Trio vs Neo
3rd Person POV:
(SB CEO office)
Gendo sat behind his desk as Ritsuko and Smart Lady stood in front of them.
Gendo: How is the conversation with the fragments of one of the spears proceeding.
Ritsuko: For once, we're ahead of schedule. SB-555T will be ready in three days.
Gendo: Good.
Smart Lady: Would you like us to postpone the rider battle until it's finished?
Smart Lady: It could make a grand spectacle!
Gendo: I allowed Faiz Axel to be used in your little commercials. Do not push your luck.
Smart Lady:(pout) Don't you want people to see how cool you are?
Gendo: I do not care what the people think.
Smart Lady:(mumbles) You've gotten so grumpy...
Gendo: If that's all, proceed as plan.
Ritsuko/Smart Lady: Understood!
(Opening theme)
(SB Second division base)
Toji was talking to his sister on the phone, once he was done, he went to change into his plug suit.
Kaworu then walked into the room, but before he could greet him, he slipped.
Toji: Dude, are you okay!?
Rushing up, he offered a hand to help him which Kaworu accepted.
Kaworu: Thank you... It seems today is my unlucky day.
Toji: I could- Ouch!
He felt a sudden surge of pain on his hand that he used to help him up. Pulling his hand away from Kaworu, Toji momentarily noticed a glowing substance on his palm.
Taking a second glance at his hand, he saw nothing.
Kaworu: Is everything alright?
Toji: I don't know... I feel like I'm losing it.
Kaworu: Is it because of the fight we have with them?
Toji: I guess...
Kaworu: I know it's difficult, but it's just a sparring match. I don't like it either, but if we want to prove that we can help we have to hold our own.
Toji: Yeah, yeah... I get it.
Kaworu: You'll do good... By the way, I hear that most of them don't know we're the new riders.
Kaworu: It's probably to make it easier for them to not hold back. So don't hold anything against them, especially (Y/n).
Toji: I get it, man.
The leader of this Neo trio pops her head in.
Mari: Hello!
Toji: What are you doing!?
Mari: Making sure you two stop dilly-dallying and get your plug suits on nice and tight!
Toji: What if we were in the middle of changing?!
Mari: What are you afraid of me seeing?
Toji: You just don't poke your head into the men's room!
Mari: Why not? You can poke your head into the lady's room if you want.
Toji: Huh?
Kaworu: Ignore her. You're better of focusing on why you're doing this.
Toji:(mind) Why I'm doing this...?
Toji:(mind) Right... I'm doing this so my sister can have a good life, a life she deserves.
(SB Anti-Angel HQ)
Rei, Asuka, and (Y/n) were getting into their plug suits.
(Y/n): So today, we'll be fighting actual people?
Asuka: There newbies, it will be different but nothing difficult.
Rei: Do not underestimate the enemy. They are using the latest in rider technology.
(Y/n): So what do you think they are capable of?
Asuka: Eh... They at best have some gimmick.
(Y/n): Do you guys want to come up with some kind of plan?
Asuka: We have way more experience than them. We don't need to destroy them.
Misato:(intercom) Okay you three, get ready for the battle.
Asuka: That's our cue. Let's go!
All six, after transforming, were taken from their base and brought to an open field, just outside the city for them to battle in.
Misato and Ritsuko watched from afar in a little bunker that was set up.
Misato: Where's Dumb Lady? Isn't she in charge of the new three?
Ritsuko: Don't worry. She's here.
(With the riders)
Delta, Faiz, and Kaixa.
They started off against the Neo trio. Neo-Alpha, Seeda, and Pyron.
(Y/n): Should we say hi?
Rei: It seems they are on a separate channel from us. We cannot hear them, nor can they hear us.
Asuka: This is going to be good.
She cracks her knuckles.
Asuka: Dibs on the red one!
Rei: I shall take the blue one.
(Y/n): Guess I get green. What a Christmas gift...
