Hanging Out
Grian's Perspective-
"Grian, sweetie, would you please go over there and see if they need help with unpacking?" Grian's mother asked her son.
Grian shut off his phone.
"Sure." He shrugged.
Grian got up and walked out of his house and made his way over to Scar's.
He knocked on the door and patted his hands on his legs as he waited.
Scar opened it, a curious cat behind him.
"Er- hey Scar! My mom sent me over here to help you guys unpack." Grian said, waving awkwardly.
"Oh! Okay! My parents are actually gone shopping at the grocery store, but you could help me unpack my stuff." Scar shrugged, letting Grian walk inside.
The cat started to sniff Grian while walking around him.
Grian giggled, "Is this Jellie?"
Scar nodded and scooped up his cat, "Yep! She's been helping me unpack."
Grian raised an eyebrow.
"Well...mostly watching me unpack while she sleeps." Scar said, smiling sheepishly.
Grian laughed again and pet Jellie's head.
Jellie then wiggled her way out of her owner's hands as she walked upstairs.
Scar chuckled, "She's probably gonna jump into the open box I have up there. Come on, you can help me out."
About half an hour later, Scar's parents had returned.
Grian and Scar were unpacking and writing down a list of things Scar wanted to buy to put in his room.
"-a beanbag, a new lamp- "
"Wait, do you have the money for this?" Grian asked, pausing the pen he was writing with.
"Er- about that..." Scar smiled sheepishly.
Grian laughed, "Scar! How are you supposed to buy everything without money!"
"I have money! I saved up from my old job it's just I don't have one right now and- "
"Well I can lend you some money." Grian said, "You can pay me back later once you get a job."
"Oh, thanks!" Scar smiled and then he got up, "I'm gonna go ask my mom and dad if I can borrow some money from them."
Scar left and Grian was alone.
Grian rocked back and forth as he looked at the list of things Scar wanted to buy.
Yeesh, this looks expensive. I'm probably gonna have to empty out some of my savings from my bank account.
Scar then walked back inside.
"What'd they say?" Grian asked.
"They said they would lend me $200."
"That's good, since some of these things are expensive."
"Really?" Scar asked, looking at the list.
"Well it'll add up pretty quick."
"And I'll pay you back for anything that you buy me." Scar said.
"Thanks. I only have a couple of dollars that aren't in my bank account."
"You have a bank account?"
"Yeah, mostly just saving up for college."
"College? We're literally starting 9th grade."
"Yeah but like...I don't know, I wanna get into a good school."
"Then I'll definitely make sure to pay you back." Scar winked at Grian in a friendly way.
Grian smiled, "Well, we can go to Target tomorrow. I'm free."
"Well I obviously am as well. I'm sure my mom can give us a ride there."
Grian smiled, "Great! Then we can buy you everything then!"
The Next Day-
"Alright guys, stay safe."
"Mom, it's literally a Target."
Scar's mom laughed, "I know, I know. Call me when you're done. Love you!"
She kissed her son's cheek and he and Grian exited the car.
She drove off and Scar and Grian walked in.
Grian grabbed a cart, but Scar swatted his hands off.
"What?" Grian asked.
"Get in the cart." Scar said, smiling mischievously.
"Get in the cart!" Scar repeated.
Grian was confused but Scar had picked him up and placed him in the cart.
Scar then got out of the way of people and suddenly took off running.
"Ahh! Scar!" Grian shouted, laughing as he braced onto the cart.
Scar started laughing as well.
He then put his feet on the bottom railing as he and Grian glided.
They slowed down to a stop at the room-décor section.
"See? It's just faster." Scar smiled, holding out a hand to help Grian out of the cart.
Grian got out and smiled, "That was surprisingly fun."
"You're telling me you've never been in a cart and had someone accelerate you around?"
Grian shrugged, "I guess not."
"You missed out. I used to love doing that."
Grian giggled and they turned their attention to the plushies and lamps that the store had up.
"Scar, you don't need the Minecraft bee lamp."
