Chapter 23
-Clinic at Balance Castle-
Bane watched Milly leave eavesdropping when she said M'lord, figuring she was talking to Fresh 404 or someone else in charge. Surely a child could not be responsible for running this place. What he heard surprised him. He hadn't expected anyone here to genuinely care about them or for the adult staff to lean on Fresh 404 not just as a leader but for emotional support when needed.
Fresh 404 walks in to find Static glaring at Medic who is trying to bandage him without touching him. "Medic step back and let him have a minute then talk Bane through wrapping the bandages. He doesn't know you and you are stressing him out."
Medic looks over at him and blinks but backs up. "Sorry, is he like you and Error? I was trying not to touch in case he is."
"We don't know about that but he is surrounded by strangers who are in his personal space." Fresh 404 gives Medic a bright blue grin. "We know you can do this Medic you are used to dad's team. But Static and Bane are not used to you."
"Oh... I am so sorry I should have thought of that. I am just so used to Nightmare bringing the boys in when they get banged up that... I forgot that in the beginning they needed a much bigger personal bubble." Medic blushes looking away.
"No Medic you were focusing on helping them heal you have nothing to apologize for." Fresh 404 shakes his head. "Everything is going to be okay, go take a little break. Did you remember to have lunch? Don G, make sure Medic gets a snack okay. Have whoever Milly sent as a guide show you where."
Don G frowns at Fresh 404 slipping an arm around Medic. "Come on Medic you know you shouldn't skip meals. You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself."
After Don G, walks Medic out Vita hands Fresh 404 a roll of medical tape. "You look stressed, are you okay?"
Fresh 404 sighs and nods, "yes Lady Vita we are just tired deleting an AU is really draining. One more task after this and we are going to relax for a bit."
"Don't push yourself too hard, we can't have you passing out for the better part of a week again." Vita smiles at him, obviously worried.
"Wait, deleting AU leaves you that low on magic? How has your multiverse not collapsed yet?" Bane leans forward frowning.
"Inky is not allowed to create AU until things are stable and even then we are going to have to work out a healthy eb and flow for the balance. In the meantime we combined our magic to form a web around the AU so when they fall they don't cause a chain reaction. We are left with a lot of little quakes but it is holding for now." Fresh 404 shrugged looking at the medical tape before handling it to Static. "We gather that healing magic is a no go?"
"For now Static's magic reacted poorly when I gave him an examination so we will have to get his magic and body used to healing with food and items like magic infused bandages. Bane on the other hand, while his magic doesn't reject healing, has a thick layer of attack residue that blocks it." Vita frowns down at the bandages in her hands.
"Okay what type of attack residue maybe we can have the counterparts of whoever's magic it is, siphon off the residue?" Fresh 404 watches Static and Bane while placing a comforting hand on Vita's shoulder.
Vita sighs and looks, Fresh 404 in the sockets. "Positive dream magic, I wasn't sure about having Dream consult, his health has been so fragile that I just don't know."
Fresh 404 smiles at her and turns to Bane. "What do you think, are you willing to let Dream help with that? Vita is right he is fragile and you would have to be gentle with him. Here DreamTale's codes were always damaged and bound him so tightly that he only broke free after dad was gone."
Static starts to expertly tape his ribs glancing at Bane he had no opinion about this idea he wanted Bane healed. They both had to heal for their soullings, but Solar had always been an asshole and the greatest danger to Bane. If he couldn't handle being around his counterpart Static would back him up.
"I don't like it but the sooner we find out what he is like the sooner I will know if he is a danger." Bane turns his head slightly to meet Static's eyelights with his.
"If Dream makes you uncomfortable we will see if Starlight can help. He probably can't do much but if it works we could take you to a Bitty Sanctuary." Fresh 404 shrugs frowning thoughtfully. "We know the bitties will help with enthusiasm if they can, the balance breaking nearly wiped at the Dream type Bitties but the Paladin subtype pulled through they are just fragile. Just by being here Bane is going to be their hero."
Bane blinked, looking surprised at the idea of being anyone's hero. "What do you mean nearly wiped them out?"
