Chapter Three: Homecoming
Beep. Beep. Beep. Mellie awoke to the sound of the heart monitor. She ached all over. Mellie saw she was in a hospital room. There was a little chart, and it said her name, first and last, and what kind of injuries she had sustained. Apparently, she had a fractured right ankle, and a broken left arm, complete with a concussion. A doctor came in, and she learned his name was Dr. Zevis. He had hair like Justin Bieber used to have, not that Mellie "noticed" that or anything. He had dark green eyes that made his pale skin stand out more than it already did. He said she could go back to her regular schedule, but she had physical therapy on Tuesdays. Her parents signed the papers, and Mellie got to go home. She had to use a wheelchair for a while, mainly because she arm was broken and she couldn't use crutches. Mellie knew that in six weeks, she would be able to walk again. At home, it was 6:30 PM. She had school in the morning, and needed rest. Careful not to hurt herself, she got out of her wheelchair and hobbled into bed. She didn't bother to change into her pajamas, and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
The Next Morning
Mellie's alarm clock blasted music. She groaned, and slapped the snooze button. She repeated this to what seemed like 11 times, and finally mustered enough energy to drag herself out of bed. She dressed in a tank top, because there wasn't anything else that would work with her cast. She carefully pulled on shorts, and limped downstairs to eat breakfast. She ate oatmeal, and was too lazy to brush her teeth, so she grabbed her backpack and hopped in her wheelchair. Mellie wheeled herself to school and at 9:03, finally got to school. She wheeled herself into class, and the students and teacher erupted into cheers. Even Maria, Ann, Callie applauded, though looking sad. Most likely because Stacy was gone. The English lesson was boring, and by the time lunch rolled around, police cars were surrounding the school, looking for evidence of Stacy's kidnapping. When school was over at 3:00, Mellie wheeled herself home. Not even bothering to do homework, she limped into bed and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Six Weeks Later
It was the day! Mellie finally was going to get her cast off. A nervous feeling erupted in her stomach, but she pushed past it. Her mom took her to the clinic, and her casts were taken off with a special tool. The doctor told her to take it easy, because her bones were still fragile. Her physical therapy sessions were brief, and soon her therapist told her that she could walk by herself, and that she wouldn't need the wheelchair. Victory for me! Mellie thought. Her mom took her home, and she slept the day away. But a thought lingered in her mind: where was Stacy? Shadow Falls didn't exactly have the best police department, but no one was investigating her case. No one tried to study it. The thought haunted her: was Stacy...dead?
The Next Day
Math was a bore. At the end of the day, Mellie got a surprise. She was walking home from school, when Josh Sanders, the hottest guy in school came up to her. "Ummm, hey," he said, running his hand through his dark hair. "Tomorrow is homecoming for the high school, and I was you want to come to the game with me?" He blushed furiously. She wanted to scream,"Heck yes I want to go with you!" "Uh, sure?" Mellie said. "Why are you asking?" "Well, because you seem nice enough, and you're really brave," he explained. "Well then, it's a date, I guess!" Mellie stuttered. "Ok then," he said, then walked away. Mellie let aout an internal scream! He asked me out! She rushed home, forgetting about how fragile her bones were. Mellie flung open the door, and screamed. "I have a date!" Thankfully, no one was home. "I have to get ready!" she screeched. Oh it's tomorrow. Mellie thought. Since her mom wasn't going to be home, she ate dinner, and scurried up the stairs to bed. Tomorrow, she thought, will be great.
Mellie awoke sprawled on the couch. She had been up all night texting Alex about what to wear and all that jazz. Mellie pulled on some ripped jeans and a T-shirt, and left a note, saying she would be back at 2. It was 10:30, and Mellie had lots of shopping to do. She hopped on her nickel board and skated down to Main Street, where all the stores were. She strolled into Kelly's, where she had always found the best deals. Mellie decided on a loose purple blouse, with a pair of skinny jeans, and black flats. Purple and black were the colors of the Shadow Falls Demons, and she wanted to look spirited for the big game. Marcy, Mellie's favorite clerk, was at the desk when she shuffled up to the check-out counter. "Hmmmm... Nice clothes, cute shoes. Are you going out with a boy?" Marcy asked eagerly. Mellie looked flustered. "Yeah, for the homecoming game," Mellie replied, blushing. "I'm so proud of you! Just for that achievement, I'll give you 25% off!" Marcy said excitedly. "Are you even allowed to do that?" Mellie questioned. "Our little secret," Marcy said, and handed Mellie the bag. "Good luck!" she shrieked as Mellie hustled out the door. Next, Mellie went to UltraShine, the makeup store further down. When she got home, it was already 3. She had missed the homecoming parade, sadly. I was shopping for that long? she thought to herself. Wow! Mellie took a shower, the warm water giving her a lovely sensation, and scrubbed away at her body. She washed her hair and conditioned it. Everything had to be perfect. When she got out, she put on a fluffy robe, and French braided her hair to make sure it was wavy for the night. Mellie went downstairs and ate very little. She knew she would have something at the game. "Hi mom," she said cheerfully. "I'm riding my bike down to the high school to see the game." "Sure, yeah, you can go," her mother said tiredly. Mellie didn't bother telling her about the date, knowing that as her mom, she would make a huge deal about it. It was 6:00, and the game started at 7. She pulled on her purple blouse along with her skinny jeans, and slipped on her shoes. She put the tiniest amount of lip gloss on, with blush and a natural color of eyeshadow. Mellie took out her braid, and her hair was still wet, so she blow-dried it. "Bye mom, love you!" She called out as she strolled into the garage. Her father was on another business trip, so he didn't know about the football game, and maybe wouldn't have approved. She hopped on her Electra and peddled down the driveway, leaving her mom to close the garage. When she finally got to the school, it was a small bit past the first quarter, and Josh was outside the entrance, pacing. "Oh, there you are!" he exclaimed, looking relieved. "I thought you ditched me!" "I wouldn't do that! C'mon, let's go watched the game!" Mellie said excitedly. The two found a cozy spot on the bleachers and eyed the game, mostly talking about life . The Demons were up 24-3, and it certainly appeared they would win. Halftime rolled around, and the cheerleaders did their dances. Then, the moment everyone waited so patiently for. The announcing of the Homecoming Queen. A man of about 50 propelled into a long speech about the candidates, and finally he came to announce it. "And Thomas Bridges's high school's 2015 homecoming candidate is......." After a long moment of silence, he was just about to announce the name, when someone screamed loudly. A scream of bloody murder. Mellie and Josh looked at each other, clearly confused. The scream went on, until it was cut off abruptly by an unnerving silence. It seemed to had come from the place where the high-schoolers went know, kiss. "I'm going to go check that out," Mellie said, suspicious. "I'll come with you!" Josh volunteered, and together, they walked towards the Kissing Corner, as all the middle school students called it. It was walled off , but many scaled the walls, and went unnoticed smooching in seclusion. Mellie scaled the wall, nervous to see what she'd find. She peeped over. There, covered in blood, and a knife to the stomach, was Stacy.
How was it? Nobody really likes waiting, and sorry for updating late. I'll try to update over the weekend. Nobody likes cliffhangers either, but it adds to the suspense. This here chapter is dedicated to phantomfandomgirl12 for her sweet shoutout to me! Thanks, it made my day and means a ton! Love to all my followers! Also a shoutout to mah bestie Natalie! She helped me plan this chapter, and helped write it! Love ya! Xx-Ash
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