Chapter Seven
"Nettlepaw, wake up!"
Nettlepaw sighed. "Dawn patrol already?" He mumbled, feeling too tired to be doing that this early.
"No, the Gathering." Applebreeze purred. "Now hurry or you'll be late!"
Nettlepaw rolled over. The sky was still dark, only a bright full moon sliced the darkness like a claw. "The Gathering!" He echoed, finally beginning to wake up and realize what his mentor had said.
"Of course, hare-brain. And if we don't get going we won't go at all! Come on, Finchpaw and Thornpaw are waiting outside already." Applebreeze mewed teasingly.
Nettlepaw nodded, trying to hide his disappointment. I suppose it makes sense that they're going too, I just hope that Thornpaw doesn't ruin it for me. He rose to his paws and followed Applebreeze into the clearing. Finchpaw at least will be nice. Maybe we can meet the other apprentices together. Nettlepaw felt his pelt prickle with apprehension.
A large group of warriors and a few elders crowded the camp. Nettlepaw could make out Thornpaw's and Finchpaw's pelts within, as well as a few of the other apprentices: Redpaw, Leopardpaw, Amberpaw, Goldenpaw, and Emberpaw. Their mentors were in the midst, as well as Nettlepaw's parents.
A bit overwhelmed, Nettlepaw stuck close to Applebreeze as Featherstar leaped onto the Clantree to adress the camp. The roar of voices quieted as the silver she-cat spoke. "I know this is the first time we have encountered AutumnClan in a moon, and we will be sharing our suspicions of stolen prey." Approving murmurs spread around the cats. "However, I do not want any cat directly accusing an AutumnClan warrior. Gatherings are for peace, and we will not be the Clan to break the truce."
As Featherstar began to lead the cats out of camp, Applebreeze turned to Nettlepaw. "That means you as well," she whispered. "No picking fights."
Shoving back frustration, Nettlepaw nodded. "Okay." He followed her and his Clan, exiting camp and beginning to cross the moor. "What should I expect?"
"There will be many cats there. All the Clans and their leaders, and most of their warriors. It will be overwhelming at first, but if you find a few apprentices to hang out with you'll feel better. This is a good time to make new friends, but remember in a battle your loyalty should lie with your Clan." Applebreeze explained. "Don't worry, you'll do fine."
"I can't wait. Are the other Clans the same as us? What if the apprentices don't like me?" He worried.
Applebreeze purred. "They're a bit different, but not much. As for the apprentices, you'll have to wait and find out." She nudged him. "Like I said. Don't worry, it'll be fun."
Unconvinced, Nettlepaw let his mind wander as they neared the Gathering hollow. I hope the other Clans are nice. Will AutumnClan be angry when we accuse them?
Soon they reached the border, where the vast Spring River flowed completely around the island, and branched off to make the borders of SpringClan. Off where Nettlepaw couldn't see, the mountains where it was sourced were, and so was the entrance to the starcave. Medicine cats went there every half-moon to visit with StarClan, and one day Nettlepaw would too, as every apprentice usually went there at least once.
"Ready?" Applebreeze asked. Nettlepaw nodded nervously. He saw Featherstar begin to walk across a fallen tree, followed by Liontooth then the rest of her warriors. We're going to have to cross that?
When it came Nettlepaw's turn to cross, he glanced uncertainly at Applebreeze. "I know. I was nervous my first time too. Just dig your claws in deep and you'll be alright." She assured. It was hard to picture his mentor as an apprentice, but he was able to place an unsteady paw on the bark.
Digging in his claws, he put down his other forepaw, and soon he was all the way on the trunk. He found it a bit easier than tree-climbing, but used his father's technique of only lifting one paw at a time and soon made it to the other side. "You did great." Applebreeze whispered in his ear.
Nettlepaw leaped off the trunk and took a glance around Tall Trees. He was indeed overwhelmed, many cats' scent mingled through the hollow and voices turned into a dull roar. He saw his Clanmates spread apart to speak with old friends, and show off their new skills. Featherstar leaped onto the great sycamore branch that hovered over the island like a shadow. Two other leaders were already up there: a tortoiseshell she-cat who smelled of fish and marshes, and an intimidating red-and white tom.
There are two Clans here already, so which is missing? By the fishy scent wafting off of one side, he assumed SpringClan had arrived. And AutumnClan smelled strongly of tree sap and rotting leaves. He knew that from being by their border. As Nettlepaw tasted the air, he detected no smells like that, so that meant WinterClan was the one led by the large tom on the branch.
They smelled like cold stone and sparse grass. Nettlepaw wrinkled his nose, suddenly confused. There are too many scents here to try and figure out each one, he decided.
