♡ nosung ♡
♡ safe ♡
pairing: jeno + jisung
genre: angst/fluff
jisung heaved out a long sigh as he headed towards his house, both ears busied by a pair of airpods which played loud music.
he was on his way back home, just like every other day, hours after the night had set, walking in a not so well-lit district of seoul.
he was particularly tired this night, which was why he had chosen to walk across this questionable neighbourhood in which his mother had warned him not to pass. but tonight, jisung had decided he wouldn't listen to her. he was too tired, and this neighbourhood was a half an hour shortcut that would allow jisung to get back home faster before he fainted of exhaustion.
what could happen anyway?
well, jisung should have been more careful that night, because before he even had the time to pull his earbud out, a stinging pain hit his arm, and a red liquid oozed out of it, his blood being the last thing he saw before his vision turned black and he fainted on the concrete.
jisung woke up with an unbearable pain to his arm, and a pounding headache, this last problem not being fixed by the two unidentified males that were having a loud conversation.
"why the fuck did you have to save him?!"
"he was about to die!"
"people die every day, jeno! this is not a valid reason!"
"he was innocent!"
"a stupid innocent, because who even walks in dark alleyways with music in their ears when the news has been talking non-stop about the gang fights in this part of the city?!"
"he may not have heard the news!"
"well, natural selection happens for something!"
"we have the ability to save him! we can't let him rot!"
"of course, we can!"
"i just want us to heal him, and then we'll do as if nothing ever happened! we couldn't let him die!"
"that's the problem, jeno. the second you crouched and carried his body to protect him, you affiliated him and his whole family to this shit. you know how other gangs are. so, he'll never be able to live peacefully because the only thing they'll have on their mind now is to find him and torture him to death to get information about us!"
both men that were talking rather loudly turned around at the strangled sound that left jisung's mouth when he heard about how his future was traced to be.
whose bed was he on? where the hell was he? why did his body hurt? and why couldn't he move?
sensing jisung's panic, one of the men approached jisung while the other one left the room.
tears welled up in jisung's eyes as his whole body trembled in fear when the person approached him.
"hello, huh..."
"w-where am i?!" jisung yelled, startling the rather young boy that came into view.
he seemed tall and had broad muscular shoulders, visible thanks to the black tank top he was wearing. strands of his black hair had fallen in front of his eyes, making them look even more mysterious than they actually were. his jawline was sharp even though the boy didn't seem to be clenching his jaw.
jisung couldn't deny he was very handsome, but let's be honest, right now was not the time to swoon over hot boys, because he needed some kind of explanation.
"well..." the black-haired male passed one of his veiny hands through his hair, pulling it back and allowing jisung to see a glint of worry in his eyes before they were hidden again by the messy strands. "you were kind of... shot... in the middle of a gang fight... so... i brought you to our infirmary because i didn't want you to die..."
jisung gasped, looking down at his body that was lying down on a bed.
effectively, his right arm was wrapped in bandages that used to be white but were now stained with jisung's blood.
"s-shot?! g-gang fight?!"
"yeah..." the boy replied. "in the wrong place at the wrong time..."
"w-what...? i-i..."
"but don't worry, we retrieved the bullet of your arm, and we bandaged the wound, so it shouldn't get infected."
"w-what are you doing?!" jisung's body trembled as the boy leant over the bed, undoing something.
"we had tied you to the bed so that you wouldn't try to run away, but seeing your state i don't think you will." the boy explained as jisung could finally breathe properly because nothing was pressing on his chest anymore. so, this was why he couldn't move. "you need help sitting up?"
jisung looked at the boy sceptically before nodding slowly, immediately feeling the raven-haired sliding a hand under his back and lifting him with ease, trying his best not to hurt his wounded arm.
"w-who are y-you?" jisung stammered, wincing as his arm hurt like hell.
"huh... my name is jeno. i am... i'm part of a gang." the raven-hared said. "what's your name?"
"j-jisung." the younger replied slowly, his eyes never leaving jeno's face. "y-you're in a gang? b-but you seem young..."
"well..." jeno sighed as he passed a hand through his hair once again. "everybody doesn't have the life they want... it was the gang or death... i chose the gang."
there was a long silence after jeno's words, jisung not knowing what to say.
he had been watching the tv these past weeks, and he was aware that the illegal gangs of the city had been more and more violent recently.
but as a naïve teenager, he had imagined all of this wasn't concerning him. he was a tall boy, and he was careful about his surroundings. normally people didn't bother him. plus, he didn't have much money, so nobody would be able to get anything interesting from him. yeah, jisung never imagined he would once be involved – in any way – with gangs.
well, apparently, being in the wrong place at the wrong time had made it happen...
if only he had listened to his mother's advice... he wouldn't have walked through this shitty neighbourhood, and none of this would have happened...
