Chapter Four: Restaurant
A/N: I just fucking hate being human. IT SUCKS. Anyway, carry on!
~Your POV~
You gave Alex a smile as you led him out of the hospital. You were going to go to a restaurant (no shit) and just get something for dinner. When you got in the car, Alex being silent the whole way, you just pulled into the first decent-looking restaurant you saw.
Alex pulled up a seat for you and sat across from you, giving a small smile. You sat down and smiled back. This is kind of awkward... you thought to yourself, grabbing the menu. Alex grabbed his menu as well and read it, holding it in front of his face.
The waiter walked up to the table. "Anything to drink?" he asked.
Alex replied first, "Just a water."
"Sure. And you?" the waiter asked once again, his feet turning slightly toward you.
You observed his dress shoes. How exactly did you end up in a fancy restaurant? "A water as well, please... Actually, some wine, too?" you answered, not moving your eyes from his shoes.
"Sure thing, kid!" the waiter said rather loudly, startling you a bit. He walked away.
You glanced up from your menu to find Alex staring after the waiter. You gave him a quick glance as well. He didn't seem to stand out. He was rather thin and tall. He was pale as a sheet with muted blonde hair. He didn't seem to get out much.
You smirked. "Checking him out, I see?" you asked playfully.
"What?! No!" Alex quickly averted his gaze from the waiter and back to you, his ears red with embarrassment.
You giggled. "You sure? You seemed pretty interested in him. Is there something you're not telling me, hm?" you responded, resting your chin on your hand. Alex's expression screamed that he was extremely uncomfortable.
"N-no! I-I'm not interested in guys! What the hell are you talking about?!" Alex retorted, flustered. That just made you enjoy it more.
"Hey I don't judge. He seemed pretty good-looking. Should I get his phone number for you?" you were having an exceedingly hard time keeping a straight face, so you just let it go and smirked.
"I-I'll prove it to you!" Alex said in a warning tone.
"The more you stutter the more I think it's true~" you sang.
Suddenly Alex reached out from across the table and kissed you. Caught completely off guard, you had no idea what to do. But Alex didn't pull away. Slowly you melted into the kiss, letting the feeling wash over you.
Finally Alex pulled away and sat back down in his chair. He looked down and twiddled his thumbs, his face red. You, on the other hand, not only were fire engine red, but you were also staring straight ahead, trying to process what happened. Your ears burned and your hands shook. You let out a small little squeak.
"S-sorry..." Alex apologized. He played with a fork and picked apart a bread stick that was on the table.
You let out a sigh. "I-I-It's o-okay..." you said, folding your hands together and interlocking your fingers. "I-it.... It actually felt kinda nice..." you muttered.
Alex looked up. "Hm?"
"I-I liked the kiss...." you replied, a little louder.
Alex's solemn expression switched to a smile. He looked back down.
You drove Alex home, just looking down the road and being a good driver. You had your free hand on the arm rest and you were just leaning back in your chair, enjoying the mostly empty roads (btw I pretty much live in the country so I don't know how big cities' traffic at night is. Just in case one of you who lives in the city is screaming "I FUCKING WISH TRAFFIC WAS THAT GOOD OVER HERE YOU SHIT FACE" or something like that XD) (I may have gone a little overboard...). You suddenly felt someone grab your hand so you glanced over, seeing Alex intertwining his fingers with yours. You smiled and looked back to the road, driving at a steady pace.
The coyotes howled in the distance toward the bright, full moon shining its silver glow upon the world. The silhouettes of the trees loomed ominously across the sides of your vision, and the sound of hunters doing a last-minute late-night hunt before the season was over was loud in the cloudless night sky. But everything was okay, everything was fine, everything was safe. As long as Alex was around.
Two unique puppets broken free from their strings in a world where anyone and everyone was easily manipulated.
You pulled into your driveway and turned off the car, stepping out. Alex stepped out as well, shutting the car door closed. You both bid each other good night and went into your separate houses, turning on the lights and doing whatever you needed to do before heading off to bed.
You sat down on your couch to watch whatever "quality programming" was on Adult Swim. It wasn't too late at night, so the good stuff wasn't on until later. So you decided to watch Gravity Falls, which happened to be rerunning the whole series. You got up, when you heard a knock at the door.
You looked over, hesitant. Finally, you decided to walk over to the hand-made oak door with its dark colored finish and brass handle. You peered through the peep hole. Alex was standing there, waiting for you to answer the door. You stood there for a second, confused. Why exactly was he over again? It hadn't even been ten minutes. You decided to open the door.
Alex waved, wearing a white shirt and boxers. He had on a red flannel snuggie. He looked adorable.
"Why are you back over so soon?" you asked him, unclipping the little chain from the door.
"I-I.... Do you mind if I stay over for another night...?"
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