He turned and saw his mentor conversing with two SpringClan cats, while who seemed like their apprentices sat rather bored beside them. Nettlepaw swallowed back nervousness and walked over to say hello.
"Hey, I'm Nettlepaw. Who are you?" The first apprentice, a clearly marked silver tabby's blue eyes shone with surprise, and he greeted Nettlepaw shyly. "I'm Br-er, Blizzardpaw from SpringClan, and this is my brother Breezepaw." The other tabby awkwardly dipped his head in greeting.
Nettlepaw couldn't help but notice Blizzardpaw had a twisted front paw, and was keeping weight off of it. The apprentice was just as big as Nettlepaw. "When were you made an apprentice? I've been one for about a moon." He mewed, trying to avoid looking at his paw.
Breezepaw met his gaze. "Tonight, actually."
"Really?" Nettlepaw couldn't help but ask. "We're about the same age!"
Blizzardpaw nodded, showing his twisted paw. "We were apprenticed late because of this accident. Got in a fight with a fox." He puffed out his chest.
The apprentice was making light talk of it, but clearly the accident had impacted his life more than he wanted to admit. His brother beside him had a clean scar across his shoulder, and both still showed signs from the attack. Poor apprentices, Nettlepaw thought sympathetically. They can't be proper warriors, surely?
"That sounds awful." Nettlepaw replied. Changing the subject, he continued. "Who are those over there?" A grumpy-looking white she-cat was sitting by herself, and two more apprentices chatted with a few WinterClan cats.
"Over there?" Breezepaw asked. "That's Dewpaw and Riverpaw. They're older than us." The silver tabby paused. "That's Whitepaw." He mewed, looking at the sour apprentice.
"What's up with her?" Nettlepaw whispered. Blizzardpaw avoided his gaze, while Breezepaw continued to explain. "She... she's still mad about the attack. Her brother was killed."
Nettlepaw looked at his paws, shocked. That must have been one dangerous fox.
Blizzardpaw spoke up. "She's only mad because the accident was my fault." He hung his head, while his brother tried to comfort him. "Don't say that. We were all stupid kits, and they didn't exactly stop it from happening."
Clearly this story went more in-depth than Nettlepaw was aware of. He took a step away from the apprentices. I hope they find a way to feel better about what happened.
Nettlepaw didn't have more time to think, because AutumnClan had entered the clearing. A white tom joined the leaders on the branch, and the cats quieted. The Gathering was beginning.
"I'll start." The red-and-white leader of WinterClan spoke in a gruff voice. "WinterClan is thriving. We are sad to say our deputy Tigerstripe joined the elder's den not long ago, but Shadeheart has replaced him." Nettlepaw could see a dark gray tom puffing out his chest in WinterClan's crowd as a few cats shouted his name in respect. "We also have two new apprentices, Cedarpaw and Brownpaw."
"We are pleased to hear that, Kestrelstar." The tortoiseshell spoke warmly. "Thank you, Meadowstar." He replied to SpringClan's leader.
"Shadeheart! Cedarpaw! Brownpaw!" The cats chanted, and Nettlepaw lifted his head to the stars to yowl their names.
"SpringClan too is doing well." Meadowstar declared. "We're well fed and stronger than ever, and are pleased to report we have three new warriors: Leafheart, Stemtail, and Woodclaw. SpringClan also made two kits apprentices tonight, Blizzardpaw and Breezepaw." Nettlepaw shared a warm glance with his new friends as the Clans cheered their names.
"I'll go next, if you don't mind." AutumnClan's white leader hissed. Featherstar bristled, but didn't argue. "Very well, Echostar."
Echostar called the cats' attention. "AutumnClan is as strong as ever. We have three new warriors: Goosewhisker, Birchstorm, and Mosstail. We are willing to defend our borders with our strength if necessary." The hostility in AutumnClan's leader's mew surprised Nettlepaw. They're the ones who are stealing prey!
Featherstar returned his glare. "SummerClan too is well-fed. We have two warriors, Nightsong and Badgerfoot, and three apprentices: Thornpaw, Finchpaw, and Nettlepaw." Nettlepaw turned, surprised, and licked his chest fur embarrassedly as they cheered his name. "Not only that, but we have found some strange evidence by our border with AutumnClan."
That's it. Nettlepaw realized. How will they react?
"Oh really?" Echostar mewed silkily. "What sort of evidence?" The leaders on the branch shifted uncomfortably. Which side would they take?
"Evidence that your warriors were taking prey!" Featherstar snapped. "Is it true, Echostar? Is AutumnClan desperate enough to steal from SummerClan?"
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