Fresh 404 frowns looking down. "It turns out Dream and Nightmare bitties draw in neutralize and release energy just like you and Dream do just on a much smaller scale. Unfortunately they are mortal when dad jumped there was no one to hold back and purify all the negative energy it rolled across the multiverse like a tsunami resulting in a wave of suicides and the Dream Bitties all falling down. The ones that got the best care got up again but are so fragile a sneeze could dust them. The Paladin Bitties mostly got back up again and are not as fragile but they are still delicate compared to most Bitties. I wasn't joking when I said your just being here is going to make my life easier."
"wHo iS StArLigHt?" Static finishes taping his ribs watching the kid and Bane. The kid seemed off, from earlier it was more than being tired. He knows what it is to be tired in ways sleep can't touch. He could tell that Bane knew it too.
"Oh right we mentioned we have a Bitty Colony earlier right? Well the leaders are a trio of life partners Moonlight who is a Nightmare type, Starlight who is a Paladin type, and Glitch who is an Error type! They are so amazing they managed to keep a large colony safe and healthy for years before they lost all their healers but Starlight in the fall! We are renovating the castle to make it more Bitty accessible. Oh that reminds us normally suits have two bedrooms but we told Milly to have yours connected to the one next to it during the renovation so that it can be turned into a nursery and play space! We can redecorate it as the kids grow." Fresh 404 grins practically bouncing with excitement. "We can't believe we are getting more cuisine so soon. With Inky not making any new AU there won't be anymore Chara or Frisk for a long time and Uncle Geno is the only one dating."
Static blinks trying to take in the fact that the Bitty version of his counterpart was apparently with a Bitty version of his crush and his brother?
"Wait wait wait the Bitty versions of your Dream and Nightmare are linked into the balance? And aren't Moonlight and Starlight brothers?" Bane actually leaned away looking uncomfortable.
Fresh 404 takes out his phone texting fast. "Apparently enough to be hurt by it but not enough to help fix it we already checked. Nope Starlight is a Paladin Bitty if he has a surviving sibling they would be a Passive Nightmare. Moonlight is a corrupted Nightmare. At least that is what they are called but according to the codes he is an Aggressive Form Nightmare. Really that indicates if the codes of DreamTale were not damaged it is just a second from Nightmare was always supposed to be about to unlock just like probably in the third path that was almost completely obliterated."
Before anyone could say anything there was a light knock.
Fresh 404 looks at the open door to see Reaper and a footman. "Aww Reaper thank you we will be with you in a moment." Looking back at Static and Bane, he gives a strained smile. "Please excuse us for a bit, duty calls." Turning he walked out of the clinic leaving the door open.
Bane watched, not liking the rapidly shifting surface emotions. The kid was good at putting up a front but he was barely holding it together, and who could blame him. He was just a child but he was expected to carry a load that would stagger and crush many adults. Stripped of family, handed responsibility not just for this AU but the whole multiverse. Compelled to work with the very adults who had put him in that position. He was doing amazingly well. Grasping at every speck of family he could find maybe but holding up and marching forward with a will of diamond. It worried Bane when people like that break they can take a hell of a lot down with them.
"sO wE arE unCleS?" Static glances at Bane reading him easily after all these years. Not really surprised Bane always has had a soft spot for those trapped in a bad situation. Not that the kid was admitting they were in over their head and struggling.
Bane just nodded, watching through the door as Fresh 404 talked to what looked like Death and the ghost Frisk that had been with him since he came back. He was pretty sure he knew what was going on. The kid had deleted an AU and the Frisk wanted to move on. The kid had called the Frisks and Charas cousins he didn't want to let the Frisk go but was letting them make their own decision. Having figured out what was going on Bane looked over at Static to see he was bandaging his own arm while Vita watched. "When you are ready I can bandage the places you can't reach."
"ThANks BanE." Static smiled at him. "ThAt wOUld bE beTtEr thAn hAvIng a StrAnGEr tOUch mE."
Bane blushes lavender looking away. "Don't say it like that, it is just bandages."
Vita laughs softly watching them. "I ship it."
Both of them explode in blushes just as Fresh 404 walks back in without the ghost Frisk. "Lady Vita dad was such a bad influence on you."
"I know the shipping council misses him, he was alway so effective." Vita smiles mischief in her eyes. "I also ship Edge and Doc."
"We ship them to, it is a pity Edge and Sci broke up but Sci is more committed to his lab than any partner. Edge needs someone who won't play with his feelings." Fresh 404 turns towards the hall at the sound of footsteps.
