♡ tenyang ♡
♡ the bet ♡
pairing: ten + yangyang
genre: !!incest!! fluff + smut
being the second child of a loving family necessarily meant that you were spoiled. and yangyang was no exception to that rule. as the second child of his family, born four years after his older brother, ten, yangyang had become the most spoiled brat that could exist on this planet.
and even now that he had turned 16 years old, yangyang was still a child-king, praised by his parents and irresistible to the eyes of everyone around him.
his older brother, ten, had never received such care and attention from their parents, but he never seemed to mind that. he – just like the rest of the family – cared for yangyang more than anyone else, and acted to him like an overprotective older brother despite his usually calm and responsible behaviour – when he was in presence of adults, because when around his friends, he could be considered anything but calm and responsible.
this family obsession over yangyang had always seemed to exist. as soon as the boy was born, all of the family seemed immediately mesmerised by the baby, and this lasted until present time, with yangyang becoming a young adult.
ten had always been there for his brother, making sure to help him with all the hardships of life and anything he may need growing up. he was the one to help yangyang dress every morning, the one to teach him how to play videogames or to explain to him that having wet dreams was normal. ten had also become his confident, the person to whom yangyang told all of his secrets, even the shadiest ones, and none of this refrained him from doing every single thing that his brother requested – i mean, how could he when yangyang was this adorable and precious?
all in all, ten had been there for him since forever, and he had seen the child yangyang transform in the beautiful – yet bratty – teenager that he was now. and it was no secret that he loved his brother to the moon and back; some would perhaps say a bit too much, but he didn't mind, this was how things were.
how was it possible to love someone too much?
well, the correct formulation for this question shouldn't be 'too much' but rather 'too inappropriately'.
because, yes, ten loved yangyang 'too inappropriately' for how a brother should love his other brother.
growing up, ten hadn't needed long to figure out he was meant to be the gayest of gays. his very first crush on johnny seo, a bitchy senior at their school, had made him realise that girls weren't an option for him, and that he was made for boys.
sadly, johnny moved away before ten could think about coming out and talking to him, and ten found himself alone again with his group of loyal friends with whom he couldn't resist doing stupid things. and it's only a few crushes and failed love stories later that ten found himself facing the realisation that if nothing worked with other boys, it had to be because he had particular feelings for a certain someone.
while he lived his best life, going out with his friends and sleeping with different boys, ten was confronted to his little brother hitting puberty and growing up so fast. yangyang quickly started to get more and more amazed by ten's way of life that he begged his older brother to become like him. ten started dressing yangyang with his own clothes, putting more revealing stuff on him, and sometimes making him look as slutty as he did – and he secretly enjoyed it; seeing yangyang walking around in a crop top and skinny ripped jeans turned him on more than it should, and that's when ten realised that maybe he had gone too far because he had started developing feelings that brothers shouldn't feel for each other.
the acknowledgement of those feelings – back when ten was 19 and yangyang 15 – led to more and more one-night stands, and more and more stupid things done with his friends, but despite that, he could never get rid of the feelings that attached him to his younger brother.
and after one year of trying had, ten decided to stop hurting himself and simply keep his feelings on the low, hoping to meet one day someone that would make his feelings fade.
but sadly, none of this ever happened, and actually, things became even worse for him and his wicked feelings.
on an early december day, ten came back home later than usual, slightly tipsy after another night out with his friends. this time – just like for the past months – he hadn't found himself a sexy man to spend the night with, and had decided to go back to his house and have a good night of sleep to prevent being hangover and tired the next day.
so, at 2am on this december night, ten tiptoed his way across the house, trying not to wake up his parents and his brother that were surely deep asleep at this ungodly hour of the night.
their night could have ended a few hours before if not for the bet that ten had made – and lost – at the beginning of the night. and so, this is how the group of friends had spent the two hours past midnight in a tattoo parlour, waiting for ten to get his lip pierced as a result of the bet he had lost. the bet had actually obliged ten to get a piercing on his face – ears excluded – and the 20-year-old had chosen a single silver lip ring to be attached to the middle of his bottom lip.
"you're back late."
ten froze as his brother's voice rang across the corridor, signalling that the 16-year-old was still wide awake at 2 in the morning – and that their parents would surely blame ten for preventing their precious baby to fall asleep.
"yang, what are you still doing up?" ten asked, turning around to face his brother – very bad idea, the boy was wearing one of ten's tank tops that he had paired with shorts that barely hid anything. the corridor was plunged in darkness, but there was a ray of light coming from yangyang's room and making the boy's skin glow.
