♡ marknole ♡
♡ racing hearts ♡
pairing: mark + jeno + chenle
genre: (kinda hot) fluff
the raven-haired boy passed a hand through his hair mindlessly before putting his helmet on and securing it with the strap under his chin. once his helmet was in place, he walked to his car, leaning against it as he crossed his arms to stare at the other contestants.
mark lee was a street racer.
at the age of 20, he had become a well-known racer, participating in those illegal activities as often as he could. he had been competing against older men for more than a year now, and he had already won countless of times.
his racing baby was a black Lamborghini veneno, a treasure that could go from 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds and that allowed mark to always end the race on the podium – if not first.
"mark lee?"
"yes sir." the 20-year-old nodded diverting his attention to the male holding a clipboard and a pen.
"still with your lambo veneno, i see." the man wrote something down.
"as usual. wouldn't change it for the world."
"great." the man lifted his head to meet mark's eyes. "the race will start in a few minutes. you better go on the starting line."
the man walked away with his clipboard to register the other contestants that would participate in the race while mark got inside his car and started the engine to drive to the starting line.
a few cars were already here, their drivers by the cars chatting together. mark could have gone with them, but he wasn't that interested in talking with 40-year-olds who would complain how their wives were annoying or something like that.
nah, mark would rather stay in his car, staring through his window at the car that was a few meters away from his.
mark knew too well this shiny grey Porshe 911 GT2 RS. he was used to seeing it around those illegal races by now.
this beautiful car belonged to lee jeno, a 19-year-old racer who had caught mark's eye the first time he had taken his helmet off. before jeno's arrival in the racing industry, mark was the youngest participant to those deathly races, so he was surprised a bit less than one year ago when he went to salute the new racer and found himself facing a young man. to that day, he still recalls how hot jeno had looked when he had taken his helmet off after the race, shaking his head left and right to mess with his hair that had been flattened under the helmet. and holy shit, mark didn't expect to face a boy around his age, and even less a hot piece of meal.
"looking at my car once again?" jeno's sweet voice startled mark.
the raven-haired hadn't even noticed that jeno had exited his car and walked to his so that they could speak.
"y-yeah..." mark coughed. "just admiring the reflection of my car in yours. that shit looks clean and shiny."
"that 'shit' as you just said will beat you tonight, so careful with your words." jeno smirked, sending mark a wink.
"as if." mark huffed.
"i'll have a pleasure proving you so, mark." jeno continued, his smirk widening as mark's name escaped his lips in a whisper, making shivers run down the older boy's spine.
yeah, it was safe to say that mark had developed a crush on the younger racer. well, jeno was handsome, super-hot, well-built, good at racing, and even funny sometimes – they had already talked for long during a few after-race parties that were organised once the illegal competition had ended. so, after all this time, mark hadn't been able to resist jeno's charms.
"our last rider has arrived! please get in your cars and on the starting line!" a voice announced in a speaker, making mark and jeno look to their side at the red car that was slowly getting to the starting line, right between mark's and jeno's cars.
"chenle..." both mark and jeno breathed out at the same time, their eyes never diverting from the boy sitting inside the car.
the red LaFerrari was none other than zhong chenle's car.
chenle was new in the racing game, but he had still managed to make himself known with his exploits. he didn't participate in all the illegal races that were organised, but regulars like mark and jeno had seen him around enough to know that he was a strong opponent. the chinese racer was only 17, and yet, he had already won many races in his few months of participating, which was impressive.
and inevitably, the teenager had caught the attention of the two other young racers who had been staring at him each time they could when they weren't racing.
"everyone in their car!!" the voice rang again, cutting mark and jeno's daze.