Dream was hurrying down the hall with Powder and Rose following at a more moderate pace. Milly looks worried as she walks with Rose bitties riding on her shoulders.
Fresh 404 sighs and forms a web of rainbow strings to catch Dream when he trips. "Nice outfit Uncle Dream, is it new?"
Dream gets up smoothing out his turquoise t-shirt and black skinny jeans tucked into yellow combat boots with turquoise buckles. The only thing left of his old outfit were his belt, hooded capelet, and star broach. "Powder said I should update my look. It has elements of my original outfit but is much more comfortable. Milly said you needed me to help with healing?" Dream locked excited golden eyelights on Bane.
Bane stared right back, shocked that this was his brother's counterpart. The kid had said he was fragile but he hadn't really believed him before. But he was small and light boned. His bones didn't have the soft glow of power. Rather than cold star eyelights he had large round eyelights and under the excitement was tiredness and grief. This Dream couldn't be more different from Solar and still be Guardian of positivity.
"Static, Bane, meet our Uncle Dream guardian of dreams and positivity. And behind him are Powder and Rose from DustTale #3, and Milly has Glitch, Moonlight, and Starlight with her! Thank you for bringing them here so quickly Milly." Fresh 404 gives a bright real smile his web puffing to mist as soon as it is not needed anymore.
"HeLlO," Static looks from Dream to Bane then at the others while he continues to bandage himself up.
Bane blinked when Static greeted them. Static had never talked much as his glitches hurt him when he did. He normally used sign language when they were at home. Looking over at Static he was grateful he made the effort.
Dream shakes his head slightly thinking how much Bane looks like Nightmare before the apple incident. Same big lavender eyelights though Bane was missing the right one and that socket was badly cracked, same dark purple and black suit, same delicate bones. Well other than the glow. It was soul wrenching to realize this is probably what Nightmare looked like under the goop. "Nice to meet you both."
Fresh 404 glances at Powder and Rose then looks Dream in the sockets. "We asked Milly to bring you here because Bane has a layer of DreamTale attack residue that is blocking Vita from healing him. Can you try to absorb the residue?"
"Well I... in theory I should be able to but I have never really absorbed energy actively. That was more Nightmare's thing. I just kind of get a boost when there is a lot of positive energy around. Don't get me wrong I will gladly try, I just don't know how." Dream starts wringing his hands and pulling at his fingers nervously.
Starlight stands up on Milly's shoulder, flapping his wings to get his balance. "Dream calm down, I can help you. I know how to absorb energy. So does Moonlight. We used to manipulate the mood of an area when we were moving the colony or scouting parties around so people would leave or not pay attention."
Moonlight wraps a tentacle around Starlight's waist to keep him steady. "Starlight is right, we can guide you."
"Right if everything is stable here we are going to restock the library. Static, Bane, do either of you have a hobby we can pick something up for?" Fresh 404 smiles a bright empty smile like he just wants to run away and pretend to be a normal teenager for an hour or two.
Glitch waves at Fresh 404, "I cAll dIbs oN ShOpPIng sprEe TiMe!"
Milly lifts a hand to shoulder level for Glitch to climb on then holds him out to Fresh 404. "If this is retail therapy M'lord the music room is empty. I know why they took his majesty's instruments but the empty music room is making the staff uncomfortable."
"Static likes the fiber arts. I like books. Baby books would be helpful." Bane shrugs when they all look at him. "We understand retail therapy, it is relaxing to only think about what you are going to buy and getting home with your prize."
"nO iT Is nOt i aLwAys haVe tO pUll aRroWs OUt oF yoU." Static frowns and a cat sized blaster beast pops into being on his shoulder.
Fresh 404 cups his hand under Milly's so that Glitch can climb on then lifts him to his shoulder. "Sounds like shopping was a mixed experience for you."
Powder steps forward and catches Dream when he starts to sway on his feet. "Okay, time to set down."
"Uncle Dream, when was the last time you slept?" Fresh 404 frowns turning the full force of their disapproval on Dream.
Static snorts softly, "nOw i bElievE hE iS RelAted tO soMe veRsiOn oF BaNE."