Misato:(coms) Okay, here's the rules. No vehicles, and no Axel form. Everything else goes. Now...
Misato:(coms) Get ready! We're starting in 3... 2... 1... Fight!
The two teams rush towards each other.
(Neo-Alpha vs Kaixa)
Asuka:(mind) It's on!
Mari:(mind) Oh, the firecracker wants to fight me? Delightful!
Kaixa took out her Blaygun and inserted her mission memory into it to activate its blade mode.
Mari:(mind) Hey, I have something like that too!
Neo-Alpha then took out her Neo-blaygun. A weapon shaped in half an Alpha sign that had a hilt going vertical down the middle of it. She inserted her mission memory into it, causing the red photon blade to pop out and the half Alpha sign to unfold into a full Alpha sign.
Asuka:(mind) Copy cat...
She held her Blaygun in a reverse grip while Mari held hers like a broadsword.
Kaixa was the first to attack. She swiped her energy blade horizontally across toward Neo-Alpha, who parried the blow.
Mari then began swinging her weapon around to try and hit Asuka, however to Mari's surprise, she easily managed to keep up with her.
Asuka:(mind) Nice try, but not enough!
Knocking her arm up, Kaixa slashed at Neo-Alpha's chest, before kicking her back.
Mari got back up and prepared to take the fight more seriously.
(Delta vs Pyron)
(Bang, bang, bang)
Rei fired around the field trying to his Kaworu who was running around avoiding her shots.
Kaworu:(mind) Is she missing on purpose? Or-
A photon shot zoomed past his face.
Kaworu:(mind) Ah... Giving me a false sense of security, I see.
Pyron took out his rider dagger and charged toward Delta.
She attempted to get him to keep his distance, but once her charge ran out, it gave him an opening to get close.
Just as she recharged her Delta blaster, Kaworu flipped over her and slashed her back.
Turning around, Rei tried shooting him, only for Kaworu to be on her side, slashing her up.
No matter how much she tried to turn to face him, Kaworu would already be behind her. Having enough, she tucked her blaster under her arm and shot behind herself.
Finally, she was able to hit him. Her shots stunned him momentarily, enough for her to spin around and pick him up by the throat. Unleashing a barrage of blasts into him, she inevitably ran out of charge, forcing her to throw him to the side.
Kaworu got up as if nothing happened.
(Faiz vs Seeda)
(Y/n):(mind) Here goes nothing...
Flicking his wrist, (Y/n) pulls out the deactivated Faiz edge he took with him due to not being allowed to summon the Auto Vajin.
Inserting his mission memory, he activated the Faiz edge.
Toji:(mind) Man... Of course, I get you. Sorry pal, but I got to kick your ass if I want to stay around to help.
Punching his fist into his palm, Seeda approach Faiz with his own rider dagger out.
Sparks flew as their weapons clashed.
(Y/n) could tell how Seeda was new to using a dagger. It was easy for him to land hits on Seeda.
Annoyed with how he was getting hit, Toji gave up on the dagger and tossed it away.
When Faiz swung down his Faiz Edge, Toji caught it in his hands. It was painful for him but he powered through it to pull it out of his hands, forcing Faiz to battle Seeda in hand-to-hand combat where he believed he was better at.
Toji landed a few blows, before (Y/n) blocked and kicked him in the side.
(Y/n) punched Toji twice, knocking him back. He then flicked his wrist as Toji rushed back to him.
The two riders ended up simultaneously punching each other across the face.
Seeda was first to recover as he rapidly punched (Y/n) to the point where he knocked him to his knees.
As Toji swung his fist down towards (Y/n), the memory of when he punched him when they first met flashed through his mind.
Faiz caught Seeda's fist, then pulled him closer only to punch him in the gut.
As Seeda staggered back, (Y/n) got up, flicked his wrist, and continued to attack Toji.
Every time he knocked Toji back, (Y/n) flicked his wrist as he walked closer to him.
