It's All Gone Wrong
Scar's Perspective-
"I just need to stop hanging out with you, and everything will be fine!"
Grian's voice rang in Scar's head like an annoying song he couldn't get out.
Scar sighed as he turned around in his bed. He was facing the window now and he could see Grian's house, but this just made Grian's voice get louder.
Scar sighed and slammed his face into his pillow.
Tears started to twinkle in his eyes as he realized the tone Grian used.
He sounded hopeful.
I shouldn't've pushed him so much.
Scar then heard a familiar meow as Jellie rubbed up against his hand.
Scar smiled weakly and picked up his cat.
"Hey Jellie."
Jellie snuggled up in his owner's arms.
She then looked out the window and meowed.
"I know girl." Scar said, tightening his grip on his cat, "I miss him too."
The Next Day-
Scar woke up, yawning.
He had dark circles under his eyes as he didn't sleep much last night.
Scar stood up and Jellie followed him, jumping onto his dresser.
Scar smiled softly and kissed her head, making her purr slightly.
"Today's going to be interesting." Scar said softly and Jellie blinked at him.
"Do you think I should try and talk to him?"
Jellie tilted her head and Scar sighed.
"You're right, that'll probably make things worse. I wonder what I could do..."
An alarm then went off on Scar's phone and he jumped, shutting it off.
"I'll think of something later, I have to get ready for school."
Scar got dressed and grabbed his bag, throwing it over his shoulder before walking downstairs.
He fed Jellie before grabbing some cereal and eating it, looking out the window at Grian's house.
Maybe I can fix things...
Scar was walking to the bus stop, and he saw Grian ahead of him.
"Hey! Grian!" Scar jogged over to Grian.
Grian's eyes widened, and he looked down, not making eye contact with Scar.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, I just wanted to- "
Scar cut himself off as he watched Grian speedwalk ahead of him.
Scar sighed and tried to follow but Grian put his hand up, stopping Scar.
"Scar, stop it. I don't wanna hear it. I know I'm a mess and that I'm just ruining things for you."
"What? No! That's not what I was going to- "
"But it was, wasn't it? I already know what I am, I don't need you to tell me it."
Grian then turned on his heel and continued to walk.
Scar sighed and looked down.
But you don't know that you're amazing.
Scar walked into lunch and looked around, trying to find Grian.
He couldn't and eventually gave up, sitting at the table with Tinsley and Mercury.
Tinsley noticed Scar's grim expression and raised an eyebrow.
"What happened with you?" They asked.
Scar sighed, "I don't wanna talk about it." He muttered.
Tinsley exchanged a worried look with Mercury, who shrugged.
Teagan and Amabella walked over, and Teagan sat down next to Scar.
"Hey Scar...are you okay?" She asked quietly.
"No! I'm not okay! I ruined everything with Grian and now he probably hates himself, hates me, and is alone! AND IT IS ALL MY FAULT!" Scar shouted and his friends jumped.
Scar groaned and slammed his head onto the table.
He heard Teagan sigh, and she pulled Scar into a hug.
Scar blushed at the feeling of her embrace, and he hugged back.
"It's not your fault that this happened." She said quietly.
"But it is."
"Well...what happened exactly?" Teagan asked.
Scar leaned back and took a deep breath.
Teagan gently held his hand and squeezed it, causing Scar to blush.
He squeezed her hand back and started to tell her everything that happened.
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