"fuck, i have to go." jeno declared, his eyes falling on mark. "i'll see you on the second step of the podium." jeno winked as mark rolled his eyes.
in a matter of seconds, everyone had gotten into their cars, their helmets securely tied and their hands on the wheel, ready to start the race. the speaker yelled the countdown, and on the count of three, engine roared and tyres screeched against the bitumen as the cars drove away, all trying to get to the first position in this deathly race.
mark checked his side mirrors a few times as he turned the wheel, blocking jeno's car and preventing the boy to pass by him.
as soon as the race had started, mark and jeno had taken the lead, fighting against each other at a dangerous pace to get on the first step of the podium. sadly for jeno, mark had been very strategic with his moves, and he hadn't given any opportunity for jeno to overtake him.
the raven-haired smirked as he saw the finish line from the corner of his eyes, right after the next turn. mark simply had to make sure jeno didn't overtake him in the last turn and he would win the race.
jeno's foot pressed harder on the pedal as his bumper got dangerously close to the rear of mark's car. as mark and him approached the last turn, jeno's grip tightened on the wheel.
mark would surely try to cut the turn to get to the finish line quicker. this would give jeno an opportunity to overtake him by the exterior during the turn, and then finish the race in first position.
mark glanced at his rear mirror before smiling as he understood exactly what jeno was going to do. instead of cutting the turn short, mark let his car slide to the exterior of the turn, where jeno had tried overtaking him, thus blocking him once again.
letting out a laugh, mark kept his gaze on the car behind his, already enjoying his victory as he guessed how mad jeno was inside his own car.
however, neither jeno nor mark expected for another red car to zoom in past them, in the interior of the turn that was completely free since jeno and mark were playing games on the exterior. but it was too late for the two boys when they realised their error.
zhong chenle had crossed the finish line in his red Ferrari, then followed by mark and jeno, both of them being somehow enraged by what had just happened to them.
long minutes later, the speaker called chenle so that he could get his prize and climb on the top step of the podium. mark and jeno were called right after, both boys stepping on the podium by chenle's side and posing there for a few seconds.
"so... 'i'll see you on the second step of the podium', huh?" mark smirked, teasing jeno by using the sentence the younger boy had pronounced an hour prior. "i sure was on the second step. but you weren't on the first one."
"shut up." jeno rolled his eyes, nudging mark's shoulder as the older laughed.
"i'm still better than you. you should accept that." mark wiggled his brows, wrapping an arm around the other's shoulders to tease him.
"you perhaps are better than me, but you were beaten by chenle. and quite pathetically i may add." jeno defended himself.
"i let him win." mark shrugged.
"yeah, sure." jeno rolled his eyes before they fell on the chinese racer who was having a conversation and laughing with other racers while he held his trophy in his arms. "you did that because you wanted to make him happy..."
unintentionally, both mark and jeno got caught in a gaze, their eyes locked on chenle as the boy had the brightest smile on.
he was wearing a racing bodysuit of which he had taken off the top part, revealing a cropped top that allowed everyone to see the fair skin of his tummy. his bright orange hair was completely messy, and yet, it was falling if front of his eyes marvellously. he was standing quite far away from mark and jeno, but both boys could hear his high-pitched and lovely laugh as another contestant had made a joke, and damn, their ears were blessed. chenle was indeed perfect in every way.
"well... my first goal wasn't to make him happy but..." mark started, a smile appearing on his lips as he didn't divert his eyes from chenle. "...but i guess seeing him with this bright smile on makes everything better."
"yeah." jeno nodded, slightly leaning against mark's side – as the older still had his arm around his shoulders."i don't mind losing if it means i can see his beautiful smile."
markk chuckled. "you got yourself a crush on the underage boy..." mark noted.
"as if you hadn't too." jeno snorted, abruptly turning his head to look at mark.
the korean male hadn't expected that mark would have his head facing his as well, which resulted in mark's and jeno's noses bumping as their faces were centimetres apart only.
none of them moved, neither pulling away quickly not inching closer. both stayed completely still, the only part of their body still lively being their eyes that studied each other's face from up close.
"i never said i didn't have a crush on him..." mark whispered after a while, his eyes falling onto jeno's parted lips for a second before he looked back into his eyes.
"so... one of us will have to end up on the second step of the podium i guess..." jeno whispered back, his eyes imitating mark's.
"yeah, or we could... we could both end up on the first step..."
