Deku P.O.V
I woke up, feeling warmth beside me. I looked up to see Kacchan sleeping soundly. I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep again, but I was already awake.
I sighed, slowly shuffling away from Kacchan so I could go down to the common room and get something to eat.
Oh! The class should be up by now! Maybe I should go check on them.
I finally got out of Kacchan's grasp. I stood up and quietly opened the door, trying not to wake him. Kacchan was kinda like a dog.
And angry pomeranian to be exact.
You touch his food, he'll kill you. You touch him while he's eating, he'll kill you. If you wake him up, he'll kill you.
I chuckled, imagining him like a dog. I closed the door successfully without waking him. I walked downstairs, feeling needy for attention once again. I looked down to the floor. My ears flattened as I gave out a small whimper subconsciously. "What's the matter kiddo?"
I look up to see Midnight standing there with a cup of coffee in some leggings and an oversized hoodie. "M-midnight? What are you doing here?" I stuttered.
"Just making sure nothing would get out of hand once they wake up and are back to normal," She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "How was your night? Did your little boyfriend come say hi? He's the only one not down here yet. I was actually coming to check on you,"
We start to walk down the hallway down to the common room. "Kacchan's still sleeping. I also just came to check up on everybody," I said.
"Get any attention?" She giggled into her coffee mug.
"Uh, n-not yet," I scratched my head and giggled nervously. "Kaccha-"
"Deku!" I was cut off by Uraraka attacking me with a hug. I fell backward, my head meeting the hardwood floor. "Oh my god!" I heard some voices, but they were faded and everything was blurry. Soon, darkness took over my mind. (Don't worry, there will still be fluff, I just need the plot😉)
Bakugou P.O.V
I woke up, yawning and stretching my arms out. But I felt no warmth beside me.
I looked over expecting to see a sleeping Deku, but instead, see nothing. I start to panic, and I jump out of bed. I rush downstairs to the common room to see everyone crowding, and Midnight trying to keep everyone at a distance. I didn't see Deku in the crowd, which only meant one thing.
He was the one they were crowding over.
I saw Midnight's face of worry and fear. I was done. "Oi! Move!" I yelled, stomping my way through the crowd. I make my way to the middle to see Deku.
He was bleeding from the head.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" I screamed.
"Bakugou, please calm down, he is still conscious. Your yelling isn't helping his head pain right now," Midnight said strictly but calmly.
I grunted and stayed quiet, crossing my arms. I heard some sobbing, so I looked over to see Round Face crying and being comforted by the other girls. I sigh and walk over to them.
"What did you do now?" I asked, annoyed at literally nothing.
"I-I meant t-to give D-Deku a h-hug, a-and I m-made him f-fall and he hit h-his head on t-the floor," She stuttered, only breaking into more tears when she finished.
I wanted to yell at her for being so careless but...
Deku made me soft.
I'd feel bad for yelling at her. She obviously did it on accident, sure, I'll lecture her later about being more careful, but instead, I just grunted and left.
I was in my room watching TV on my phone. Midnight told me she took Deku to Recovery Girl, and for some reason, I'm not feeling very angry today. Though, it is quite boring without Deku. He needs attention.
And soon.
I hear a faint knock on my door. I stop and squint at it. Making sure my ears weren't tricking me.
I hear the small and very faint knock again, along with a whimper. "K-kacchan?" A small voice whispered. It was Deku. And he sounded very weak.
"Deku, I swear if you escaped from Recovery Girl-" I stopped when I opened the door and saw him breathing heavily. "Deku?"
He whimpered again, ushering my hand onto his head. I didn't want to, his head was injured. "Deku, you're hurt-" Something brushes against my leg. I look down to see Deku's ripped out IV cord. "DEKU WHAT THE HELL!?"
I quickly and gently pick him up and rush him back to the main campus. I run into Recovery Girl on the way who looked panicked, along with Aizawa and Midnight.
"Where did you find him!?" Recovery Girl panicked, taking him from me as we ran to the Health room.
"He was at my door, he ripped out his IV," I said.
"Why the hell would he do that!?" Recovery Girl never cursed. She never even said 'crap' or anything. If she did, it meant she was very angry or concerned.
"I don't know!" I yelled back.
"I do," Midnight said as we entered the office.
"Tell us," Recovery Girl said sternly.
"He's lacking attention. If he could've gone a while longer, he would be fine. But he went to his mate," She pointed to me. "Seeking affection,"
"Well..." She sighed. "Bakugou, would you mind petting his head until he recovers? Or gets better?" She asked me, tilting her head.
"Sure," I nodded, walking over to the small chair that layed next to the bed. I started stroking his head and fiddling with his ears. I felt the small vibrations from his chest, indicating that he was purring slightly.
"I love you Deku," I placed a small kiss on his forehead, and continued to lay small kisses on his head.
Deku P.O.V
I woke up a short while later, Kacchan informing me on everything that had happened. It seemed I had no memory of what I did after I hit my head and went to Recovery Girl.
Kacchan and I walked back to the dorms. I had a hit to the head, no concussion, but only a headache. Well, better than a concussion. At least I'll survive.