"i-i want t-to go back h-home..." jisung stated slowly, looking up at jeno.
"i'll bring you back home, but we need to have a talk with the leader first."
"here you are." jeno declared, stopping the car he was driving in front of jisung's house as the younger looked outside the window.
"thanks." jisung mumbled, using his hand to open the door.
"so... i'll see you tomorrow since... you know?" jeno said with a small smile. "what class do your classes start?"
jisung sighed, looking at the gang member.
just before jeno had drove him back home, they had had a conversation with the gang leader, and he had told them that jeno would need to keep an eye on jisung as much as he could, because jisung was now a target of other rival gangs.
so, this implied jeno picking him up in the morning, and basically being around whenever jisung was out.
"at eight." jisung replied.
"i'll be there at 7:15 then." jeno nodded.
"the school is 15 minutes away." jisung frowned.
"yeah, but do you think those bandages will get cleaned on their own?" jeno raised a teasing brow, his eyes falling on jisung's left arm that was completely bandaged.
"right..." jisung sighed. "see you tomorrow then."
"see you. and don't hesitate to call if something's wrong." jeno added as jisung exited the car. "i'm supposed to keep you safe."
the next day, jisung groggily walked out of his house at 7:17, being met with an impatient jeno leaning on his car.
"you're late." jeno informed, internally cooing at the younger boy's-tired features.
"putting a shirt took me more time than i expected." jisung explained, walking straight to him. "it's hurting a lot."
"get in the car, i'll drive us somewhere i can do the bandages again. and i have a painkiller for you."
jisung sat down on the expensive leather seat and closed his eyes as jeno drove them away from his neighbourhood.
the gang member chuckled as he could hear soft snores leaving jisung's mouth after a few minutes, sign that he was finishing his night. he took this opportunity to pull aside and stop the car to change jisung's bandages.
jeno opened jisung's door and grabbed the hem of jisung's shirt to pull it off, trying not to wake him up. instead, this made the younger boy flinch and let out a piercing scream as he tried kicking jeno away.
"hey, jisung! jisung, calm down!" jeno called, as jisung slowly took in his surroundings and looked up at jeno with teary eyes.
"s-sorry..." jisung mumbled, looking down at his lap.
"don't worry, it's okay." jeno shrugged it off. "i need to take the shirt off, can i?"
the gang member pulled jisung's shirt off his head, being careful not to hurt his arm, and then he worked on the wound, removing the bandages and cleaning the bloody flesh before putting new bandages again.
while doing so, his eyes often fell on jisung's face, realising that the boy kept dozing off to sleep.
"you look very tired." he declared, briefly glancing at jisung's pale face and his prominent eyebags.
"i didn't sleep..." jisung replied.
"why? you were harmed, your body needs sleep to help healing." jeno explained.
"it's not that i didn't want..." jisung sighed. "i just couldn't."
jeno stayed silent after, finishing the bangaging before helping jisung putting his shirt again.
he then got into the driver's seat and started driving them to jisung's high school.
"each time my eyes close, i see people trying to kill me and to shoot me." jisung spoke, breaking the silence.
jeno cleared his throat, tightening his grip on the wheel. "i'm sorry."
"it's not your fault." jisung shrugged. "it's mine. i shouldn't have walked through this neighbourhood. my mother had warned me."
"still, i'm sorry you had to live this." jeno replied sincerely. "you're a young and pure boy, you didn't deserve any of this to happen to you."
"being in the wrong place at the wrong time..." jisung sighed again as his school came into view.
"i promise i'll make sure nothing else happens to you, jisung." jeno spoke, stopping the car and placing a comforting hand on jisung's shoulder. "i'll keep you safe."
jisung smiled at the older boy. "thank you, jeno."
the gang member smiled back; his whole being softening at the sight of jisung's gummy smile. he looked so cute...
"i'll be here all day waiting for you. and i'll send you a message if i ever leave because i have a mission." jeno explained. "and don't hesitate to call me if you have any problem, okay?"
"okay." jisung nodded.
"have a good day, then." jeno nodded. "stay safe."
"do you have some more pain killers?" jisung asked as he sat inside the familiar car, holding onto his right shoulder and wincing his pain.
"why? what happened?"