"oh." jeno smirked. "that would be even bet- "
"hello guys."
the dream-like voice made jeno and mark separate immediately and divert their attention to the subject of their conversation who was standing in front of them with a beautiful smile.
"hello, chenle." jeno spoke.
"congratulation on your win." mark added.
"yeah, thanks." chenle chuckled, looking at the big trophy in his hands. "you almost made it too easy for me."
"yeah, mark's pleasure." jeno wiggled his brows at the older boy who simply rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer to jeno's attack.
"hum... i was wondering..." chenle spoke again, his eyes on the trophy in his arms rather than in jeno and mark's eyes. "are you guys going to the after-race party tonight?" he asked shyly.
"we always are." mark nodded.
"yeah, it's our bonding time." jeno added.
"oh, that's great." chenle smiled. "so, i'll see you guys there tonight!"
"wait, you're going?" mark frowned.
"yeah. why? is there a problem?" chenle frowned.
"no, no! i just though you never came to the after-race parties... i mean... i never saw you around."mark explained.
jeno nodded in approval at the older's words. "yeah, plus you're underage."
this comment had chenle rolling his eyes and laughing lightly.
"i do illegal street racing as a hobby and you really think that i won't enter a party where alcohol is served because i'm underage?" he raised a brow.
"well..." jeno shrugged.
"i'm turning 18 in like a month anyway..." chenle added. "so, yeah, i'm coming tonight."
"that's good to know." mark smiled. "are you going there with someone?"
"well, as your very observant eyes noticed, i never went to an after-race party before, so i don't know anyone else with whom i could go." chenle told. "or i'm not sure who i can invite or anything."
"you could go with us if you'd like." jeno suggested, making chenle's eyes fill with joy and excitement.
"really?!" the boy asked, almost jumping.
"sure. we'll be waiting for you."
"we've lost him for good..." mark sighed, scanning the crowd of sweaty bodies to see if he couldn't catch a glimpse of chenle's bright orange hair as he took a sip of his alcoholic brew.
him, jeno and chenle had entered the nightclub a few hours ago, and chenle had ditched them to go dance when his favourite song had been played. and since then, neither jeno nor mark had seen him anywhere again.
"maybe someone will have brought him at the... the... the lost and found properties!" jeno stated with a giggle as he rose his half-empty glass of alcohol.
"oh, you're drunk jeno." mark declared, his eyes falling on the younger male who had his eyes half-lidded and his mouth ajar.
"nooo!" jeno shook his head energetically. "just tipsyyyy!" he continued, lifting his glass to his lips.
before the liquid could slip into his mouth, mark pulled the glass away from his grip, placing it next to his own glass on the table by their side. "you should stop there." mark informed. "now, come with me? we'll find chenle."
"noooo..." jeno pouted, refusing to move.
"you're going to leave your- our crush outside alone in the wild?" mark raised a brow at jeno.
"of course, not..." jeno giggled. "but i want to talk to you... while we're here... alone..."
mark chuckled at jeno's drunk state. the boy usually didn't end up drunk at the after-race parties. he usually drank one or two glasses, and then he would go back home, but since they were with chenle tonight, they had stayed longer and so, jeno had had more alcohol than he was used to.
"i'm not sure alone is what defines the best this place." mark crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the crowd surrounding them.
"shhh, we're alone..." jeno repeated, his body leaning forward slightly, making him fall forward without realising it.
"careful there." mark immediately said as he wrapped an arm around jeno's waist to hold him straight.
jeno ignored mark's words, and instead he lifted his head, to look into mark's eyes.
"you're hot." jeno told.
"thanks, i guess." mark smiled. "you're hot too."
"noo, you're like, super-hot. smoking-hot. like... the sun. hot like the sun. or fire too. and anything that burns. that hot..." jeno continued spitting nonsense.
"thank you jeno." mark chuckled.
"and chenle is cute. teddy-bear cute. like, you want to cuddle him all night long. cutie, fluffy, baby..."jeno added.
"he is." mark nodded in approval. "why are you telling me this right now?"
"because..." jeno smiled drunkenly.