We entered the dorms, and everyone was careful not to tackle me. Through the crowd of my classmates, and Kacchan trying to get them to go away, I saw Uraraka in the back, scratching her head and looking down in shame.
I stepped through the crowd, no one noticing over Kacchan's yelling.
"Hey, Uraraka. Everything okay?" I asked.
She looked up with a look of surprise. Not seeming to notice I was there. "O-oh! Deku! Hi!"
I looked at her and chuckled. "Uraraka, are you mad at yourself for tackling me?" I smile, holding her hand.
"M-maybe..." She muttered, looking down.
"Hey, it was an accident. I understand. Though you're lucky Kirishima was there to stop Kacchan," I laugh.
She giggled. "True, I would probably be dead," I laughed again.
Me and Uraraka talked about Kacchan's anger issues. Some were funny, some were serious. But most were funny. We laughed and joked. She looked down again.
"I'm sorry Deku, I really didn't mean to," She said, looking me in the eyes.
"Uraraka, for the last time, I forgive you. I love you, no matter what," I smile, giving her a hug. I will always see her as my sister. She used to have feelings for me. But then she found out I was gay. She was a little upset as first, at least until I set her up with Iida. She thanked me so much after that, and we promised to be brother and sister (Unbiological) and we've been really close since.
"Deku?" I heard Kacchan say from behind me. I released Uraraka from the hug and turned around to see an all too familiar face on Kacchan.
"Kacchan. How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Say. This. Me and Uraraka are just friends!" I whisper-yelled.
"Yeah! I was just saying sorry about earlier!" Uraraka said in defense.
"Fine. I'll believe you. I know you love me too much to cheat," Kacchan smirked, wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my cheek.
"Well, I'll leave you to it. Thanks for the advice Deku!" Uraraka yelled, waving off as she ran over to Iida.
"Advice?" Kacchan asked.
"I gave her some dating advice for her and Iida," I smile as I watch her talking and laughing with Iida.
"They make a cute couple if I'm being honest," Kacchan said, putting his chin on my head.
"Hey, Katsuki! We're gonna watch a movie! Wanna join?" Kirishima asked.
"Katsuki? Since when did you guys start going by a first name basis?" I asked.
"Be there in a sec Eijiro!" Kacchan yelled. "We were talking while you were with Uraraka. We decided we were at that level of friendship. He's basically my brother," He chuckled.
"Like me and Uraraka, just friends," I patted his head and he released me. I like the idea of a first-name basis, so I went to ask Uraraka. "Hey, Uraraka!" I wave. She turns around and looks at me with a smile.
"Hey! Waddya need Deku?" She asked.
"Well, I was wondering if it's okay if I call you Ochaco," I ask.
"Sure! Can I still call you Deku though? I guess that its kinda grown on me," She giggled nervously.
"That's fine! I understand. Apparently Kacchan and Kirishima are on a first-name basis now too. So I thought it would be a fun idea for you and me too,"
"Of course! Are you gonna watch the movie?"
"Yeah, I need some Kacchan cuddles." I purr as a burst of warmth spread throughout me just thinking of Kacchan's warmth. "You?"
"I'll probably join in later, Iida wants to study together. I'm fine with it, we usually end up kinda goofing around. Even if it's Iida," She giggles.
"Okay. See you later Ochaco!" I wave, running back over to Kacchan who had a spot on the couch next to him for me.
I practically jumped into his lap. I snuggled my head into his chest, my purring growing louder.
"Heh, cute," I heard Kacchan say, stroking my tail.
I melted into his touch. Feeling the love and attention I have been waiting for for weeks. Kacchan chuckled. "Does the little kitten enjoy attention~?" He cooed.
I nodded, turning into a small green cat and crawling all over his lap. "Ah!" Kacchan shoved me off of his lap, holding his stomach.
I quickly turn back to human. "Kacchan!? What happened!?" I panicked.
"You- You stepped on my nuts," He groaned in pain, laying on the floor.
"Oh man! I wish I got that on camera!" Kaminari laughed from in front of them.
"Bakubro! You okay man?" Kirishima held out a hand for Kacchan, who gladly took it and stood up. Kirishima seemed to have still stuck with the nickname he gave Kacchan, but I thought it was cute.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," Kacchan said, picking me up and sitting back down on the couch.
I ended up sprawled out on his lap, laying on my chest as he pets my head and watched the movie that was playing.
We were watching 'Avengers Endgame' where we all cried at the end. Especially when... you-know-who died...
(I'm not going to say who because I don't want any spoilers for people who haven't watched it yet!)
"Well..." Ashido wiped a tear out of her eye and looked back at all of us. "How about something more fun!" She smiled brightly, her eyes still a little puffy from crying.
"What do you have in mind?" Sero asked.
"Well... I was thinking about..." She looked up with a finger on her chin. Then looked at us with a mischevious smile.
"A cooking competition!"
(1963 Words)
So! I finally have a schedule figured out with school and everything, so I'll be able to post back to normal speed! There will be some times where I get a chapter out late, but it's just school stuff.<3
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