Sonic's P.O.V.
"Get out of my damn way, idiot!" Shadow growled furiously at me.
"No!" I shouted back. "You are not going to hurt anybody!" I blocked the way before he could get to Knuckles and Tails.
"They are the ones that-!" I cut him off.
"I don't care! We are all friends here whether you like it or not! Now shut the hell up!" I snapped. I was so stressed out since I had gotten into a fight with my mother, my siblings and my supposedly fiancé.
He looked at me shocked as he stopped growling. Knuckles and Tails looked at me with the same shocked expression. I never yell. I never raise my voice. I never cuss. But I was so tired.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Shadow raised a brow.
"Sonic..." Tails said lowly and tried to get closer but I growled and rubbed my face.
"One day..." I mumbled. "Just one day, chaos. Let me..." I groaned loudly and frustrated trying to hold in the tears from how mad and annoyed and stressed out I was. I took a deep breathe as my ear flickered a couple of times and I looked at Shadow. "One day... don't... don't do anything for just one single day. I need a break." I said and dropped my arms to the side clear I was exhausted.
"What's gotten to you, Hedgehog?" He asked confused with a hint of concern.
"What's gotten to me?" I scoffed. "Really? I live with fear that my friends are going to get killed. I have everyone's lives on my shoulders, on top of making sure Eggman doesn't destroy the city, making sure Metal doesn't kill me, trying to survive each death hug Amy gives me! I have to go home to see my family and I end up being told that I am being forced in a marriage! And I try to fight back and they just keep fighting with me and locking me in! I fought with my siblings! I fought with my mother and with my uncle! I have to become King! And on top of that, I have to make sure YOU... don't kill anyone! Chaos! Give me a damn break!" I snapped and panted heavily as I let everything out.
That was...
Too much information...
He looked at me taken back for everything I had said. He was shocked and speechless and it was obvious. In a matter of seconds, he cleared his throat and chaos controlled away. And out of anger, I spin dashed a tree making it fall.
"Sonic!" Both Knuckles and Tails said but I quickly shouted for them to shut up and I dashed off to the deepest part of the forest that I had.
What is wrong with me?
I have never snapped like this before.
Why now?
Why the hell did I say all of that in front of Shadow?
Chaos. I am so dead...
I stopped running and climbed a tree where I broke down. Tears were streaming down my muzzle and I could not calm down. I could not stop crying no matter how much I tried.
"It's okay..." I gasped and turned to look to who have said that.
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