"yeah." jeno nodded. "because."
"alright then- "
"can i kiss you?" jeno blurted out, making mark's eyes widen for a while.
he didn't expect that.
mark may or may not have fantasised dozens of times about him and jeno or him and chenle kissing passionately while leaning on one of their cars or even having more... intimate activities on the beautiful leather of the vehicles. anyway, despite all those daydreams mark had each time he would meet eyes with jeno or chenle, he had never believed his dreams would come true and that the other two would ever want to kiss him too.
but guess life was full of surprises.
"k-kiss me?" mark repeated.
"yesss..." jeno nodded, approaching his face from mark's.
"i'm not sure it's the best moment, you're kind of drunk and- "
mark couldn't finish his sentence.
jeno decided to lean forwards more and glue their mouths together, thus muffling mark's words before he had finished talking. but well, mark wasn't sure it was a bad thing.
the kiss they were sharing was mind-blowing and it surely made their hearts race in their chests. both mark and jeno responded with vigour, moulding their lips together while gluing their bodies against each other not to leave any space. jeno's tongue licked mark's lips sloppily because of his drunkenness, but mark soon took the lead and guided jeno.
the alcohol in jeno's body – and in mark's too, even if he was more resistant – pushed them to continue making out in the middle of the nightclub, moaning shamelessly into each other's throats as the rest of the crowd danced around them without a care in the world.
none of the boys wanted to part at that point, both too engrossed in their kisses to care about the air in their lungs that was starting to lack.
"what about meeeee?!" a high-pitched voice made them aware of their surroundings again, breaking the lovely trance their minds had escaped in.
blinking a few times, mark slowly recalled where they were and what had happened until his eyes fell on a certain whiny orange-haired male.
"i want kisses too..." chenle said, tugging on mark's arm as he got on his tippy-toes to reach for mark's mouth with his own.
mark frowned as chenle's breath fanned over his face and as he could catch a clear glimpse of his dilated pupils.
"oh my god, chenle, you're drunk too..." mark groaned.
"i want kisses too!" chenle continued whining.
"yes! kisses!" jeno joined chenle, making mark sigh in despair.
"guys, why did you drink that- "
and here he was again, cut in his sentence by another pair of lips that sloppily landed on his as he tried reasoning the boys.
needless to say, mark had been waiting for this kiss for so long that he couldn't resist answering and slipping his tongue past chenle's lips, sending the youngest boy overdrive.
chenle started moaning loudly in mark's mouth under jeno's amazed stare as mark's heart got back to beating faster than his car had ever reached.
mark pulled away when he started feeling out of breath, making chenle whine again.
"kiss... i want kiss..." chenle said immediately.
"guys, you... oh god..."
mark stopped himself on his own this time as jeno and chenle's lips found each other in barely a second, and the two boys started making out loudly and overdramatically in the middle of the night club.
the canadian boy had to admit, jeno was hot and chenle was cute, but the combo of drunk-jeno and drunk-chenle moaning into each other's mouths was overwhelmingly perfect.
if mark's heart wasn't racing enough before, it definitely was now.
"guys." mark spoke, reaching for both boys' shoulders. as much as he loved the show that they were playing, he couldn't let them do that here in that state. he was thinking about bringing them to their house so that they could rest and evacuate the alcohol in their systems that was clouding their minds.
"guys!" he shook them with more force, but they still didn't pay him no mind.
after a third, a fourth and a fifth yell and shake, mark sighed when he realised that jeno and chenle's mouths weren't going to separate so soon.
"okay, we're going to move slowly." mark declared, wrapping an arm around jeno's waist and the other around chenle's as he tried pushing them to the side.
a smile of victory appeared on his face as chenle and jeno started walking along, their mouths still glued together – eventually parting for a second to catch their breaths before going back to kissing again.
with quite some difficulty, mark managed to lead his two crushes outside of the club.
"guys, stop kissing for a second..." mark sighed, gulping as jeno and chenle's moans were now way louder since they weren't muffled by the deafening noise of the music and the people singing inside the club. mark may not be drunk, the sight and the sounds were quite a lot to handle, and keeping a sane mind was getting harder and harder – just like his manhood, by the way, who seemed to be enjoying and wanting to take part of the show.
