♡ yutaeten ♡
♡ crush(es) ♡
pairing: yuta + taeyong + ten
genre: fluff
ten's eyes followed the figure passing by in the school's corridor. it was the figure of nakamoto yuta, a member of the school's soccer team – and one of their best elements. the boy was tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular body that he liked to put on display by wearing tank tops. his hair was black, and quite long, making him pass his hand through it often to put them back in place, and when he did so, half of the school was swooning over his handsome looks.
half of the school, and mostly ten and taeyong.
"god this man was sculpted by the gods..." taeyong let out, his eyes focused on yuta's body as much as ten.
"he is a god." ten corrected. "or even better."
"i hope he could be our god..."
ten and taeyong had been dating for three years.
they were together, in love, and basically all the school knew it. they were the gay power couple of the school, and everyone accepted them thankfully.
anyway, no one knew that, more than being gay, these two were polyamorous, and that a certain soccer player had caught their eye a year ago.
so, the two boyfriends had been secretly spying on yuta, the oh-so-perfect man that both of them wanted in their lives – despite the fact they had never spoken to each other.
"if only he could be gay..." ten sighed, looking at his boyfriend.
"and polyamorous." taeyong added.
yuta didn't have any girlfriend. nor did he have any boyfriend.
yuta had never voiced out his sexuality, and he didn't seem interested by dating anyone, so ten and taeyong didn't know if he was gay – which was probably not the case, and even if it was, he wouldn't be polyamorous. at least, that's what they believed.
"let's go back home?" taeyong raised a brow. "he finished his classes."
"yeah." ten nodded, intertwining his and taeyong's hand before walking away.
"YEAHHH!!!!" the whole crowd exclaimed as yuta ran over the soccer field with his arms spread apart after scoring a goal.
it was the second one he had scored during the match, making their team lead the game 2 to 0.
"and another score from our soccer genius, nakamoto yuta!" the speaker announced as the crowd continued clapping loudly.
the game went on, the referee blowing his whistle again to give the signal that the game was playing again. soon, the different players started running around the field behind the round ball, hoping they could score a new goal.
"oh my god, he's so good at this..." ten gasped, clinging onto his boyfriend's arms as yuta stole the ball from one of his opponents.
"we're going to win the match thanks to him, that's for sure." taeyong nodded, dropping a quick kiss on ten's temple before going back to staring at yuta.
the two boyfriends watched the game intensely until the half-time when they both decided to have a walk around the stadium.
with intertwined hands, ten and taeyong wandered around the corridors, making their way far from the crowds in hope of catching a glimpse of a player that could be wandering across the corridors.
let's be honest, none of them actually expected to see many players – and mostly not yuta – because they had never seen any since they started wandering around the corridors during the pause. they were just doing this to distract themselves, knowing very well that they wouldn't cross paths with yuta.
so, the two boyfriends wandered around the maze of corridors that was their school.
ten was currently on his phone, looking at pictures of yuta him and taeyong had snapped during this game or the many others.
the so-called boy hummed, seeing taeyong looking forwards with a pale face.
the thai male's brows furrowed at his boyfriend's sudden stop before lifting his eyes to look at what his boyfriend had seen.
ten's eyes immediately widened as his phone almost fell from his hand. "o-oh- "
a player was standing at the end of the corridor, using a snack machine to buy something energizing to eat. and it was not any player, it was nakamoto yuta, in all his splendour.
ten and taeyong stopped on their tracks, not daring to approach the male that had been on their mind for so long. they didn't expect to meet him here and now at all.
both boys panicked when yuta turned towards them with an energizing bar in his hand and when he started walking in their direction.
inevitably, they had an eye-contact, the two boyfriends panicking even more than before.
they hearts beat madly inside their chests as they tried avoiding yuta's eyes at all costs.
the soccer player was getting closer and closer to them, and neither taeyong nor ten were ready to give him an explaination on why they were here, and why they had stopped walking around to look at him.
"h-huh... sorry?"
the two boyfriends lifted their heads, looking at the man that was standing right in front of them. they both almost fainted.
he was even prettier up-close, and his voice sounded so much like a soft lullaby that they would love to listen to on repeat.
"you're blocking the door..." yuta's voice cut them off their daydream.
"s-sorry." the two boys apologised before stepping aside and allowing the soccer player to pass between them and enter the room.
once the door was closed after yuta's passage, ten and taeyong looked at each other wth heart eyes.
"he's so handsome..." ten declared.
"and his voice..." taeyong added.
"i think i'm in love..."
"so am i..."
"god have you seen how yuta was dressed today?" taeyong asked as he pinned his boyfriend to their shared bed.
"don't tell me about it if you don't want me to orgasm before you had the chance to touch me." ten replied, letting taeyong lead him.
"it was hard holding myself from jumping into his muscular arms." taeyong declared before gluing his mouth to the side of ten's neck, earning a small moan for the other boy.
"how well we would both fit in there..." the thai male replied between moans, his body feeling aroused by the pleasure taeyong was giving him as well as his own thoughts about the japanese male.