Bane blushes, crossing his arms and looking away. "It is not my fault you didn't take care of yourself and the boys kept catching the kitchen on fire."
Rose covers his mouth trying to stop a laugh, while Vita snorts then giggles. Powder actually joins Fresh 404 in his disapproval of Dream's skipping sleep.
Moonlight laughs pulling Starlight down into a hug. "I think we are going to like the new additions to the family."
Fresh 404 sighs, "you know what we are through for the day. We are going to go shopping and be a teen for a couple hours. Uncle Dream, help Vita. If you can't sleep, get her to make you a sleeping potion tonight. If you don't we will use one of the ones dad made for mom on you and you can sleep for a week."
Before anyone could protest, Fresh 404 opened one of his swirling rainbow portals. Walked through and closed it behind him.
"So how did a stressed out teen end up running the multiverse exactly and who thought it was a good idea?" Bane watched the whole thing worried at what he was seeing.
Dream gives a sad smile, "Cobalt crushed us, Inky is a child and did such a horrible job when we didn't know that. I have been lucky to function since Nightmare jumped. Fresh 404 had the only strong voice, a plan, close to the right magic, and he proved himself a able leader winning over the fell Sanses. He is just plain good at it and between guilt and not trusting our judgment anymore." Dream shrugs too tired to find better words for why no one else had the will to lead.
Milly clears her throat. "He is our prince and he is doing a good job. Why would we not serve him? He may be young in body, but he is strong, clever, caring, and well trained. The people of this stitched together pocket AU have prospered for the last two thousand years in King Nightmare's care. We have every reason to believe that we will continue to do so with Fresh 404's leadership."
Powder nods, "Fresh saved me and Rose so we are willing to help and follow him. He is familiar."
"So guilt, apathy, illness, and loyalty? Have any of you bothered to think about I don't know the fact that he is a grieving kid who needs at least some rest and time to be a kid?" Bane frowns at them all.
Dream frowns at Bane, "we are trying, the council is reorganizing ourselves to be more independent, it just takes time."
Milly looks away frowning, "the villagers were scared without King Nightmare some even started to fall down after the rest of his team left the multiverse. M'lord Fresh 404 taking up the ranes changed all that. He is our hope and he has brought renewed life to the castle. I understand what you are saying and I agree but you don't understand that we can not afford more change now. Fortunately he is good at delegating. When it doesn't involve family or those he has taken directly into his care." Squaring her shoulders she meets Bane's eyelight.
Static reaches over and touches Bane's shoulder for a moment. "leT iT gO foR nOw seE If iT gEts beTtEr."
Starlight sighs, "let's get Bane healed up. The sooner we take care of the problems that will bug Fresh 404 the less he has to stress about."
-UnderOrchestra #0-
Fresh 404 wandered around the showroom of the supposedly best luthier in UnderOrchestra frowning something felt off about all the instruments he didn't have to look at the codes to tell none of them had whatever it was that made an instrument sing to the soul there voices would be flat even if technically perfect.
"Can I help you with something?" A salesperson approaches Fresh 404 with a bright fake smile.
Fresh 404 ignores the other customers watching. "No, we do not believe you can. We see nothing here that will meet our parents' high standards for instruments. Certainly nothing good enough for a gift."
The salesperson frowns looking offended. "I assure you there are no better modern violins."
Fresh 404 just shakes his head looking unimpressed. "Nope, not good enough." Turning away he opens a code portal and sends a single thread in seeking what he is looking for.
The salesperson tried to tell Fresh 404 to leave but he ignored him concentrating on his search.
UnderOrchestra Sans walked in just as Fresh 404 snapped the panel closed, frowning and turning his attention to the salesperson. "Hush merchant can't you tell we are busy."
Sans stepped in quickly he could tell the man was about to say something unforgivably rude, not that the kid wasn't being rude but something told him now was not the time to irritate him. "Hey kiddo something bothering you? I don't think I have ever seen you this... openly stressed."
Glitch climbs up on top of Fresh 404's coat collar fluff. Glaring at the salesperson, "someone is insisting this trash is great violins. Like Fresh 404 or I would believe such lies."
Blinking Sans looks from Fresh 404 and the Error Bitty on his shoulder to the violins. "They aren't trash, they are technically perfect but you're right they don't have soul but very few crafts people can achieve that. Instruments like that well there are only a few made in a generation. A skilled musician can still teach these to sing with care, love and time to absorb a spark of magic."