"i was waiting for you." yangyang answered simply, crossing his arms over his chest. "where were you?"
"i was out with the boys." ten explained simply, his words coming off slightly messy because of his lip that had been freshly pieced and was still bruised.
yangyang frowned as he heard his brother's abnormal voice. "what do you have in your mouth?"
"oh, nothing." ten shook his head as the younger male took steps in his direction. "it's just that i made a bet with the boys and i lost it so i had to- "
"you got your lip pierced..." yangyang cut ten's words as he examined the boy's bruised bottom lip on which was resting a perfectly round and shiny ring.
"y-yeah, exactly..." ten nodded as he stuttered, his whole body getting warmer are yangyang approached his face from his lip to stare at the new skin jewel.
and if having yangyang this close to his lips weren't enough, the younger male slid his pointer finger on ten's bottom lip, poking the silver ring delicately not to hurt his brother.
ten's heart became mad at that, and the volume of alcohol he had drank during the night surely didn't help his mind to keep his thoughts innocent and calm. but at the same time, who in their sane mind could resist yangyang right now?
"does it hurt?" yangyang questioned, keeping his face at the level of ten's lips but looking up to meet ten's eyes.
"n-no." ten shook his head, his breath getting stuck in his chest at the ethereal beauty of his brother.
this was all so wrong. and the worst part was that he was aware of it.
he knew how abnormal and not natural loving your sibling was. it was incest, and never in his whole life ten had believed that it could occur to him. never ever had he once told himself that there could be an ambiguity between him and his brother, and that he would be okay to kiss or have sex with his brother. and yet, here he was, facing this very problem and having no clue what to do with it. his fucking feelings didn't go away, and they hurt like a bitch because he was aware that nothing could ever happen; first because yangyang surely had a sane mind and would never think about ten in that way, and second because such things could not happen and get accepted in the society that they lived in.
and yet...
"can you kiss me?"
ten's eyes opened wide as the same sentence repeated in his mind, trying to process if he had heard things right or if alcohol was playing tricks on him – he recalled not drinking much, though.
"w-what?!" ten whisper-shouted, trying to read his brother's eyes.
"can you kiss me?" yangyang repeated the same words ten had heard a second before. "i've always wanted to know how it felt kissing someone with a lip piercing."
"y-yang... i can't do that!" ten breathed out, cheeks flushed and heart completely mad.
"why not...?" the younger frowned, tilting his head to the side.
"b-because... we're brothers!" ten replied, the answer not convincing himself much.
"and...? what's the problem with that?"
"w-well..." ten looked into yangyang's eyes, getting lost in their depth. god, he hated himself for feeling such things for his brother, but at the same time, he kept wondering how anyone could resist to their sibling if they were like him...
"ten..." yangyang pouted, and ten would have lost it if he still hadn't a bit of sanity in him. "you said that you were ready to do anything for me... i'm not asking much..."
"y-yang..." ten stuttered, the temptation killing him on the inside.
the younger male took a step forward, his body being almost glued to ten's as his lips hovered over ten's. "it's just a kiss..." he murmured, his mouth barely brushing against ten's own.
and you could say that it was when ten lost it. "oh, fuck it."
ten barely needed to lean forwards so that his and yangyang's lips got sealed in a messy kiss.
the younger male smiled the second ten's lips touched his own, and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around ten's neck, pressing their bodies closer and making sure there was no space between their mouths.
the older brother couldn't help but breathe out a moan as his eyes closed now that he was finally doing what he had dreamt to do for the past year; kissing the boy that had been on his mind 24/7, as wrong as it was.
the little of what was left of ten's sanity got crushed to nothing when yangyang's tongue brushed against the bruise on ten's lip, just where the silver ring had been attached. ten was aware that yangyang had already kissed people or been in a relationship, but he was far from imagining that a 16-year-old could be this much of an amazing kisser. because as wrong as it was, this was what yangyang was: an excellent kisser. his tongue played with the lip ring skilfully, and he would often use his teeth to nibble the abused and pierced skin of ten's lip, never failing to make his older brother moan.
the two of them parted after long seconds, both keeping their eyes closed for a while as they panted and went down from their highs after the unbelievably amazing kiss that they just had shared.
"thank you..." yangyang breathed out after a minute, making ten open his eyes as well. his cheeks flushed when he realised that he had just broken the promise he had made to himself to never engage something with his brother.