"oh, yes."
taeyong left ten's neck to concentrate on his pink lips that he loved so much.
the two boys kissed passionately, their clothes getting off quickly in the heat of the moment.
it was often for them to have conversations about yuta that led them to sex.
yuta was a hot man, and the simple thought of him could make the two boys die of envy in a second – and sometimes make them horny as well.
today was no exception.
the sight of yuta wearing a black tank top and a pair of ripped jeans had turned both boys on almost instantly.
thank god they didn't have many classes today, because they could go back home early.
"are you sure this isn't too much? i feel like everybody is watching me."
"what's important is if they were watching you." the boy replied with a smirk. "so, were they?"
yuta looked at his friend in the eye before nodding slowly.
"mission accomplished, then."
"but they're always looking at me, jaehyun." yuta whined. "this doesn't mean that they're interested in me."
"judging by the way they are swooning over you, i think they are head over heels for you."
yuta rolled his eyes, not believing his friend's words.
"they are a couple; they don't need me in their lives." he replied.
"that's where you're wrong." jaehyun declared. "because they look like they need you."
"are they even polyamorous?" yuta raised a brow. "not everyone sways the same way."
"i repeat, judging by the way they are swooning over you, they are polyamorous and they want you."
"this is so not possible..." yuta sighed, taking his head in-between his hands.
"how could you know if you don't ask them?" jaehyun asked. "you've been obsessed by the two of them for more than a year now. and they have been too."
"the only time i talked to them was a week ago, to ask them to move aside because they were blocking the door." yuta told. "they'll be weirded out if i come to them after this little shitty piece of conversation that we had."
jaehyun rolled his eyes, wrapping a comforting arm around yuta's shoulders.
"so, you're not going to make a move?" he asked.
"no." yuta shook his head. "i'm going to end up rejected, and when the whole school will know that nakamoto yuta is a polyamorous gay that has been rejected by the power couple of the school, it's going to be the end of me."
"you're over dramatic." jaehyun said. "they aren't going to reject you."
"sure." yuta replied sarcastically.
"hello, hello."
both ten and taeyong lifted their heads to look at the boy that had sat down at their canteen table without asking anything.
"huh... hello?" taeyong replied, recognizing the boy to be jaehyun, a member of the soccer teams.
"i don't know if you know, but tonight, we're holding a little party to celebrate yuta's 100th scored goal in a match, and i'd like to invite you two there." jaehyun explained quickly.
"what...?" ten raised a brow, wondering what kind of shit jaehyun was telling.
"i expect to see you there, i'll send you the time and address!" jaehyun continued before disappearing as quickly as he had appeared, meaving taeyong and ten behind completely confused.
"what was that?" taeyong asked.
"i don't know." ten shook his head.
"who does even celebrate the 100th goal scored?" taeyong snorted.
"yuta apparently."
"i'm sure it's some kind of bullshit." taeyong shook his head.
"but if it isn't, we would get to see yuta." ten added, catching the attention of his boyfriend.
taeyong's phone rang before he could answer, receiving a message from a unknown number, claiming that it was jaehyun, with an address and an hour for the upcoming party.
"i received the message." taeyong declared, showing the phone to ten.
"how about we go then? if there's nothing, we'll just go out. and if yuta is here and there really is a party, then we enjoy our night." ten proposed, earning a nod from taeyong.
"these are good plans."
the two boyfriends arrived at their destination a few minutes before the time indicated on jaehyun's message.
it led to a small house in a quiet neighbourhood that ten and taeyong weren't familiar with.
there was no sign of party so far, no balloons in front of the house, or no loud music to disturb the night. everything looked very banal.
the two boys approached the door nevertheless, pushing the doorbell.
they waited for a few seconds before the door opened, revealing a surprised yuta.
"yuta! i had completely forgotten i had a date tonight!" jaehyun's voice declared from inside as yuta, ten and taeyong exchanged stares. "i'm sorry i'll have to leave you alone for our boys' night..."
soon, jaehyun appeared behind yuta, a smirk appearing on his face.
"oh! look who's there! i'm sure they have nothing to do tonight and that it would be a pleasure for them to spend the night with you because i can't."
yuta faced jaehyun, his face red in both embarrassment and anger.
"you planned everything, you brat."
"you can say it that way." jaehyun smiled. "or thank me already for allowing you to get two boyfriends."
all the boys' eyes widened at the words pronounced by jaehyun.
and visibly, jaehyun noticed the confusion lingering in the air.
"okay, i really need to go. doyoung is waiting for me." jaehyun told, slipping out of the house and pushing ten and taeyong inside. "enjoy your night boys! and wear a condom!" he added before closing the door of the house, leaving the three males embarrassed inside.
"h-huh..." ten broke the silence.
"w-we can... go? if you don't want us there." taeyong completed.
"yeah, jaehyun said we were supposed to celebrate your 100th goal or something like that... but turns out it was a lie..." ten nodded quickly.
