Cat Ears?
(Y/w) = your weapon
Your (pov)
"Hello!? Is anyone here!?" I heard a voice shout from the living room.
I instantly lifted up my head, jumping up to my feet as my heart lept slightly in hope.
I stood up straight, pulling out my (y/w) as I walked to the door, pressing myself against the wall as I held my (y/w) close to my chest.
I peeked around the corner of the open door and was relieved to see no one in the hallway, yet.
After seeing that the coast was clear, I snuck out into the empty hallway and towards the living room, keeping my eyes open for any sign of a person or anything else.
As I made my way to the living room, I began to question if this actually was a prank. That I had been worrying and searching for nothing. Has there been somewhere I haven't looked? I'll know when I get to my destination.
I stopped and pressed my back against the wall that lead to the living room, just in case.
Keeping as silent as I could, I peeked around the corner.
My eyes widened when I saw a familiar figure, clad in a green tunic.
He had his back turned to me and he seemed to be shaking for some reason.
Although, I had to make sure it was actually him and not just an intruder in a blond wig and green costume.
I narrowed my eyes, getting a bit lower to the ground as I held my weapon up, sneaking up behind the person quiwtly, thankfully not drawing any attention to myself in the process.
I waited for a moment, hearing whoever it was murmur a quiet "where is everyone?" before I finally pounced, wrapping an arm around the person's neck as I held my weapon to their (neck/head).
Whoever it was yelped, still shaking as they tried to wiggle out of my grasp.
"Where are all the Smashers? Who are you and why are you here?" I growled, keeping a tight grip on them.
"(Y-Y-Y/n)!? I-I-It's m-me! Toon Link! L-Let me go, p-please!" Toony squeaked as he went still.
I raised a brow, keeping my position and tight grip as my eyes narrowed.
"I won't until you prove that you are Toon Link. Tell me something only Toon Link would know about me." I hissed, not backing down.
"U-Um, w-well, you love (favorite/animal)s, y-you don't like milk, a-and you secretly play Pokemon with me, Villager, and Pikachu." He said with a shaky voice.
My eyes widened as I lowered my weapon, releasing him from my bone-breaking grasp.
"T-Toony? Sorry, I just have been jumpy and worried today. I'm glad to see you." I said as a smile spread across my lips.
I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a quick hug before I pulled back as a very lite pink made its way to my cheeks.
"I-It's alright! I was actually pretty scared. But I'm glad I found you!" He chirped, smiling brightly at me.
I returned his smile with my signature goofy grin yet it soon faded when I heard a soft sound that I can only describe as a mini rumble.
I raised a brow, sending Toony a questioning look as I slightly cocked my head.
"Toony, I know this is a strange question to ask, but, did you just... purr?" I asked.
His eyes widened as he stared at me in confusion.
"What?" He responded.
"Did you just purr?" I repeated.
"U-Uh..." He began, but he was cut off when something caught his eye. It was a bushy... snake? About the same color as his hair.
He seemed to perk up completely as he slightly lowered himself to the ground before beginning to chase after the "snake".
I just stood there in a confused and astonished state as I watched him chase around what seemed to be a tail. That's right, a tail.
His hat flew off his head as he ran around in circles, landing on my head as he chased his new tail.
I took the hat off, looking back at him before getting even more confused than before.
As if a tail wasn't strange enough he had ears. And not just his normal ears, but cat ears.
My mouth dropped open from shock and confusion as I watched Toony continue to chase his tail.
He eventually caught it, grabbing it tightly. Apparently, his grip was too tight, making his yelp and practically jump three feet in the air.
"Ow! Wait, why did that... hurt? (Y/n), what just ha-..." Toony began to say as he turned to look at me.
He gave a confused look when he saw my expression, wide-eyed with my mouth open in shock.
"A-Are you okay, (y/n)?" He asked as he cocked his head slightly in a cute way.
"Y-You.... Wha-.... Why do you have.... e-ears?" I asked, almost unable to talk.
"What do you mean? Of course I have ears." He responded as he brought his hands up to his ears.
I finally closed my mouth and shook my head as I pointed to one of his cat ears on top of his head.
He raised a brow, giving a confused look as he brought a hand up to the top of his head. His ear twitched when he touched it, making him instantly jerk his hand back as his eyes widened.
"(Y-Y/n)... w-whatever it is... g-get it off!" He yelped as he closed his eyes.
"How!? They're attacked to your head!" I replied, still completely exasperated.
"Th-They!? A-Are they bugs!?" He whimpered, keeping his eyes shut.
"No, they're ears. You have cat ears, Toony!" I said as I turned around to look for a mirror.
I know sometimes Peach forgets to stick her hand mirror back in her room in the morning, so it might be here in the living room.
I eventually found it on the coffee table and grabbed it, going back over to Toony as I held up the mirror.
"See for yourself!" I said.
Toony opened his eyes, one at a time as he looked into the mirror.
His eyes widened when he saw his reflection, including his new kitty ears.
"W-What!? I-I have... cat ears?"
Alrighty! Another chapter! Hope you liked it. Don't worry, we're just getting started here, so if this seems to be going a bit slowly, that's why.
Anywho, I'll see you at the next chapter, Dragon Riders!
~Hurneth Flamefury🐉🐾
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