Fresh 404 frowns, "Maestro the codes say what we are looking for is here, newly finished."
The salesperson stands back frowning. It was one thing to try to eject a rude customer who made it clear they were not going to buy but his boss would fire him if he was rude to the conductor of the famous monster's orchestra.
"Newly finished? Perhaps it is in the back not moved out for display or a commission. Maybe we should talk to the master luthier?" Maestro gives the salesperson a look that sends him scurrying. He doesn't know what has the kid strung so tight but he is going to find out.
"That actually makes a lot of sense. We should have thought of that with the workshop on the premises. Can we drag you to all the shops? Dad's team took everything in the music room with them including his piano, mom's violin, and all the other instruments." Fresh 404 rubs his face with both hands sighing.
"Is that what, has you strung so tight? You know you can take your time finding just the right instruments?" Maestro led them towards the door in the back where the salesperson disappeared only to be met with a stern older gentleman in workman's clothing with a canvas apron over them.
"Sans, James said you were here with someone who was insulting my violins." The older gentleman sounded both irritated and amused.
"Gregory! It is good to see you. I am afraid my younger friend is too blunt for James to handle." Maestro grins offering a hand clasp. "He knows you have something extraordinary and was not willing to let James tell him what is on display is the best you have."
Gregory eyes Fresh 404, "Is that so and you know him well enough to vouch for him in my workshop?"
"No but I have seen him keep Inky from breaking anything for over an hour." Maestro smiles and shrugs.
"You make it sound like it is hard just don't let him have sugar or caffeine." Fresh 404 looks exasperated.
Gregory looks unreasonably impressed and steps aside. "Welcome to my workshop please don't touch anything without permission."
Fresh 404 nods, "of course this is where you practice your art and make your living it would be more than rude to disrupt that."
Maestro relaxed a little after the way the kid had talked to James he was worried he would offend Gregory. "Thank you Gregory I can't express how grateful I am."
Gregory watched Fresh 404 move carefully through the workroom. "I have known you most of my life Sans you never vouch for outsiders. You even tried to warn me about Inky and he is a god. For you to speak for a moody teen who can apparently control Inky. He is powerful isn't he and important enough to make you worry."
"He is every bit as powerful as Inky, maybe more so, and he has every reason and right to hate the council. We screwed up not in a little way but in a big multiverse ending way. Fresh 404 he," Maestro shakes his head watching him. "I have watched that kid calmly take over the council and treat us like we didn't ruin his life. He has done more to save us from our mistakes than anyone one on the council deserves."
"Sans you sound like you don't know whether to fear or worship him?" Gregory frowns slightly when the kid bypasses the last of his instruments and moves to the shelves with the completed journeyman instruments he hadn't inspected yet.
Maestro looks down at his hands, "I think it is both to an extent but at the same time I catch glimpses of a stressed out scared kid I feel like I should be protecting."
"Maestro come see this! Mr. Gregory, can Maestro touch this one?" Fresh 404 looks back at them with that bright blue grin of his.
Suddenly Gregory understood Sans a little better. That bright infectious smile warmed his heart in ways he had forgotten it could sense his youngest son's widow took his granddaughter and moved away. Sure he had other children and grandchildren but somehow the world had been colder without her smiles. "Of course I need to inspect that one anyway."
Maestro walks forward lifting the violin with care, "inspect you mean it is not one of yours Gregory?"
"My eldest daughter's work, you know we inspect every violin at least three times before it is allowed out of the shop." Gregory was about to get strings from a drawer when Fresh 404 ran his fingers down the rainbow lines on his face and pulled them away with strings following.
"Bru string her, we need to hear her." Fresh 404 held out the strings to Maestro looking excited.
To say Gregory was shocked would be putting it mildly; it was like watching a childhood story come to life. He could almost hear the cracked old voice of his grandfather telling the story of a dark stranger coming to his father's shop and bypassing all the fine violins beautifully crafted, painted, and patterned with gold leaf. To choose a plain violin simply polished crafted by an old man whose hands were too bent and gnarled to add fine decoration. The stranger, strung the instrument with glowing blue strings made of his own tears and when he played the notes wept forth like angels singing and every soul who heard wept for the aching love and sadness of it. The stranger afterwards complimented great grandfather for giving the violin a true voice and soul.