"we played handball in p.e., and the ball hit my arm." jisung explained as jeno rummaged through his car to find the little bag containing medicine.
he had been watching over jisung for three months now.
three months of picking jisung up every morning, and bringing him back home safely at night.
three months of following him and his family whenever they would go out during weekends.
three months of growing closer and becoming friends.
three months of making sure jisung was safe and sound.
and honestly, jeno loved that new job of his.
jeno had grown a soft spot for the cute teenager that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
now, both of them spoke freely, and they even hung out.
it was no longer jeno protecting jisung while the younger lived his life. now, jeno stuck to jisung, even when the boy would want to grab a coffee or study at the library.
and both jeno and jisung enjoyed it very much.
"i told you not to participate in p.e. classes until next month." jeno tsked, pulling the painkillers out from god knows where and handing them to jisung. "and i don't have water so you'll have to swallow it dry."
"yeah, anything to get rid of the pain..." jisung groaned, immediately placing the painkiller in his mouth.
three months after being shot, his gunshot wound had gotten a lot better, and he didn't need bandages anymore. the hole on his arm had almost closed, and it was rarely bleeding now. however, moving his arm around still hurt a lot, and the whole arm was still very sensitive.
"how long will it take to heal, seriously..." jisung sighed, holding onto his limb.
"it could be years. but it will be more if you keep hurting yourself while not respecting my orders." jeno raised a teasing brow at the boy.
"yeah, i really wanted to play..." jisung rolled his eyes.
"and i really want you to be safe." jeno replied immediately. "so, you better listen to me now."
"alright, mom." he smirked.
jeno ignored jisung's words and started the engine, making it roar loudly.
"so, where are we going?" he asked.
"somewhere i can rest." jisung replied simply.
"to your house?"
"no, not there." jisung shook his head.
"why?" jeno raised a brow.
"because you refuse to come in, and i want to stay with you."
"how long will you have to watch over me?" jisung asked, barely above a whisper as he pressed his cheek further against jeno's chest, wrapping an arm around the boy's torso.
both of them were lying on jeno's bed, the gang member having his head against the headboard and his arm under jisung's body as the younger cuddled to his side, holding onto him tightly.
this was a comfortable position that both boys had discovered a month ago, when jisung had fallen asleep one night at the gang's house. and since then, whenever they had the time, jeno and jisung would spend hours in this comfortable position.
another three months had passed, making it six months since jisung was shot.
his arm was far better, but still sore sometimes.
jeno and him were as close as ever, finding comfort in the other in a corrupted world. it felt good knowing that they had each other.
they may be very different, jeno being a criminal and jisung a pure teenager, but they had found in each other everything they desired. and they enjoyed it very much.
"are you tired of having me around every day?" jeno raised a brow, his fingers interlocking with jisung's blondish hair.
"no." jisung replied immediately. "but i was wondering since... since you're in a gang and... and i'm guessing you have more interesting activities to do than watching over a kid who didn't listen to his mother's orders..."
jeno raised a brow, looking down at the younger boy that was on his stomach.
he caught a glimpse of tears forming in his beautiful eyes.
"jisung, i have never been happier in my life than these past six months." jeno told sincerely, pulling the boy closer to his body and holding him tight.
"but aren't you fed up of watching over me?" jisung lifted his head to look into jeno's eyes as fresh tears left his eyes.
"i am not." jeno replied, wiping the tears off with his thumbs. "i like doing it."
"of course... it's just a job for you..."
jisung gulped, peeling his body off jeno's to stand up next to the bed.
after six months of being watched over and taken care of by jeno, what did you expect to happen? of course jisung had developed feelings for the oh-so-perfect male that was lee jeno.
but he was nothing else than a mere task that jeno needed to execute if he wanted to keep his place in a gang. there was no reciprocation of whatever jisung felt.
"jisung." jeno called, standing up as well and pulling jisung back towards him by the hand, making the younger face him.
"let me go..." jisung cried silently, his head hanging low.
jeno heaved out a sigh, using his hands to cup jisung's cheeks and lift his head a slight bit, so that they could look into each other's eyes.
"i was tasked to watch over you for the first four months." jeno admitted. "i have no obligation of staying with you now. but i still do, because i genuinely care for you. so, no. you're not just a job for me. you're way more than that."
jisung choked on a sob at those words, new tears falling off his eyes as he wrapped his arms around jeno's torso, burring his face in the boy's neck as relief took over his body.
so, jeno stayed with him because he truly wanted to...