"n-no, we shouldn't- "
ten was cut by yangyang's lips that pressed against his again for a few short seconds before his teeth tugged on the silver lip ring before letting it go and pulling away.
"good night, ten."
and with that said, yangyang turned on his heels, disappearing into his room and closing the door behind his back, leaving ten alone in the corridor, in the dark and completely lost in thought.
as wrong as these kisses had just been, kissing his brother felt even more amazing than he had ever imagined...
"so? how's life with a lip piercing?"
"asshole!" ten spat at his friends over the phone, causing them to giggle in the groupchat call. "my father almost killed me for not warning him and asking for his permission."
"come on, you're 20. you can do whatever you want..." ten's friend replied.
"right. plus, it's just a lip ring!" another one exclaimed.
"i know, but my parents are strict. at least they didn't punish me or anything." ten rolled his eyes before glancing at his alarm clock, reading half past midnight.
"god, if my parents were like yours, i swear I..."
ten sighed, barely listening to his friends' conversation as he realised that waking up the next day would be hard once again because of how late he went to bed. the night before, he hadn't been able to fall asleep before 4am because of the kiss him and his borther had shared, and he had barely survived during the day on 4 hours of sleep and 5 cups of coffee. and let's be honest, he didn't want to repeat this experience for the next day.
"guys, i- "
ten stopped himself in his words as the door of his room was pushed open, revealing his brother in clothes similar to the one he was wearing the night before. the older boy gulped at the sight once again, flashes of their kiss the night before appearing in his mind and making his heart become erratic.
he didn't move a muscle as yangyang walked towards him with a beaming smile on, stopping by the bed on which ten was lying down.
"earth to ten?! hello?!" the boy's friends screamed through the phone.
"h-huh... sorry, i need to hang up. my brother needs me." he informed. "bye."
and before the others could give an answer, ten hung up, throwing his phone somewhere on the bed and looking up at his little brother with a quizzical expression.
"i'm here for my goodnight kiss." yangyang spoke clearly, his never never leaving ten's as the older almost choked on his saliva.
"g-goodnight kiss? since when do you need a- "
and if the events of the night before hadn't been enough for ten's poor heart, yangyang leant forwards, placing his lips on ten's and letting himself melt into the kiss for a few seconds, not hesitating to toy with the silver jewel attached to his older brother's bottom lip.
he pulled away after a minute, flashing an astonished ten his signature smile.
"good night, ten." he beamed before walking out of the room and closing the door, once again leaving ten on his own, alone with his messy thoughts.
"g-good night..." he stated barely above a whisper, his heart still erratic and his mind clouded with confusion and adoration.
the goodnight kiss quickly became a habit of yangyang and ten.
every night, when one or the other would want to go to bed, they would tiptoe to the other's room for a long and loving kiss before a good night of sleep.
and inevitably, every night, yangyang toyed with ten's lip piercing, making the older boy moan and pull his body closer.
without much surprise, this didn't help ten's growing feelings for his brother to die down, and if anything, it made them more intense, and irresistible, to the point that he wouldn't be able to sleep properly if he hadn't had his brother's goodnight kiss.
as much as he loved the ritual that had started between the two of them, he couldn't help but feel weirded out by the fact that he liked this and that he couldn't stop himself from liking and wanting it to happen. yangyang was still his brother – he would always be – and what they did was incest, and should not happen. but how could he resist those feelings when they were so powerful...?
in fact, ten's questioning was mostly happening because of the fear that realisation would one day hit yangyang. he was awfully scared that one day, his baby brother would realise how wrong all of this was, and that he would either tell other people about it or stop being close to ten.
however, he was very far from imagining that yangyang was fully aware of what was happening and that he couldn't care less about the fact that he was having an affair with his brother or that what they were involved in was incest. love was love after all, wasn't it?
the same way that ten had had a crush on yangyang for the past year, yangyang had developed a crush on his older brother as he grew up.
the youngest boy had always looked up to his older brother as years passed, and it was no secret that he admired him and wanted to become like him in the future: a sexy boy who didn't have trouble finding partners for the night and who was – apparently, based on the rumours spreading around school – a sex god.
so, for the past years, yangyang had been aware that what he felt for his older brother was more than just adoration and a simple brotherly love, it was way more powerful, and it was all he wanted to have, whether it was wrong or not.
the goodnight kisses they had exchanged for the past three months used to be enough to fulfil his horny teenager needs, but he was very aware that it wouldn't be sufficient forever.
