Vanessa's POV
Today is December 25th. It's Christmas. We're having family over for a few days and I am so excited.
It is currently 3:10 pm and my mum, Roni and I are cooking Christmas dinner for tonight.
We didn't have anyone over for Christmas Eve, it was just the four of us. I ended up in my room around 1:30 am facetiming with Grayson.
Grayson... This boy is the cutest. We weren't that close before this collab. And now we talk everyday and spend most of our nights on facetime, or just calling each other. He's like my best friend now. Can you believe he bought me a present for Christmas? It's so sweet of him, and the thought of getting him a present didn't even cross my mind.
Me and Roni are making cookies. My phone started ringing on the counter in front of us. Grayson. I can't do anything since my fingers are in the dough. Roni doesn't know we keep talking. Like all day and all night. But I guess this will change.
"Grayson, huh?" Roni smirked at me.
"I- um-" I stutter. "It's about new years eve. Details, all that stuff." I say, hoping she would believe me.
"Great! So you don't mind if I put him on speaker?" She says, accepting the facetime and holding the phone so he can see us.
A chest naked Grayson appears on the screen with a bright smile on his face. Which fades away and he notices Roni.
"O-oh hi Veronica." He says, a bit embarassed.
"Hi Grayson." She smiles and quickly turns at me with big eyes.
"So, Grayson... About new years eve..." I shot him a glare, hoping he would play along.
"O-oh yeah. You know what? You two seem quite busy, I'll call back later. Okay?" he says, hanging up.
Roni turns at me. "Nessa, tell me." She smirks. "Was it details that involve both of us, or just the two of you?"
I blushed. "Roni, shut up." I hide a smile. "We're just friends-"
"Yeah but you wouldn't mind being more than friends, right?"
"Please, Roni." I look at Roni then at my mum, who was still here, pretending that she didn't hear anything but I could see the smile on her face.
Me and Roni are in the bathroom, getting ready. I texted gray so we can facetime before having our family over. I finished getting ready and walk in my bedroom not forgetting to close the door. Roni is worse that the FBI when it comes to boyfriends. I guess she's just protecting me. But I can protect myself.
Grayson's head appears on my screen, smiling as always. Gosh I love his smile. We stare at each other for a while before he starts talking.
"So... Are you alone or is Roni there?"
"I'm all alone. Just you and me I promise." I said, laughing.
"Cool." He smiled and I nodded.
We keep talking for about an hour before my mum interrupt us.
"Are you ready, honey? They're almost here." She said, smiling.
"Yeah I-I'm just saying goodbye and I'm coming."
She nods and I look back at gray. He placed his phone against the mirror while he's getting ready so we can still talk. He takes off his shirt and i watch him, biting my lip.
"H-m gray, I'm still here." I blushed. "I gotta go, our family is coming over."
"Sure. Cameron and her boyfriend should be there any minute. Guess I'll see you later?"
"Yeah." I smiled and ended the call.
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