Maestro frowned but strong the violin with the glowing rainbow strings carefully tuning it. "Do you want to try it out?"
Fresh 404's smile slips just a little. "Can you while lessons are on the agenda once things are more stable we haven't had the luxury yet."
Gregory blinks startled out of his memories. "Why are you looking for a violin if you don't play?"
"Because mom is a master of stringed instruments with a preference for the violin. We believe the violin is a good place to start." Fresh 404 hesitates running his eyelight over the beautiful honey toned wood of the instrument in Maestro's hands. "Because some things call to and heal the soul."
Maestro wordlessly held out the violin to Gregory for final inspection and to test the tone.
Gregory found the violin visually up to standards for the shop taking a bow from a nearby rack he went through a few technical exercises. The tone was good with body and volume. He just didn't hear anything special to have the kid seeking this one so intently, or Maestro focusing on listening so hard.
Shaking their head Fresh 404 points at Gregory. "Now stop focusing on the technical. Play something from the SOUL."
Maestro nods with a small smile then scurried over and throws the workshop doors open so any customers can hear.
"What do you mean this is how we test all our violins?" Gregory knew a set up when he saw one and Maestro wasn't even trying to hide it, but he trusted him and this kid seemed too honest.
"Close your eyes, center yourself and play from the soul. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something that expresses you in this moment." Fresh 404 smiles that bright smile of his.
Hesitating, Gregory starts to play My Immortal by Evanescent, the beautiful clear sweet notes washing over the souls of all who listened, bringing tears to their eyes.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Maestro's socks widened he knew it would be good but he was shocked he knew Gregory was a fair to middling musician enough to test the violins but he had never been a concert violinist. Today on that violin he sounded like he was.
When Gregory finished he just stood there holding the violin while tears welled in his eyes.
One of the assistants who had been staying out of the way hurried over and gently took the violin and passed it to Maestro. Before hugging Gregory, "dad are you okay?"
Gregory nods hugging her, "your brother used to do that, he said the technical drills were fine but that he only heard the true voice of a violin when it sang."
Maestro shot Fresh 404, a grateful smile relieved that his friend was finally letting himself morn. "I see why you were so set on finding this one."
"Even better, it is made by the great, great, great, great, great, grandchild of the master luthier who made mom's violin." Fresh 404's smile was bright and satisfied but his eyelight seemed sad.
Gregory eventually wipes his eyes, smiling at them. "I take it, you want to buy the violin?"
"Very much so. We would also like to know who you think makes the best piano's." Fresh 404 reaches over and strokes the strings making them hum softly.
"James, get over here and sell him the violin, a bow, and a case. I will get Maestro a list while James helps you." Gregory smiles watching Fresh 404.
It didn't take long to pay for and pack the violin though James was horrified that Fresh 404 could not only buy it without credit but do so in g.
"Thanks for the tips Gregory. If he is as exacting about everything else as he was about the violin, I am going to need all the help and luck I can get." Maestro grins enjoying the challenge.
The next hour and a half left Maestro dazed, the kid found instrument after instrument all with that elusive quality musicians called soul. But it was when the kid touched a normal harp and it sang that Maestro knew the strings loved him, he would master anything with strings. "So what are you doing after this?"
"There is this funky little AU Inky made when he couldn't find the art book he wanted, called BiblioTale. The whole place is libraries, archives, and book stores. We are going to restock our library." Fresh 404 picks up an old lute from an antique shop he had pulled Maestro into and hums as he examined it. "What do you think of her Maestro? She still has the soul, do you think she can sing again?"
"I don't know, kids sometimes repairing them can go either way as far as what you are looking for." Maestro runs his eyelights over it. "Gregory would have the skills but what you are looking for takes more than skill."
"It takes an open soul willing to share, love, and hurt it is why Gregory needs to heal." Fresh 404 gently stokes the body of the lute. "We think he is up to it." After buying the lute, Fresh 404 passes the lute to Maestro, "can you take it to Gregory we need to get going."
"Sure kid I can take it to him." Maestro watched Fresh 404 leave through one of his colorful portals then looks down at the lute in his arms and sighs he still didn't know what had the kid ruffled.
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