"thank god, we're here." mark breathed out when his black Lamborghini came into view.
pressing the button on his keys, mark was quick to unlock the car and open the back door of the car, soon pushing jeno and chenle in.
they two boys lied down on the back seat, tangled in each other's arms as they continued kissing. mark didn't expect less of them anyway.
with a sigh, the older sat on the passenger seat and started the engine.
"where are you guys living?" he asked, looking at the two boys he had a crush on in the rear mirror. "i'm bringing you back home."
"oh noooo! not home!" jeno whined.
"yes, home. you two need to rest." mark informed, keeping his eyes on the road. "where do you guys live?"
"h-huh..." chenle let out. "i live with jeno!" he exclaimed after a while before squealing and kissing jeno's lips again.
"yeah! yeah! i live with chenle!" jeno approved after another long kiss.
mark sighed. "and where does jeno live?" he asked.
there was a short silence during which mark could hear the ravaged breaths of both boys. he glanced down at the tent forming between his legs, looking back at the road before he caused an accident.
"i live with you!" jeno exclaimed happily, making chenle laugh loudly and squeal excitedly.
"guys, i really need to know where you- "
mark heard them kissing once again, and he knew exactly what that meant, they wouldn't be listening to his question, let alone answering to it.
with another sigh, the older boy drove on the parking of a closed supermarket before stopping the car.
"guys, i know you want to kiss and everything but- wait! where are your shirts?!" mark exclaimed as jeno and chenle were now kissing passionately, their chests completely bare as the friction of their erected nipples made them moan even loudler.
mark was finding it harder and harder to keep his sanity and not lose it.
"chenle, jeno." mark called. "you're drunk and you need to go back home and rest."
"but we don't want to rest." jeno whined.
"what do you guys want, then?" mark asked.
"you. to join us." chenle giggled, sitting on jeno's bare stomach as he straddled him.
the canadian had to gulp as he tried not getting more aroused by the hot sight in front of him.
those two boys were his goddamn crushes, and the sight of them kissing was too hot for him to handle. the taste of their lips was even still lingering on mark's dry lips. and god, he wanted more.
"chenle! what are you doing?!" mark panicked when chenle left jeno's stomach to sneak on the front seat and sit straddling mark's thighs.
"you're tense..." chenle giggled, wrapping his hands around mark's neck and massaging it softly.
"you're drunk." mark informed, trying to control his hormones – but well, it was hard when chenle was basically pressing his crotch onto his own.
"yeah... i'm drunk with your love..." chenle muttered before giggling loudly again.
"i'm drunk with your love too..." jeno hummed, passing his head at the front of the car and resting his chin on mark's shoulder.
mark sighed for the nth time tonight.
"guys, we shouldn't do that, you guys are drunk and you will regret it tomorrow." he warned.
"nooo..." jeno shook his head. "you can't regret something you've always wanted to do..."
"jeno is right..." chenle hummed, approaching his face from mark's.
the raven-haired's eyes widened as his hands reached for chenle's waist, his fingers trembling as he tried not giving in the temptation.
but this was so hard.
he wouldn't regret it tomorrow. he wasn't drunk. he wanted this to happen. but for chenle and jeno...?
"mark...?" jeno whispered, his lips finding their way to mark's bare neck and licking the skin.
"y-yeah..." mark breathed out, holding back a moan.
"give in..." chenle finished before his lips collapsed onto mark's as the boy finally accepted he wouldn't be able to hold himself anymore.
and so, the small space of the Lamborghini was soon filled with sweaty and horny bodies, the windows fogging as the only sounds that escaped the vehicle were their moans and the beating of their racing hearts.
thanks a lot to @sunflower_hyuckie03 for requesting this one shot! i had a lot of fun writing it, and it kinda reminded me of a norenmin story that i read a while ago (i think it's name was "ridin'")
anywayyyy, i hope you guys liked the one shot! lots of love <333
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