rose petal kisses~4
What we saw before us was shocking. It was beautiful. Taehyung's parents had set up a dinner for two. There was a silk tent over the table and it had pixie lights strung up and glowing. There were candles lit around their pool and rose petals inside of it floating in the water like little heart-shaped boats. The stars lit up the night sky blessing us with a beautiful sight to see. Everything looked so perfect in the soft glow of the moonlight. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, soaking in all the beauty of this moment. I never want to forget this. My eyes slowly opened when I felt Taehyung gently take my hand, and together we walked over to the table. Our table. He pulled out my chair for me, and waited until I was seated to push it in. Tae sat down and we took in the sight one last time, before our parents brought out our dinner. We were served spaghetti with meatballs and I giggled as I thought about the movie Lady and the Tramp. Hearing me giggle, Taehyung looked up and smiled at me, making me melt. We dug in and talked about ourselves, and the kinds of things that we liked.
"What kind of sports do you play Y/n? Or do you not play?" Taehyung asks.
"Volleyball is my favourite thing in the world!" I yell. Tae and I look at each other for a second, then break the silence with laughter, causing me to look down blushing. My head perks up and I look again at him when he starts to speak.
"I play basketball and I dance," he says taking another bite if his food, "I also like girls that play volleyball." I feel a blush blooming on my checks when he sends a wink my way.
"That's the only thing I play!" I laugh, genuinely enjoying the time we're spending together. I never thought I could trust someone so fast. We've known each other for less than 12 hours and we're already so comfortable with each other, it's like we've been friends for years. Once we finished our food, we peek into the house expecting to find laughter and chatter amongst the adults, but instead we're greeted with silence and darkness from within the house. By the looks of it, my parents had been gone for hours and Tae's parents were in bed, fast and deeply asleep.
"Pool?" Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the side and pouting like an adorable little puppy. I smile at him and we walk over to the pool and take off our shoes. Taehyung strips down to his boxers easily and I can't help but stare at his toned body.
As he puts his clothes into a pile, I take off my clothes slowly, until I'm left only in my bra and underwear. Not soon after, I get self-conscience and cover my body from Taehyung's view as I slip inside the pool. He carelessly dives into the pool as well, splashing me, and eventually we give up on being quiet. We start splashing each other with the water, seeing who could make the biggest wave. Soon enough I start shivering and Tae swims over to me. He wraps his strong arms around my waist, and I wrap mine aroud his neck. The pool was deep enough that my 5'3 body could't reach the bottom, and I had started getting tired of kicking to keep myself above the water. Taehyung being practically 6 feet tall, had no problem touching the bottom. I give up and wrap my legs aound his waist.
"Hold your breath okay? I wanna show you something" He whispers into my ear softly. I nod and we count down from three.
I hold my breath as he pulls us both under the rose filled water, and I open my eyes. When my eyes open I'm staring directly into Taehyung's beautiful gaze, and I get shy and let my eyes wander somewhere else. He tilts my chin up and looks me in the eyes as I gain the courage to confidently meet his stare. One of his hands goes from around my waist up to my back, inching closer to my neck. My hands move themselves away from his neck, wandering his body until they cup his face. I feel his hand pushing my back closer to his chest, and i'm sure he could feel my hands pulling his face closer.
Closer and closer we got until we could no longer be any closer.
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