he wasn't stupid, he could feel himself and ten being hard at night when the kiss would get too intense, and he was fully aware that he often tried to deepen the kiss and to go further, allowing his hands to roam across ten's body while his other brother did the same.
they both wanted to go further, but they couldn't. something seemed to prevent them to do so. what? surely the fact that – as much as both enjoyed what was happening – what they did was wrong, and if their parents – who were sleeping a few rooms away from them – came to learn about it, they would both been killed, even though yangyang was the treasured bratty child.
but the perfect opportunity came to them earlier than expected.
on the night of ten's 21st birthday, on february 27th, their parents had left the house for ten to host a party with his friends to celebrate. yangyang had lied to them on purpose, claiming that he would spend the night to a friend's when he couldn't wait to be around his brother and his friend while they partied their asses out. he was silently looking forward to this night during which he wished nothing more than going further with ten – it would be a great birthday present, wouldn't it?
"fuck! i'm so drunk!" one of ten's friends exclaimed before laughing loudly, falling on the couch on top of another boy who seemed to be completely drunk as well, yawning like a bear.
"who the hell ate the last slice of pizza?!" another boy that yangyang had forgotten the name of asked, holding up an empty box of pizza.
"i did!" someone yangyang couldn't identify yelled before the boy who wanted the last slice jumped on him, tackling him to the floor in a meaningless fight over pizza.
yangyang rolled his eyes at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. it was barely 11pm, and all of ten's guests seemed completely wasted, which seemed weird considering how often they all went out to have drinks or party.
on his side, yangyang had decided to stay sober, or not to drink much. he wanted his night with ten to be the most vivid and real possible, because he couldn't let such a magical moment get wasted by alcohol. but sadly, not drinking involved remembering how drunk all of the others were, and this only could persuade someone to drink their ass off to forget about it – but not for yangyang.
"hey..." an oh-so-familiar voice slurred by his ear, making a beaming smile appear on yangyang's lips. "how are you doing...?"
yangyang turned around, his breath almost getting caught in his chest at the sight of his older brother, wearing tight leather pants and a very slim black shirt that made every curve, muscle and detail of his chest visible.
"amazing, but how are you doing, birthday king?" yangyang questioned, a sly smirk contorting his mouth as he raised a brow.
"could be better..." ten giggled, playing with his lip piercing with his top teeth. contrarily to all of his friends, ten didn't seem too drunk which was weird considering he was a light weight compared to the others.
"and..." yangyang slid a hand against ten's arm to intertwine their fingers. "...how can i make it better?"
ten chuckled, his eyes glistening with envy. "come with me..."
yangyang allowed his brother to pull him towards his bedroom, taking a sit on the bed while ten locked the door behind them before facing yangyang. the younger male studied carefully ten's body in his sexy clothes as the older walked towards him in a feline way.
as his eyes roamed across his brother's body, yangyang noticed how ten's nipples were perked up, but what interested him more were the two little beads that seemed to appear around both of his nipples.
just as ten stood in front of him, yangyang stood up, his hands finding their way on ten's hips, his thumbs pushing the fabric of his shirt away to tickle the other's skin directly.
"didn't you forget to tell me something...?" yangyang asked, sliding his full hand under ten's slim shirt.
"huh... i don't think so..." ten replied with a silly smile as he pushed his body against yangyang's their lips brushing against each other's.
"oh, really?" yangyang raised a teasing brow.
and before ten could think about giving an answer to his brother, yangyang's thumbs reached for the two perked-up nipples, pinching them slightly and toying with the metallic beads that were attached to them. inevitably, this caused ten to let out a ravaged breath, sounding very much like a moan, as he glued his and yangyang's pelvises for more friction.
"you got yourself nipple piercings, and you didn't even tell me..." yangyang pouted, looking adorable in ten's eyes.
"i'm sorry... i wanted it to be a surprise..." the older brother replied, one of his hands caressing the side of yangyang's face until it cupped it.
"oh, it was a surprise..." yangyang smiled. "for me...?"
"only for you."
ten then inched forward, filling the gap between their lips as he placed his on yangyang's opening his mouth instantly and letting his little brother play with his lip piercing, as he was used to.
at the same time, yangyang lifted ten's shirt up so that his chest was bare, allowing him to play with the two new piercings that the older boy had acquired. ten moaned in yangyang's mouth as the kiss became more and more heated until yangyang got rid of ten's shirt and ten of yangyang's.
the older brother let himself fall down on the bed, allowing yangyang to straddle him, placing his butt right on top of ten's growing bulge as his tongue teased the freshly pierced buds, making ten arch his back and moan louder than before.
