Back at school, everyone was back to normal. Ally studying, Lauren trying to get Ally to gossip with her, and girls swooning over Hayden. Life was great, except for the fact that more and more boys are starting to hit on Ally. One guy in particular, Ethan, won't stay away from her no matter what.
Ally was putting books back in her locker when she felt a pair of hands cover her eyes. She smiled. Usually Hayden would do this to her just for fun, it was like a tradition. Every time he saw her at her locker, he would sneak up behind her and cover her eyes.
"Guess who?" An unfamiliar voice asked.
Ally frowned. That was definitely not Hayden. Not even close. She turned around to see who it was, and it was none other than Ethan. When she noticed it was him, she outstretched her hand and slapped him. Hard as.
"Hey! What was that for?" Ethan grumbled.
"That's for what you did just then. And that," she kneed him in the guts. "Is for everything else."
"Gee, wouldn't expect that strength to come out of a nerd like you. But I still won't give up on you, Ally Hofferson. Never."
And with that, he ran off.
Ally sighed and closed her locker before heading to her next class.
"Hey! Bro! Have you heard what Ally did with Ethan?"
"Please don't tell me they made out."
"What ew! No! Hayden, that's disgusting."
"Then what? Don't leave me hanging Lauren."
"She slapped him. Wait for it, then she kneed him. Hard."
"Good for her." Hayden turned to his food and continued talking with his mates.
Lauren had sat down at his table for a while just to make sure he knew what had happened.
"Say, why are you concerned if Ally makes out with someone?" Lauren asked.
"Um, no reason." Hayden tried not to make eye contact.
"Sure..." Lauren walked off to finish her lunch with her friends.
"Guys! Guess what?" Rebecca announced. "A guy asked me out!"
"Really? Who? Joshua?" Audrey asked.
"Wow! Yeah! You got it!"
"Hey guys." Ally said.
"Hey ally." Audrey replied. "Look, Ally, I just want to make sure we're good here and that I'm sorry."
"Hey! It's okay, we're good."
"That's great. So do you have a boyfriend Ally?"
With the pressure on Ally, she couldn't hear herself think. The whole table was hmm? Ing at her.
So she just spat the first thing that came to mind.
"Really? Who?" Everyone was now surrounding around her, waiting for an answer.
But the only person she could think of right now was Hayden.
"Hayden." She found herself saying.
"What?! Hayden? Really? Wow!" Everyone threw different responses right at her face. She didn't know what to do. She had just told everyone of her friends that she was in a relationship with Hayden.
What have I just done? She thought to herself.
"Hey guys," Lauren sat down next to ally.
Everyone stared at Ally and waited for her to tell Lauren the 'news'.
She shook her head and frowned at everyone.
"Did I miss something?" Lauren was confused.
Before anyone could answer, Ally chimed in and replied, "no, nothing important, just homework."
"Oh ew. Homework." She scrunched up her face.
"So how was Paris?" Audrey asked, starting a new conversation.
"Oh my gods, it was AMAZING! The sights, the weather, and OH MA GAWD THE FOOD. THE FOOD. OH! THE SHOPPING! OH THE GLORIOUS SHOPPING!" Lauren explained.
Everyone burst out laughing at Lauren's description of Paris, the shopping, the shopping, oh the shopping!
Even though Ally was enjoying herself as much as the others, the one question floated around her head.
What am I going to do with Hayden, my 'boyfriend'?
Hey guys! Slightly better chapter than the previous one, but slightly less words. Plus, today I got a new idea for another Hiccstrid story! So after this book, another will start coming out! I'll give more details towards the end of the year. But for now, I'm going to start writing it and going to keep it a secret for a while!
Until next time,
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