"we'll head out then." taeyong smiled weakly before turning around and placing his hand on the handle.
the two boyfriends torned around, meeting eyes with yuta who had flushed cheeks.
"you can stay if you'd like." he said quickly. "i'd like to get to know you better." he added, making both ten and taeyong's hearts beat eratically.
"f-for real...?" ten asked, surprised.
"yeah." yuta nodded quickly. "do you want to drink something?"
"so... who would you like to date...?" ten asked, looking at yuta with a stupid smile.
the japanese next to him gulped, glancing at the bottle of alcohol that was in the middle of the table.
he knew choosing truth was a bad idea. he could still drink to avoid answering to this question, but he didn't want to end up drunk and do stupid things afterwards. plus, he was already tipsy, just like ten and taeyong.
"why would i like to date anyone...?" yuta answered, looking between the two boys.
"because we're sure you have someone in mind." taeyong slurred.
"the whole school is at your feet. i want to know which pretty girl has caught your eye." ten added.
yuta snorted.
and what if it's not a pretty girl that had caught his eye, but rather, the two gorgeous males that were sitting facing him in his living room?
"i'm not going to give a name." yuta declared.
"spill or drink!" taeyong spoke loudly.
"but, i am going to give you a very big hint." yuta raised a finger.
he may have drunk only a small bit of alcohol he knew that the substance ran through his veins, and made him more confident that he actually was.
plus, the two boys facing him were in the same situation, so it would be easier to spill his secret there.
"we're listening..." ten smiled.
"they're inside this room." yuta whispered before giggling.
ten and taeyong looked at each other, smiling stupidly.
"do you hear that?" ten asked.
"could he like one of us?" taeyong replied, looking around the room to assure that there was nobody else.
"anyway, my turn!" yuta spoke. "taeyong, truth or dare...?"
"truth." taeyong replied immediately.
"what's your weirdest sex habit?" yuta asked, smirking.
taeyong flushed red, meeting ten's eyes.
they weren't going to spill that they were having sex while both thinking about him.
this was weird, and absolutely not politically correct.
"oh! you're drinking!" yuta declared, seeing taeyong take a sip of the bottle of alcohol.
"yeah. and it's my turn to ask a question." taeyong replied immediately. "so, truth or dare...?"
"dare." yuta said confidently, thinking that he had avoided any questions on who he might like.
"well, then... kiss the person you'd like to date." taeyong smirked widely.
"what?!" yuta's eyes widened in shock.
"you said you wanted to date someone that was inside this room. well, kiss him." ten smiled evilly.
yuta would have loved to chug down the whole bottle of alcohol, but this night was some kind of opportunity.
they were drunk, and more confident that usual. they were alone in a house, where no one could see them. he had to tell them.
everything was a sign for him to do it.
"okay." yuta declared, standing up quickly.
ten and taeyong's heartbeat accelerated as yuta walked towards ten, bending down and kissing his lips quickly before standing again.
"you like ten?!" taeyong exclaimed, both happy and sad.
"wait a minute." yuta added, making his way towards taeyong.
when he was standing in front of him, he bent down again, and kissed the boy's lips the same way he had kissed ten's.
"w-what does that m-mean?" ten questioned, looking between his shocked boyfriend and his crush.
"i like you both." yuta told, going back to sitting at his place. "i have liked you for more than a year. and i'd love to join the power couple to make it become the power throuple."
after saying those words, yuta was far from expecting to have two hungry beasts jumping on him to tackle him to the ground while kissing his face.
"we'd love that too." taeyong was quick to say.
"we've liked you for a year too, yuta." ten added.
"for real?" yuta's eyes widened, not believing this was all true.
"of course." both boys replied at the same time before kissing the japanese male under him passionately one after the other.
the next morning, yuta was woken up by someone clearing his throat.
he opened his eyes slowly, realising he shouldn't have drunk the night before because he had a huge headache.
"i see the night was productive."
yuta lifted his head, seeing jaehyun standing inside his room, and motioning to yuta's bed.
yuta looked down, to see both ten and taeyong sleeping soundly while being cuddled to his sides.
"you could say that..." yuta replied, one of his arms finding its way around taeyong's waist while the other played with ten's hair.
"so, you're together?"
yuta looked down at the two angels sleeping in his arms as flashes of the night before appeared in his mind.
he could see his confession again.
he could see ten and taeyong jumping on him to say they returned his feelings.
he could see the dozens of kisses they shared.
he could see their tongues fighting for dominance.
he could see the power couple kissing while he was being aroused by this simple sight.
he could see them all, having a long night full of passion, kisses and sex.
he could see it all. and he didn't regret any single thing.
"yeah." yuta nodded, kissing successfully ten and taeyong's foreheads.
there was no more him swooning over ten and taeyong.
and no more ten and taeyogn swooning over him.
now, they were all together, united by the term boyfriends.
and this was the best that could happen for them.
lots of you asked me if i would ever write about yutaeten again, and i originally wasn't planning to, but i decided it would be a good idea to use this pairing into a one shot, so here it is!
hope you liked it<3
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