Chapter 10
⚠️Mostly Pansmione (Pansy x Hermione)⚠️***out cussing, threats⚠️
"I'm a quarter Veela and your my mate." Pansy rushed out shocking Hermione...
"Really? Your not messing with me?" Hermione asked sounding happy yet cautious.
The fact that Pansy was part Veela made a ton of sense considering so many people fawned over her. All genders too, not just boys.
"No I'm not messing with you, why would I mess around with something so serious?" Pansy asked with a confused look.
"I don't know, I was just making sure." Hermione replied as she leaned against the wall.
Pansy looked anxious and nervous and Hermione was about to ask why when she rembered she hadn't told Pansy her responce yet.
"Oh, I accept you." She said making Pansy snap her head up and look at Hermione.
"Are you sure? I mean I'd be fine if I died, I've always wondered what happens to you when you die. I also don't want to make you stuck with me for life. You know how annoying I can be and don't even get me started with after the marking thin-" Pansy's rant was cut short when Hermione walked over to her and hugged her.
Out of reflex Pansy hugged her back.
"I accept you, your not going to die, and you may get annoying at times but I don't mind. *she moved so she was able to look at Pansy in the eyes* I talk with Harry and Ron way to much to not have a high tolerance with annoyance." She stated with a small laugh at the end.
Pansy smiled and hugged Hermione again. "You know that I'm going to be very clingy and protective over you now right?" Pansy asked as she nuzzled her head into Hermione's shoulder.
"I'm fine with that." Hermione giggled making Pansy smile.
"We should tell Snape or McGonagall so we can get a room. Now that you accepted me for the first twenty four hours I will be extremely protective and clingy. Sorry, it's my inner Veela." Pansy said as she pulled away from the hug, instantly feeling cold from the loss of contact.
"Then let's go talk to Snape, he is the head of your house after all." Hermione said before she linked her and Pansy's fingers together before she started walking twards the dungeons where Professor Snape would be.
When they got there Pansy said the password and the painting let them in.
Snape was scolding some kids that where sitting on one of the couches.
"Professor Snape, could we talk to you for a second?" Hermione asked getting a glare in return.
Pansy's eyes darkened, black wings shot from her back (her clothes had a spell on them so they wouldn't rip when this happened), she grew sharp fangs, and sharp claws.
"Don't glare at her unless you want me to harm you." Pansy growled making Snape's eyes widen.
Pansy moved so she was infront of Hermione but had her wings around Hermione as well.
"Calm down Ms.Parkason, if I had known what the case was then I would have attended to you both. Now come with me." Snape said before cautiously walking around the two and out of the common room.
Pansy's eyes lightened, her fangs disappeared, and her claws retracted. Her wings stayed out though.
"Come on love, we should follow him." Pansy said before gently grabbing an awe struck Hermione.
Now Hermione had read about Veelas before and knew what would happen if you messed with their mate but she never knew how gorgeous their wings looked.
"The password is "Veelas" so if you would like to change it then tell me now so I can do so." Snape said in his monotone voice.
"I think it's fine." Hermione mumbled as she continued to look at Pansy's wings.
Pansy knoticed Hermione looking at the wings and smiled fondly.
"The password is fine. Thank you." Pansy said before walking into the room, helping Hermione in after.
Snape rolled his eyes once the painting shut and then left to go and owl Lucius.
The rooms looked very similar to Harry and Draco's but was blue instead of green.
"You know you can touch them right?" Pansy asked Hermione as she sat down on the couch.
It was late and Hermione was tired. So she cuddled up to Pansy's side and hugged her.
"They are very pretty." Hermione stated as Pansy wrapped her arms and wings around Hermione.
"They are very soft too." Pansy said as she nudged Hermione's hand with one of the wings.
*gasp* "They are!" Hermione said as she started to run her fingers through the silky soft feathers.
Pansy shuttered at the touch but if felt like a really good back massage.
"We should get to bed now love." Pansy said making Hermione nod.
So they got off of the couch and headed to the bedroom.
"Would you like me to sleep on the couch or are you ok with us sharing a bed?" Pansy asked as Hermione waved her wand over the two of them, changing them into pajamas.
"We can share the bed." Hermione said as she got under the covers, Pansy following after her.
They ended up falling asleep with Hermione cuddled on Pansy's chest and Pansy's arms and wings around the two of them in a protective manner.
Tomorrow should be Intresting explaining everything to everyone...
905 Words! Ok so I am no longer updating every day as you could tell. I have been busy irl so the updates will be two or three times a week instead. Sorry.
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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