabriel's father then slapped his son.
"I believe more demons have possessed you. I will have to get them out immediately. Go sit on the couch, take off your pants and wait for me. I will remove any thought or question of God or homosexuality from your pathetic head."
Gabriel did as told. He tried to stay brave, but right now he was scared.
His father confused him in the moments to come.
For years Gabriel made sure to keep the fact that his father touched him a secret. There was no one to tell. They loved his father anyways. He'd never convince the crowds of people. He believed his only witness was the Lord, but even his faith was shakey.
Two years ago
"Gabriel... I don't want to be a mother," Beezy sighed and tried to look out one of the stained glass windows, but the color made it hard to see out.
"But the Lord wants you to be a mother," Gabriel said, "It doesn't matter what you want. Just what the Lord wants for you. That's how you reach true happiness."
"Gabriel I can't be a mother."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not a girl."
Gabriel said, "Yes you are."
"Gabe I don't think I'm anything really. I'm just me. I don't have a gender. I don't feel it."
Gabriel said, "I don't think that's right. There's Adam and there's Eve. Man and woman."
"God doesn't have a gender."
"But you're not God. You're a sinner. If you don't stop I'll tell my father."
"Tell him then! Also tell him I don't want to ever be part of mating season!"
Gabriel ran off and shouted, "I will! I will! Oh why do you have to be like this! I liked you!"
Beezy shouted, "Well I hate you!"
Gabriel ran to his father's office and cried, "Beezy! She- she's a- she's a sinner! She says she doesn't want to have children, or ever be part of the season, and she says she doesn't have a gender!"
Gabriel's father stood up and asked, "Where is she?"
"The chapel!" Gabriel cried. His father then ran in the chapel.
"Come here you ignorant, disobedient, unthankful, bastard!"
Beezy stood in front of the podium and said, "Never. I'm not going to listen to you. You're-"
"No, let's talk about you! You're never going to get into the Kingdom!"
"I don't care!"
Gabriel listened from outside of the doors. This shocked him. He was embarrassed, to ever have what one could call a crush, on a sinner.
He immediately bowed his head and prayed.
That night Beezy, Gabriel, and his father drove to the gate. Beezy's wrists were tied together. She was being pulled by her hair.
Gabriel did what he had to do. He opened the gates.
"Uh- one-five-four-six," Gabriel whispered to himself as he typed in the code. The gates then opened. Beezy was locked outside of them.
Gabriel and his father got back in the truck.
"That was a good thing you did, son. You helped me get rid of a toxic sinner. With God's help you were able to do that. You overcame your feelings and emotions and helped me."
Gabriel smiled and said, "Thank you, father."
"Perhaps you could help me with other things. I think you're old enough."
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