"i'm not here because i have to keep you safe anymore..." jeno whispered, pulling jisung in a tight hug. "i'm here because i want you safe."
jisung heaved out a long sigh as he headed towards his house, both ears busied by a pair of airpods which played loud music.
he was on his way back home, just like every other day, hours after the night had set, walking in a not so well-lit district of seoul.
yes, the scene felt oh-so-familiar.
a whole year had passed since he had been shot on a similar night.
eight months had passed since jeno's task to watch over him had ended.
six months had passed since jeno had told him he wanted to keep him safe.
and four months had passed since he had last seen jeno.
jisung didn't really remember how things had ended between them.
he just recalled waking up one day in the familiar gang's house, only to find everyone gone and a small letter next to him on the bed. a handwritten letter from jeno that he had kept with him ever since...
the whole gang has to leave for a while to go overboard, please, don't try to find me
i promise i will be back as soon as i can
i want you to stay safe for me while i'm far from you
see you soon, ji
i love you
this shitty vague letter that had jisung crying every single time he re-read it.
he hadn't had any news from the older gang member for the past four months.
jisung was starting to wonder if jeno hadn't been killed, or if he hadn't gone away on purpose, because he didn't want to stay with jisung anymore...
the teenager pushed these thoughts away as he played the music louder in his ears, trying not to let his mind wander to the older boy.
jisung's whole life had fallen apart after jeno had left him. it was as if jisung wasn't capable of feeling happiness anymore. his heart was broken, and the pieces of it didn't seem to want getting back together again.
jisung knew that the only person that could heal him was jeno, but he was nowhere to be seen, and if he hadn't come back after four whole months, he would never...
jisung didn't think twice before walking into the familiar alleyway, into the shitty neighbourhood in which he had been shot a year ago.
he couldn't care less what happened to him anymore. his reason to be happy had disappeared, and this place reminded him of jeno; the boy that had saved him, and messed up badly with his heart.
he took slow steps through the dark neighbourhood, not even glancing at the few homeless that were standing drunkenly there.
he kept going, walking further into the dangerous alley, his head high as he fought the tears in his eyes at the remembrance of jeno.
"i would stop moving if i were you."
jisung blinked, staring at the man standing in front of him that was pointing a gun at his chest.
his legs started to tremble as the fear of death took over his body.
the man was unfamiliar, but the many tattoos on his face made jisung understand that he was surely a gang member, and that he wouldn't hesitate to kill jisung.
"hey, aren't you that boy that lee jeno has a soft spot for...?" the man smirked as he approached jisung.
"n-no..." the frightened teenager muttered as his heart broke again, hearing the man speaking about the boy he had fallen for dearly.
"yes, you are... i recognise you..." he continued, using his gun to tilt jisung's head up and stare at his features.
jisung didn't move a muscle, standing paralysed as he wondered why he had walked through this alleyway again.
being shot there once wasn't enough for him? he wanted another gunshot wound?
"follow me. i'm sure the boss would have fun torturing you to find out where jeno's mafia has been hiding these past months..." the gang member stated.
just as he was about to grab jisung's arm, the teenager turned around in an attempt to run away and save his life.
and just as he did so, the noise of a gun clicking was followed by a gun shot that had him paralysed again. but strangely, he felt no pain.
the boy turned around, his eyes widening as he caught a glimpse of his aggressor agonising on the ground while emptying of their blood.
there was a man standing a few metres away from him, holding a gun. he was the one who had shot the other gang member, but jisung couldn't see him clearly in the badly-lit alley.
still frozen on his spot, jisung stared at his unknown saviour that took slow steps towards him.
the man was tall and muscular, and his posture gave out that he felt confident. the gun was still in his hand, pointing at the ground.
as much as he wanted to run away again, jisugn didn't move.
with each step the man took towards him, jisung realised that the figure looked familiar.
"hello jisung..."
a gasp left jisung's trembling lips as jeno's face came into view. tears left his eyes immediately as he ran towards the boy he had missed so dearly, jumping in his arms while sobbing loudly.
after four long months of getting no news, the lee jeno was standing in front of him, in all his glory, looking as hot as ever...
"y-you're b-back." jisung stuttered, crying into jeno's neck as the other boy hugged him tight.
"i'm back..." jeno nodded with a smile as he breathed in jisung's scent that he had missed so much. "don't worry anymore, i'll keep you safe."
jisung retracted from the hug slowly, only to be pulled against jeno again, but this time, not for a simple hug: it was for a kiss.
jeno held jisung's body close, his eyes shutting as he enjoyed the overwhelming feeling of jisung's lips against his; something he had wanted to do for the past months.
the teenager replied to the kiss with fervour, pouring all of his emotions in the kiss as he slowly felt the pieces of his heart melting back together because the source of his happiness was kissing him.
jeno was finally back, and one year after meeting him, jisung was proud to say that he wouldn't let him go away again.
not when the only place where he felt safe was in lee jeno's arms.
so...@AEPHOBIA told me there was not enough nosung content on here... well, let's solve that <3
hope you'll like it!
love you! <3<3<3 and remember to stay safe!
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