Who's there?
Your (pov)~
"We're being watched..." I whispered, taking out my (Y/w).
We both were silent.
Another rustling sound was heard in the bushes, making my already tense muscles tighten even more.
Who and what's there? I thought to myself, not wanting to draw attention by saying it out loud.
There was a moment of silence before I heard a growling from the bushes. And I'm no expert on wild animals, but by the tone of the growl (or just the growl in general) I could tell that whatever it was didn't want to be friends with us.
I gulped silently before narrowing my eyes and beginning to slowly inch towards the bushes. Stupid idea, I know. It's practically the exact same situation you would see in a horror movie, one of the characters goes towards the danger. But I'm armed. If anything tries to kill me, I'll just kill it first.
I had only gotten about a foot away from the bush when the thing jumped out, practically flying over my head.
I let out a silent gasp and turned around. Thankfully, the beast didn't collide with Toony (considering Toony's neko form he would've probably jumped out of reach if the beast attacked him). I could see it now clearly; it was some sort of wolf-like creature. It's fur was a pure white with a few red and black marks. It had bright, blood-red eyes with no pupils or sclera, and a long, red line going down to its snout from each eye. It's mouth seemed completely different from a wolf's, it stretched out all the way to its ears in a wide, sharp-toothed snarl. It was extremely thin, but it seemed perfectly strong despite its waste-line and showing ribs. It also had a long tail, three sets of straight horns behind its long, pointed ears and what looked like chains imbedded in the skin near its shoulders, thighs, and tail.
It growled at me, baring its sharp teeth at me as its ears pinned back in warning.
Toony ran to my side, getting into a fighting stance as his ears pinned back.
"What... What is that thing!?" I asked Toony, holding up my (y/w).
"H-How should I know!? I've n-never seen something like it in my life!" He yelped.
I kept my eyes on the creature, taking in everything about it. That's when I realized that it was only walking on three legs and it seemed to be holding something in it's fourth leg, which was curled under its chest.
It narrowed its eyes and began to slowly walk towards us, bearing its teeth as it snarled once more.
I readied myself for an attack as I clenched my teeth together, tightening my grip on my weapon more and more the closer the creature got.
I heard Toony hiss at the large monster before us as his tail frizzled up.
It growled before barking at us a few times. Its bark didn't sound natural at all. It sounded like two lions and wolves roaring and barking all at once, it sounded like the roar of a demon (if that makes sense).
I held up my weapon, ready to attack as the creature glared at me with its menacing eyes.
Before I could take action, one of the chains embedded in its shoulder levitated up, becoming longer and moving like an octopus' tentacle. In one bold slash, the chain scraped across my arm, leaving a small cut.
It seemed like nothing, but I was terribly wrong to think that. In an instant, all of my limbs became heavy. It was like that feeling you would feel if you had gone without sleep for weeks, or years. I became instantly tired and could barely stand up. My vision became blurry as I dropped my weapon, falling to my knees.
The last thing I remember hearing is the loud breaths of the beast I was about to fight, and Toony screaming my name before I completely blacked out.
"(Y/n)..... (Y/n).....(Y/n)!!!" I heard someone yell, but I couldn't tell who, their voice was all muffled.
I felt someone grip my shoulders and shake me-not harshly mind you- to try and get my attention or something.
"(Y/n)!!!" I heard someone yell again, but this time it sounded clearer. I recognized the voice now, it was Toony.
I groaned, moving a hand up to my forehead as I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the bright daylight.
my vision was blurry, but I could just barely make out two figures looking over me. Wait, two? I don't remember having two people with me when I ventured out to, wherever we just were. It was only me and Toony. So if it was just me and Toony, then, who's the... third person? I tried to adjust faster as I say up, rubbing my head as I propped myself up with my other arm.
"(Y/n)! You're finally awake!" Toony chirped, instantly tackling me into a hug, knocking me back onto the ground.
"We were so worried about you! After that monster knocked you out it ran away." He said with a slight purr. I felt another pair of arms, this time much longer and bigger than Toony's, wrap around me in another hug. I would've jumped, but I was too out of it to even care.
"W-We? Who's we?" I asked in a slightly groggy voice as I returned Toony's hug.
"Me and Pikachu!" Toony replied still with a slight purr.
I raised a brow, blinking a few times as I stared into space for a bit. Thankfully, my vision was coming back and I could see Toony clearly now. I looked around, expecting to see Pikachu somewhere. But he was nowhere to be found.
"Um, Toony, where exactly is Pikachu and how did you find him?" I asked, looking at Toony.
He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by another voice. It sounded older, but still young at the same time.
"I'm right here, (y/n)." I heard the voice say from behind me, soft with a purr like Toony's.
I yelped, this time jumping right out of my seat and away from both Toony and whoever was behind me.
I blinked, staring at not Toony but the other male that was with him. I didn't recognize him at all. He was fairly tall, had bright yellow-blond hair with a pair of yellow ears with black tips on top of his head along with a yellow tail. He wore a sleeveless turtleneck and long brown pants with yellow boots.
He noticed my staring and cocked his head, one of his ears twitching slightly.
"Um, what's the matter?" He asked as I saw his jagged tail twitch.
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to slow my heart rate from the scare he just gave me.
"I'm Pikachu. Don't you recognize me?" He replied, cocking his head again.
I blinked once more, staring at him again with a confused look before I spoke again.
"Pikachu.... How? A-And.. how did you get here?"
Yay! Two new characters have been added to the story! And yes, that's not the last time you'll be seeing that wolf-creature.
Anywho, I hope you liked it. I had a lot of time to write today considering I'm sick.... yay -_-.. But in a way that's a good thing; I can get a lot of work done since I'm bed-ridden. Welp, that's it for right now. See ya at the next chapter, Dragon Riders!
~Hurneth Flamefury🐉🐾
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