Life's Garden
Once through the portal, Dream Ink and Blue looked around in awe of the massive mansion their enemies lived in.
"How come your place is bigger than ours?!" Blue whined as he looked around, taking in all its dark features.
"Simply because we're better than you Bluey." Dust said with a smirk, making the smaller huff.
"That's not true! You're evil! The Star Sanses fight for all things good!"
Dust laughed and flicked Blue's skull. "Keep telling yourself that."
Blue winced and looked away, his cheeks faintly Blue. "I will keep telling myself that..."
Dust shrugged. "Fair enough."
At that moment a portal opened over by the door that led into the kitchen. Everyone instantly froze and looked over at it, curious and untrusting.
Nothing happened for a minute and Nightmare was just about to walk over when two figures tumbled out, falling in a tangle of limbs on top of each other, the portal closing behind them.
No one moved or said anything for a moment, the only sounds being ones of frustration as the two figures tried to untangle themselves.
At last they separated with a yelp, the larger of the two standing up and brushing them self off.
Killer looked at them and blinked before laughing. "Horror!"
Everyone went poker faced, looking at the figure stood up before realising that it was in fact him and laughed for not recognising him sooner.
Horror rolled his eyes and leaned down to help the person next to him up.
It was Lust.
Nightmare smirked, pulling out the note. "We have all of us, the Star Sanses, the we just need Geno and Reaper..."
Lust glared at Nightmare for his use of wording but brushed it off quickly. "So what is actually happening that needs me to be here for it?"
Horror shrugged making Lust face palm. "So you kidnapped me for no reason?"
"Wait! YOU KIDNAPPED HIM!?" All the others screeched, making both Horror and Lust wince.
"No!" Horror yelped. "I-I just kinda took him unwillingly!"
Everyone face palmed. "You just gave us the literal definition of kidnapping someone Horror..."
He groaned in frustration and shook his head. "Whatever. He's here now, and that's all that matters."
The others nodded. "Now we just have to get Geno and Reaper. Then we're set to go!"
Ink nodded, glancing at the note again, which was currently in his possession. "Well...Reaper will be in Reapertale, probably in life's garden with Tori...And there's a high chance that Geno will be there as well."
"Perfect!" Dust said, clapping his hands together. "Lets go hunt them down!"
Ink sighed, rolling his eyes as he opened a portal. "Remind me why I'm here again..."
Blue laughed, nudging him. "Because we know your curious about what Sci has. Also you see this as an opportunity to get closer to E–"
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ink screeched as he shoved Blue through the portal. Blue let out a startled yelp followed by an "Oof!" As face planted at the other side.
Error looked at Ink questioningly. "What was he going to say...?"
Ink laughed nervously. "Uh Nothing! Hehe d-don't worry!"
Blue's voice rang out from through the portal. "HE WANTS TO GET CLOSER TO Y–"
He was cut off again by Ink jumping through the portal and tackling him down. "BLUEBERRY I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TALK ONE MORE TIME I'LL SPILL ABOUT HOW YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON D–"
Dream sighed and rolled his eyes. "Sorry for my teammates childish behaviour..."
Ink had started yelling from the other side of the portal but had been cut off by Dream grabbing the thing closest to him, which happened to be a book, and threw it through the portal, hitting Ink square in the face. That's what resulted with the drawn out 'ow'.
Dream huffed, ignoring the curious looks he knew he was getting. "Lets just go..." He mumbled before walking out through the portal.
Killer glanced at the others and smirked, shrugging before walking after him, disappearing through the portal.
Dust followed quickly after, soon followed by Horror and Lust, the two walking next to each other, their shoulders brushing against the others.
Now it was just Nightmare and Cross left in the mansion. Cross glanced at Nightmare, inching a little closer.
Nightmare glanced at him and smirked, making the smaller blush slightly. Nightmare turned to face him and flicked him on the skull before snickering and walking out through the portal, leaving a flustered Cross to quickly stumble after him before he got left behind.
Cross let out a faint gasp of awe as he stumbled into Life's Garden. The others had the same reaction apart from the Star Sanses because they'd been here before, and Nightmare because he's an emotionless shit hating all things happy.
Ink led them forwards through the tall reed-like trees, their emerald leaves practically radiating light and positivity, making Nightmare cringe.
Eventually they made it out into a clearing of lush grass, small crystal-like flowers littered across the ground, looking so beautiful and delicate that one touch looked as though it would kill them.
Sat in the middle of the clearing, was a goat monster. A beautiful alternative version of Toriel, her long flowing green dress spread out around her like some sort of ring.
In front of her sat a black cloaked skeleton. His permanent smile and pupil-less eye sockets giving off a creepy atmosphere, even in this garden of Life.
Curled up next to him, alseep in the grass, was another skeleton. The white glitch cloud covering his right eye socket along with the dark read bloody slash across his chest was visible. A genocide survivor from a different timeline.
Life immediately sensed them and whipped her head round, looking up and down at her uninvited arrivals distastefully.
"What are you doing here Ink?" She asked, her voice curious and soft.
"Well we need some things...well...some people..."
Tori tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean...?"
Nightmare stepped forwards. "Were after Geno and Reaper." He said casualty, half heartedly pointing at them.
Tori looked him up and down, an expression of almost disgust on her face. "Ink what have I told you about bringing beings of Negative energy into my garden?"
Ink sighed and looked down. "I know...sorry..."
Cross growled next to Nightmare, death glaring Tori. She glared back for a moment before shaking her head and looking over at Reaper, who had now kneeled next to Geno. He shook him gently, earning a groan from the smaller.
"Wake up time Geno~" He cooed.
Geno let out another groan, followed by a yawn as he sat up sleepily, his expression dazed and and unfocused. "What is it...?" He mumbled, shifting away from Reaper.
Reaper sighed, indicating at the nine skeletons stood watching them. "They want us for something."
Geno looked at them warily. "What do you need us for...?"
Ink sighed and started walking, the others following.
"Wait!" Tori said, pointing at Nightmare. "You stay put. I don't want you tainting my garden even more."
Nightmare growled, stopping. Cross stopped next to him, not about to go somewhere if his Senpai couldn't.
Nightmare glanced at Cross momentarily before turning his attention back to the others.
Ink stopped in front of Geno and passed him the letter Sci had wrote.
"That'll answer your question."
Ahahah the whole squad is on board now!
Mmmmm who's ready for the action to start next chapter?
I am >:3
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