+1 bonus
Third person POV
1 year later
the woman was playing with the little boy, who is now 17 months old, while Grayson was cooking dinner.
"Mo- mommy" this was his first word.
Of course he said words before but they didn't mean anything. It was just baby talk, but he finally said something.
the woman squealed, "Grayson! Gray! He said something!"
Grayson quickly stopped everything to run next to his baby boy.
"R-really? What did he-" Grayson started saying,
"Mommy" the little boy repeated, laughing.
Grayson tried to not react to the fact he said mommy, but more to the fact that he talked.
"Oh my god," Grayson couldn't stop smiling, "he talks!"
he continued, "now say daddy, da- ddy"
"Mommy" the little boy was now a bundle of laughter and Grayson couldn't stop smiling at the sight.
"Nessa would've been happy to hear that," the woman said as Grayson sighed
"I know, Roni, I know." he softly hugged his son, "I wish she was still here to see it, and hear it."
Veronica slowly nodded, before they decided to eat dinner so Grayson could put his son to sleep soon.
"It's okay to feel sad, gray." Roni said, slowly running her hand up and down his back as Grayson wanted to cry.
He didn't want to break down in front of someone, he usually cries alone in his bedroom.
"I know," he sighed, "I really wish she was still here. She would've been so happy to hear that his first word was mommy. I- I want her to know how bad we m-miss her,"
A few tears escaped Grayson's eyes as he talked, "I can't believe she will never be here a-again. She didn't hear his first word, she didn't see his first steps, she will m-miss his first day of school,"
"Shh, gray," she said as she hugged him, "I'm sure she's watching from up here. And I'm here. For both of you. I know I'll never be Nessa, and I'll never be his mom, but at least I can try to make you both happy and help you whenever you need to."
"T-thank you so much, V-Veronica. For everything you've done. You didn't have to stay, I- I know it was hard for you too."
"Stop, gray. I couldn't leave you with a baby on your own. You're a great dad, gray, okay? You're the best, but you won't be able to raise him all alone."
Grayson slowly nodded,
"Plus, it will help me feel better, you know.."
Grayson nodded once more before asking, "are you okay? I- I know it's been over a year now, but I know how much you loved him."
"I'm fine, really. And I still do. I will always love him, no matter how much harm he did. He's going to get better, he is getting better."
"But will you ever trust him again, after everything?" Grayson asked.
"I-" Veronica said, "I have no idea. I probably won't."
"I'm not sure I could too. But he's my brother. Everytime he needs me, I'll be there."
"Y-yeah." Roni sighed, "I wasn't there for her."
"I should've been here. I should've have felt what was going to happen. She- she's my sister for god's sake." Roni said.
She continued, "I feel like I failed her. And I don't think she will ever forgive me."
"Hey, Roni" Grayson said as he cupped her face in his heads, "you're amazing, okay? That wasn't your fault, at all.
"But I-"
"No buts. Does that mean I failed as her husband then? It was an accident. Nothing was your fault."
"I just r-really miss her." She said as she broke down in tears. She hasn't cried in months now, but she couldn't hold it in anymore.
"I know, I do too." He said before kissing her forehead and pulling her into a hug. "Everything will get better with time, I promise."
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