Chapter 12
⚠️Large time skip, end of the book, sh*t chapter, *** out cussing⚠️ I am so sorry
When Teddy and Nova got to the Great Hall they walked in holding hands and walked over to the Griffendor table where everyone else was at.
"What took you two so long? Lunch is almost over." Ron asked as he finnished his plate of food.
"We where talking, that's all." Teddy said with a smile before he winked at Harry.
Harry grinned and had to hold back a fan of squeal.
Draco could feel the happiness radiating off of Harry and was quite confused.
"What are you so happy about love?" Draco whispered to Harry.
"Tedd and Nova, they completed my dare and I think it worked out the way I hoped it would!" Harry whispered back while turning around and cuddling into Draco.
"Should we tell them?" Nova whispered to Teddy making them look down twards Nova.
"We can if you want to, I'm pretty sure Harry already knows though." Teddy said getting a smile from Nova in responce.
"What where you two talking about Ron asked as he cuddled into Blaise's side.
"Oh well just the usual confession and then we got together, no big deal." Teddy said 'casually' while wrapping an arm around Nova's shoulders.
Pansy, Hermione, and Seamus all squealed while Dean choked on his pumpkin juice, Blaise, Harry, and Draco all smiled, and Blair smirked.
"It took you two long enough!!!" They said in unison, drawing the attention from some other people.
"It took you two all seven years of Hogwarts just to grow a set and ask the other one out. That's kind of sad." Blair said with a smile making both Teddy and Nova blush.
"Oh shut up." Teddy mumbled as Nova hid their face into Teddy's shoulder.
"You two need to eat quickly because we only have ten more minutes of lunch." Hermione stated making the two nod and start eating.
*After lunch*
They all decided to go to the Black Lake and hang out. They talked, cuddled with their significant other, Ron even swam in the lake for a little while until something touched his foot and he swam out so quickly it was hilarious.
They spent most of their time at Hogwarts like this, hanging out together and cuddling with their significant others. They all grew very close together and when Teddy, Nova, and Blair left school they all got a Flat.
Nova and Teddy live together and Blair lives with her adopted son Juno. (Juno was a Greek Goddess but she though that the name was fine for all genders and was cool so she named him that.)
When everyone else graduated Hogwarts all of the couple's got houses together and started family's.
Draco and Harry where able to have a kid on their own thanks to Harry being a Neko. They had a son named James and another son names Albus, also had a daughter names Lilly. (Draco let Harry pick the names of the children while he got to pick the dog's name.)
Hermione and Pansy had a girl names Rose, Ron and Blaise adopted a boy names Hugo.
Seamus and Dean didn't have a kid yet because they decided that they wanted to explore the world a little before they settled down and had kids.
*11 years later*
"Albus! James! Get down here now or you'll be late for the train!" Draco yelled as Harry stood beside him, holding his ears so it wouldn't be as loud.
"Coming father!" The two boys yelled in respoce.
They raced down the stairs with their luggage.
"Come one, everyone to the flu powder." Harry ushered making them all go over to the fireplace.
"Platform 9¾!" James yelled before throwing the flu powder down.
They all did this until they where all at the station.
"We are late, get on the train. We love you, see you at Christmas." Harry said as he hugged Albus and James bye.
Lilly was one year to young to go to Hogwarts but she was bound to go next year.
"Love you too! See you then!" Albus and James said after they quickly hugged everyone and left for the train.
On the train Albus and James met up with Rose, Hugo, and Juno in one of the compartments.
They all waved goodbye to their family members as the train started to move away from the station.
When all of the adults where out of sight Rose turned to James and Albus.
"What took you both so long? I thought the train would leave withought you!" She snapped sounding annoyed yet conserned.
"We overslept, but we didn't miss the train so stop worring over us." James snapped back.
Currently James was a third year Gryffindor and was dating a boy named Noah.
Rose, Albus, and Hugo where all first years and didn't know what house they would be in. Nor did they have significant others...yet...
"Did you hear? There is a boy here and his father is one of the most powerful wizards here. They are beyond rich and supposedly really cute too." Hugo asked the others making them shake their heads no.
"What year is h-" Albus was cut off when a boy with bleach blonde hair came into the compartment.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to barge in here. I was kicked out of the compartment I was just in because I'm a first year and they are second years. They shoved me into the closest compartment and it just happened to be this one." The boy semi rambled. "Sorry, I'll leave now." The boy finnished only to be stopped by James.
"Your fine, take a seat. I'm the only non first year in here and if anyone comes to do anything to then everyone here has been taught some spells from our massive family." James said as he blocked the door.
"Oh, you don't have to do that. I'm fine." The boy said.
Nobody had noticed Albus checking the boy out yet.
"Just take a seat next to Albus, I'm sure you two will be good friends." James said glancing at Albus and smirking when he saw Albus checking the boy out.
Albus quickly looked away with a slight blush, knowing that James had seen him.
Nobody in that compartment was straight so he didn't feel too embarrassed. Well he didn't know about the boy but he knew about his 'cousins'.
"Who is Albus?" The boy with bleach blonde hair asked as he looked between the other three.
"This is Albus, be careful or he might drool over you." Rose said, having seen Albus as well.
Albus scoffed and shoved Rose.
"Shut up, I will not. You should be more worried about her then me." Albus said with a blush.
When the boy turned and saw Albus's blush he smiled a little.
"I'm sure I will be fine with both of you." He said as he sat down between the two.
"So what is your name?" Hugo asked as James sat down next to him and Juno.
"Oh, sorry. I'm Scorpius Greengrass. And what are your names?" He asked making Hugo's eyes widen slightly before going back to normal.
"Well as you know this is Albus, that is Rose, this is Hugo, this is Juno, and I am James." James stated, pointing to everyone as he said their name.
"Well its nice to met you all." The boy, now known as Scorpius said politely.
"Nice to met you too." They all said making everyone laugh.
This was the start of something interesting...
1,272 Words! I am sooo sorry for having such a short and trash ending for this book.
I will make an A/N that will say some things that I would appreciate if you read it.
Once again I am sorry, but I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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