"But look how cute it is! And I need a lamp." Scar said, holding up the bee lamp.
"Exactly. You need a lamp. There's one over here that's cheaper than that."
"But that one isn't patterned."
"But it's a lamp."
"But this one's cute."
"They work the same way, Scar."
"But that one's plain and this one's a bee."
"It doesn't matter, you just need a lamp."
"It does matter! It's my room!"
Grian folded his arms, "No. You're wasting $40 on a lamp that does the same thing any other lamp does except you want that one since it's patterned. You can get a lamp that functions the same for $12!!"
Scar pouted but then smirked.
"I'll get you that parrot plush you want to put on your bookshelf."
Grian perked up as he looked a bit red from embarrassment.
He then sighed.
"You're gonna be owing me the money for the stupid lamp." Grian said defeatedly.
"Yay!" Scar smiled as he put the lamp in the cart.
He then walked over to the plushies and grabbed a beanbag parrot for Grian.
"There you go." Scar said and Grian shook his head, though he was still smiling.
Scar then left to go look at other things and Grian stayed at the cart.
He took out his calculator (which he always carries around with him) and started punching in numbers, muttering to himself the prices.
Scar then walked back with a cheetah blanket made for kids.
It was made so you could wear the blanket (you could put the cheetah head on yours and then slip your hands into little paws that are attached to it).
"Alright, we're up to $275 and- Scar what is that?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Is that a school calculator?"
"Shut up! I always carry it around with me!" Grian said, turning red as he put away his calculator.
"You know your phone has one of those."
"Yeah but...I like to use mine."
"But that one looks really small. Why don't you get a better one?"
Grian shrugged, "I will when I'm older. Calculators can be expensive."
"And we're not buying the blanket." Grian added as he started to push the cart away.
"Why not?" Scar whined.
"Because you're wasting money!"
"I'll get you a better calculator!" Scar called after Grian who started to turn right.
"Stop tempting me!"
Grian heard Scar laugh and then he ran up to him.
"Alright, alright, I'll put the blanket back."
After a couple more minutes of petty arguments about prices, they walked to checkout.
"Oooo, that's a good movie." Scar said, looking at the movie disks the store had on sale.
"Which one?"
"A horror movie."
Grain shuddered.
"What? You don't like horror?" Scar asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I hate it." Grian said as they waited in line, "I get scared easily. Any jump scare will have me panicked for days."
"Well...that might be a stretch. But it will have me on edge for a couple of hours. Really depends on how much of a jump scare it is."
They then started to empty out their cart and the cashier started scanning their items.
"Alright you owe me... around $160. That's not too bad." Grian said.
"Cool! I just need to find a job and then I can get that rolling. Er- there's no interest fees...right?"
Grian laughed, "You're making me want to put interest fees!"
"Shoot! Forget I said anything!"
Grian laughed again and then Scar's mother came to pick them up.
"So where are you gonna work?" Grian asked.
Scar shrugged, "Where do you work?"
"The bookstore, but I don't know if you would want to work there."
"You're trying to find work, Scar?" Scar's mother asked.
"Well I heard that an animal shelter needs some employees. Why not try there? You always had some sort of touch with cats."
Scar shrugged, "Sure. I'll check it out."
A little while later, they arrived home.
"Thanks Scar." Grian said, smiling.
"Well thank you for helping me! I had a lot of fun."
"Same here. Thanks for buying me the parrot plushie." Grian said, holding up the parrot plush.
"Well it's technically your money until I can pay you back, which hopefully will be soon."
Grian giggled as he walked over to his house.
"I'll see you later!" He called, waving goodbye to his friend.
So before you leave all your 'WHAT MONEY DOES SCAR HAVE' let me explainnnnnnn. Even tho Scar says 'I'll get you that parrot plushie' it's really Grian's money that he's using. And as said at the end, Scar plans on paying Grian back after he gets work. His parents gave him some money, and yeah whatever. Just like stop with those comments, they're annoying >:(
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