Chapter 3: What You're Doing to Her
A/N: Man is my updating slow or what? Sorry. It's just that school's just now started (but that's not a huge problem) and Im in water polo (that's the problem). YET I BARELY KNOW HOW TO SWIM. "Okey dokie lets see here... list of non-deadly sports... there's like twenty... list of deadly sports... there's one... LETS GO AHEAD AND DO GOD DAMN WATER POLO BECAUSE I WONT DROWN OR ANYTHING!" Anyhow, sorry XD
You woke up, yawning. Completely forgetting about yesterday's happenings, you just walked downstairs and pulled out your cereal and a jug of milk. You began your daily routine of pouring the cereal and milk into the bowl and then grabbed the remote, starting up your latest recorded episodes of Rick and Morty. You then plopped yourself on the couch.
"UF!" someone screamed from under you, startling you. You jumped back up and looked to see who was on the couch.
Alex was curled up in a ball, holding his stomach tightly. "Ooooowwww..." he groaned.
You flushed a bright red. "I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know you were th-there!" you exclaimed.
Alex curled up tighter. "I-its fine..."
You sat back down- carefully- and rewinded the episode so you could watch the whole thing. Alex soon recovered and was watching the show with you, his own bowl in his hands.
It was just a normal morning. Minus the fact that the creator of Gravity Falls was in your house.
Later in the day, Alex had asked to see your most recent animation. It wasn't too much, and so far it wasn't very well-drawn. But Alex seemed to enjoy the basic plot of the animation and the music choices.
Alex gave you a smile and asked, "Hey, think we could work on an animation together?"
Your heart nearly skipped a beat. You working with the creator of Gravity Falls? "What's next?" you began subconsciously. "Jason Ritter and the rest of the cast voicing?"
"Sounds like a great idea!" Alex laughed.
Suddenly your heart was in your throat. "Y-you s-sure...?" you asked.
"Why not? It'll be fun!"
You laughed a little, blatantly embarrassed. "You're hilarious. I'm not even that good!"
"Sure ya are! We could start working on one now, actually!"
You grinned. "Hold on..." you told Alex. You ran outside and screamed. Running back inside, you nearly bumped into the guy. You cleared your throat. "Yes. Why not?"
Alex laughed again. "Hold on. I'll go get my art pad," he told you and left. You sat down in your chair and waited for Alex.
~Alex's POV~
As I left (Y/N)'s house, that creeping feeling I was familiar with snaked its way up my spine. It became more and more apparent with each step I took toward my house. Stepping onto the concrete doorstep, I finally let out a shudder.
You're awake... I told myself. He can't get to you while you're awake.
I unlocked my door- with some difficulty- and stepped inside. I hadn't unpacked much of anything, so it was a little difficult weaving around the boxes full of stuff to get to my art pad.
When I finally found it, I quickly picked it up and began to head to the door. I hadn't noticed the small box in my way and I tripped, unable to let go of the tablet in my hands to catch myself.
My head slammed right against the corner of the couch and I fell unconscious.
I woke up, lying on the floor of my house. Nothing seemed too out of place. I felt my forehead. Tender, but no blood. At least I wasn't dead. But something wasn't right. My house was actually clean. I looked around.
"Just leave me alone, Bill!" I called out into the nothingness.
No one replied. Maybe it was a normal dream. I decided to pass the time by taking a stroll outside. I was going to wake up eventually. I looked back before I opened the door... someone just yawned. I looked toward the hallway. (Y/N) stepped out, in nothing but a large shirt that reached to her knees. What was she doing in my house? Looking like she just woke up, no less.
Someone spoke from the couch. "Morning, sweetheart," he said. I peered over to find me sitting there. But not... me.
"(Y/N)! Get away from him!" I called. "He's an imposter!"
The imposter turned toward me, looking at me with yellow, cat-like eyes. "She can't hear you, you know," he told me with an air of cockiness floating about.
I stepped back, my back hitting the door. No... This wasn't real. It was another one of his mind tricks. What was he trying to play at, anyway? I looked back up, my world resuming.
(Y/N) gave a small smile toward Bill's direction. "G'morning to you too, Alex."
Someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to meet face-to-eye with Bill. "This isn't your dream," he said, looking at me. "This is hers. You're in the hospital right now, kid."
"B-but..." I stuttered.
"Doesn't make sense? I'm just here to show you what you're doing to her," Bill turned me toward the scene placed in front of me. I watched as (Y/N) had noticed the imposter's eyes and her happy face quickly turned to horror. The imposter jumped to his feet and ran like all hell toward (Y/N), grabbing a weapon in the process. Bill snapped, stopping time, and chuckled as I was speechless. "You don't make a deal with a demon without consequences, Hirsch."
With that statement, everything went black once again.
I woke up in a hospital bed with (Y/N) standing worriedly over me. "Oh good! You're finally awake! You didn't come back for a while so I came over and saw you and then I called 911! I was scared for you!" she exclaimed.
I sat up and looked at (Y/N)'s face. She had dark rings around her eyes. "(Y/N), are you okay? You look tired."
(Y/N) glanced to the side, about to tell a lie. "Oh I'm alright! Just didn't get much sleep because I was so worried for you!" she replied, trying to sound positive. "Come on, the doc's already given you the clear. You want something to eat? I could go for a bite!"
I didn't even know her that long, but I already picked up on her habit of talking a lot when she's on edge. "Sure. Just give me a second...." I said, getting up.
A/N: And there's chapter three! What do you think so far?
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