WARNING: I say the f-slur once
Grian's Perspective-
Grian groaned as he woke up.
He didn't want to go to school, but it was hard to feel bad when his favorite Harry Styles song was playing.
Grian got up and turned on the lights while singing along to Sunflower.
He took out the red sweater Scar had bought him and put it on.
He walked over to his vanity mirror and brushed his hair.
I look too feminine, people are gonna kill me.
Right as Grian was going to change into his red parrot hoodie, his phone buzzed.
It was a text from Mumbo.
'Hey Birdie! Are you excited for today?'
'No, I look too feminine.' Grian texted.
'I'm sure you look fine. Just fight back if they bully you.'
'You know I can't do that.'
'You fight me.'
'Yeah...well that's different!'
'Well, I gotta go, I'll call you later after school.'
Grian sent a thumbs-up before turning around in the mirror.
Students' voices calling Grian a faggot rang in his head.
"Grian! Wake up!"
Grian jumped as his mother walked into his room.
"You look very nice, dear. Is that the sweater Scar bought for you?"
Grian nodded.
"Are you okay? You looked troubled."
"Just worried about school."
Grian's mother smiled gently, "You look fine, dear. Don't' worry about what people think of you."
It was as if she had read his mind.
Grian smiled sincerely and then walked out to feed his cats.
"You ready?" Grian asked as Scar walked out of his house.
"Yep!" Scar smiled as they started walking.
"Hey, you're wearing the sweater I got you!"
Grian smiled nervously and Scar ruffled his hair.
"I'll punch anyone who bullies you and says you look gay."
Grian laughed, "Thanks."
Scar winked at his friend, "Course."
As they waited for the bus, Scar started belting out a Led Zeppelin song.
Grian sighed and he shook his head as he popped in an Air Pod.
Scar then stuck out his hand.
"What?" Grian asked as he started to play Harry Styles.
"Give me the other Air Pod."
"You wanna listen to Harry Styles?" Grian raised an eyebrow.
"We can listen to each other's music. You play a song, then I play a song."
"But you listen to rock."
"And you listen to pop. It's torture for the both of us."
Grian laughed and handed his friend the Air Pod before playing 'Late Night Talking'.
Grian started mumbling the lyrics and bopping up and down while Scar looked disgusted.
Scar then smirked at Grian.
"You gonna sing?"
Grian smiled and shook his head.
"Come onnnnnn." Scar started to poke Grian's shoulder.
Scar gave Grian puppy-dog eyes.
"Don't look at me like that!"
Scar laughed and their bus pulled up.
As the song ended, Scar started to pick out a song.
"Ten minutes?!" Grian exclaimed, "Mine was only three!"
Scar shrugged, "You didn't sing."
Grian sighed.
"Come on, it's not that bad." Scar said.
Grian shrugged and took out his schedule, which also had a map of the school on the back.
"What do you have first?" Scar asked, looking over his friend's shoulder.
"Biology." Grian said, frowning, "I hate science, but at least Joel will be there with me."
"What about you?" Grian asked as Scar took out his schedule.
Scar groaned, "Math."
"Lucky, math is my favorite subject."
"That's because it's your best subject."
"I think Tim's in that class."
"At least I have a friend."
"Can't say the same for your second class."
"But I thought your had history with me."
Grian shook his head, "I have Spanish 2, PE, and..."
Grian looked at Scar's schedule, "Never mind, you have art with Lizzie."
Scar nodded and saw Grian's nervous look.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll make some new friends."
Grian nodded, not smiling, "That would be easy if the person didn't call me a gay boy-girl or the f-slur."
"Hey," Scar elbowed his short friend lightly, "Don't worry. I'll hunt anyone down who calls you that. Me, Jim, Lizzie, Joel, and Mumbo. We'll all stick up for you."
"Thanks." Grian said before looking out the window.
"Course." Scar ruffled Grian's hair, "I'll always put you first."
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