"damn, i hope you weren't this loud when you got them pierced." yangyang chuckled, wiggling his butt on ten's pelvis, causing the older to lift his hips for more friction.
"shut up brat... you know very well what effect you have on me." ten muttered, marking a pause in his sentence to moan.
"i know." yangyang teased, biting ten's nipple as his fingers pinched the other. "i just want to hear you say it."
ten let out a groan, arching his back for the nth time before pulling yangyang up and gluing his lips to his in another messy kiss.
"i want you." ten whispered as they parted out from the kiss.
"you want me?" yangyang raised a teasing brow, a sly smirk on his lips.
"yes, i do. very much. and right now." ten nodded. "get undressed."
"of course."
yangyang got off the bed, pulling his trousers and his boxers down as ten got rid of his own clothes without standing up. both of them couldn't prevent themselves from staring at each other in all their nakedness, wondering how it was possible to have such a hot and fuckable brother.
"come here, yang." ten patted his lap, still lying on his bed, his dick standing up and dripping with precum because of anticipation.
"oh, you won't need to tell me twice." yangyang chuckled, crawling on top of ten and using one of his hands to hold ten's dick in place before sitting down on it.
"wait, wait!" ten stopped him as he felt his tip being engulfed in the tightness of yangyang. "i need to prepare you or it's going to hurt."
"i already did. don't worry, i know what i'm doing." the boy replied. "just sit back and enjoy..."
ten didn't know why, but hearing these words leaving his brother's mouth had acted as a huge turn-on for him, making him harder than he already was – if possible. he had absolutely no idea that his baby brother could be this well informed on the matter, and ready to commit to it, but he was so glad that it was the case, because he was starting to want yangyang so much that it hurt.
"did you know that this would happen, little brat...?" ten breathed out, choking on a moan as yangyang sank on his dick, engulfing him in a burning-hot tightness.
"i hope it would from the bottom of my heart." yangyang replied with a wink, letting out a groan of pleasure as he felt the tip of ten's member hitting the depth of him.
"fuck..." ten's eyes rolled to the back of his head. "i'm not sure i'll be able to hold myself..."
"i'm not asking you to." yangyang replied, looking at his older brother with lidded eyes.
and so, these were the last words needed for ten to go full beast-mode.
as soon as the sentence left yangyang's lips, ten gripped on the boy's hips, lifting them with force before slamming them back on his dick, causing both of them to scream in pleasure. ten's thrusts in yangyang's hole became more and more intense, the older hitting his brother's prostate with each movement.
"t-ten! aghh!!" yangyang yelled, his head pulled back as his body spasmed because of pleasure.
"hold on a bit more..." ten growled out his own mind clouded with lust, envy and horniness as it couldn't realise that he was finally fucking his baby brother, after all of this time crushing on him and feeling his heart getting so erratic around him.
"i'm going to come...!" ten warned, eyes closing on their own as his thrusts became sloppier as his release neared.
"m-me too!!" yangyang breathed out, falling on ten's stomach because of the force of his movements.
"aghh, fuck..."
just as ten reached his orgasm, the older boy pulled yangyang in a meaningful kiss, pouring all of the love he had kept bloated inside of him because of the fear of rejection into the kiss. this was enough for yangyang to release as well, white liquid spurting out of his dick and dirtying his and ten's stomachs while his hole got filled with ten's semen.
the two brothers parted from their kiss as they rode their highs, panting against each other's necks and waiting for their breaths to become steady again.
"woah..." yangyang breathed out. "that was..."
"breath-taking..." ten finished, still out of breath.
"exactly..." the younger nodded, a bright smile on his face. "you'll tell me next time you go get a piercing, okay?"
ten hummed, his arms wrapping around his brother's as he inhaled the boy's scent. he had never felt so good in his 21 years of life.
"don't worry, yang... you'll be the first to know."
"thank you, ten." yangyang cuddled further into ten's chest both of them smiling as they recalled the start of everything; ten's lip piercing.
damn... and to say that if only he had won the bet, none of this would have ever happened...
thank you @toothlessseong for this request!
just to be clear, the things i mentioned in the one shot about incest are not things that i believe and support, it's just for the story!
hope you enjoyed<3
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