(Y/n):(mind) Sorry, you're good, but you just don't have the experience I have.
Uppercutting Seeda, he sends him flying back.
Toji:(mind) Oh man... You're pretty tough (Y/n)...
Toji struggled to get back on his feet.
Toji:(mind) It was stupid of me to think I could beat you...
He felt a sudden pain in his chest. Toji attempted to clench his chest but his armor was in the way.
Green electricity began sparking off of Seeda as he began strangely moving.
(SB Anti-Angel HQ)
Gendo watched silently along with everyone else as Kamen Rider Seeda had sharp bone-like appendages grow out of its armor, and flesh-like ooze bleed around him.
Makoto: We're getting Angel like readings from Seeda!
Maya: Its Photon blood readings are alternating too!
With a light sigh, Gendo spoke.
Gendo: Seeda has been compromised. It is now an Angel.
Gendo: End the test battle and have the riders immediately move in to defeat it.
Gendo: Neo-Alpha and Pyron are to retreat. They might also be compromised or have the possibility of becoming.
Gendo: Get it done.
Everyone: Yes sir!
(With Faiz)
His hud display changed from showing Seeda as a rider to showing him as an Angel.
(Y/n): What the hell?
Neo-Alpha and Pyron began leaving.
Asuka: Hey what gives?
Gendo:(coms) Seeda has been compromised. It's now an Angel. Destroy it.
Angel Seeda wildly attacks Faiz, sending him flying across the air.
Asuka: How did this happen!?
She and Rei rush towards Seeda while shooting at him.
Once they were up close, Asuka began splashing at him. He retaliated by slashing her with his new sharp claws and knocking her back.
Rei, from behind, reached around and grabbed his throat and began pulling him back while shooting him in the back.
(Y/n): Wait! There's a person in there!
Asuka: We know. But we can only hold back so much against-
Her voice cut off.
(Y/n): Asuka? Hello?
Gendo:(coms) Now is not the time for a discussion. Right now you must defeat the Angel as quickly as possible.
(Y/n): But there's someone in there!
Gendo:(coms) What's in there is nothing of value anymore. It's expendable compared to what it could do.
(Y/n): So it's not a person?
Gendo:(coms) Does it look like one?
(Y/n):.... It doesn't feel right, but alright.
Delta was wrestling with Seeda while Kaixa ran back to help her. Faiz grabbed his Faiz Edge then inserted the Axel Mission Memory into his Faiz Phone.
Start up.
Darting towards Seeda faster than sound, Faiz speeds past him constantly, trimming his ever-growing spikes that protruded out of his armor.
Time out.
Returning to his basic Faiz form, he and the other two watched as the damage they caused quickly healed.
Gendo:(coms) You three. Finish it off with three simultaneous Exceed Charges, while it's healing.
Gendo:(coms) That should destroy the AT field and armor.
Reluctantly... The three prepared their finishers.
Faiz and Kaixa took their mission memories and inserted them into their pointers while Delta inserted it into hers into the Delta blaster.
Exceed Charge.³
Photon Blood flowed across their bodies into their pointers, before launching a photon drill at Seeda, stunning him in place.
Delta, Faiz, and Kaixa performed their finishers.
(Lucifer's Hammer)
(Crimson Smash)
(Gold Smash)
Asuka and Rei look away with regret, as (Y/n) then hears Misato's voice.
Misato:(coms) (Y/n)?! Can you hear me?
(Y/n): Loud and clear.
Misato:(coms) I'm so sorry... I should have told you before this started...
He begins to turn around to look at Seeda.
Misato:(coms) The fourth child... Seeda... Is... Is...
(Y/n) saw Toji on the ground covered in Angel remains and rider armor.
(SB Anti-Angel HQ)
Gendo closed his eyes while everyone else everted their gaze as they heard (Y/n) scream.
(Y/n):(coms) TOJI!!
(Ending theme)
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