Arc 5, Chapter 9
The Convict
Located on the farthest end of the courtyard, a large tent was poised before the entrance of the throne room of the castle. It was incredibly elaborate in nature, covered in lace, fine curtains, and golden support beams. Expensive and lavish furniture sat amidst its large expanse, several spirits lazily reclining and sipping on what seemed to be wine.
At the back of the tent, seven thrones were arranged, all bearing appropriate symbols and colors for the different factions relating to the Matriarchs. A sun, a moon, a wave, a flame, a tree, a stone, and a cloud were inscribed into the headboards of the thrones.
Victor blinked, eyes following Seraph’s finger as he pointed out the tent. It was hundreds of yards away, much farther than Victor ever wished to walk in his entire life. He was glad he had taken his medicine that morning, because otherwise, he would be feeling horrible. Walking long distances always played havoc on his health, but he wouldn't want Seraph to know that.
“We're going all the way over there?” Victor asked, shuffling under Seraph’s arm, which was draped around his waist.
“Yes!” Seraph chirped, clapping his hands. “Do not worry, it is not as long of a walk as it seems. We will be there in little time!”
From around Victor's neck, Esper stirred. He had been silent the entire extent of their time outside, which Victor had only realized. Esper’s standoffish behavoir was very much uncharacteristic of the kindly nature spirit. At least Victor was trying to look like he was having the time of his life, even when he felt uncomfortable. Victor hoped Esper’s distant and uneasy demeanor wouldn't upset Seraph.
“Seraph,” Esper was using telepathy, “maybe we should go back to the battle arena? The battle we just witnessed was very interesting. I'm willing to wait for the next one.” His mental voice had almost a desperate tone to it. Was he begging?
Seraph paused mid-step. “But...some of my favorite spirits were going to be near the main tent. There is even some really tasty food stands there! I would really like to go…”
The green snake lowered his head. “Alright, but can we please keep a low profile? Being near all the spirits makes me…nervous.”
Hoping to lighten the mood, Victor forced a grin. “Heh, heh, same here Esper. I'm getting pretty sweaty.” Immediately Victor cursed his conversational skills. You don't bring up sweating to your friends!
Seraph awkwardly drew his arm off of Victor's wet back. “Right…”
As a painfully gauche telepathic silence followed, the group continued their trek. The short grass was pleasant under Victor's feet, even as Seraph gleefully dragged him through the crowd. He went limp, impartial to Seraph’s wishes.
The closer they came to the tent, Victor found that armed guards were everywhere. They were all of different factions, toting polearms, guns, and blades. Victor's heart thudded frantically just seeing them. He knew there was no danger, but such imposing, heavily armed individuals always struck fear in his heart. He felt so small and defenseless.
They strolled past a broad-shouldered nature spirit, and Victor gasped when his shoulder brushed her spiked armor. The child stumbled back, trembling.
“It is okay,” Seraph assured him, pulling him away from the scowling spirit, “They have no reason to harm us. The guards are here only to protect the nobles.”
The guard towered over him, glaring. She turned to her companion and whispered something in her ear. A dark expression passed over their faces.
Smiling uncomfortablely, Seraph squeezed Victor's hand tighter. “L-let us keep moving. I am sure it is nothing.”
Throat feeling dry, Victor brought his hand to touch Esper. His scales felt cold against his neck, and the snake seemed to be shaking. Esper seemed to be just as spooked as he was.
“S-Seraph,” Esper murmured, making both Victor and Seraph halt, “I think I'm going to be sick, I have to get we fresh air.”
Victor flinched at his words, but Seraph quickly took control of the situation.
“I have noticed your odd behavoir. You must be sick. Allow me to check you, please,” Seraph murmured, gently taking Esper in his arms. The snake struggled and squirmed, constantly twisting his body in an attempt to search around them.
“Esper, are you hurting anywhere? Your chest, your stomach?” Seraph asked, touching his forehead. “You do not feel warm, is it perhaps something you ate earlier today?”
“I-I-I’m fine! I just need to get some fresh air! This place is too crowded!” Esper cried, thrashing frantically.
Stepping away from the chaos, Victor nervously scoured the area. His eyes caught a terrifying sight, and his stomach dropped.
“Seraph,” Victor whispered, his voice hoarse. “I think those guards are following us.”
A flicker of concern passed over Seraph’s face. “It is probably nothing. I think we should go into the castle. It is much less crowded there. Would that be okay, Esper?”
“Let’s just go!” Esper snapped, crawling back around Victor's shoulders. He was shaking like a leaf.
Seraph walked at a brisk, hurried pace, and Victor struggled to keep up with him. Worry gnawed at his gut. Seraph told it everything was fine, but he knew when he was being lied to. Seraph was scared, which meant Victor had every right to panic.
“Stop!” a voice shouted from behind.
Victor nearly jumped out of his skin. Within their telepathic link, Esper hissed obscenities, words Victor hadn't even heard his parents use.
Seraph spun on his heels, holding Victor tightly at his side. Confusion was present on his face.
The guards that had shouted at them were the same ones they had encountered previously. A taller, more muscular one strutted towards them, her slimmer partner hot on her heels.
“What is the problem, ma’am?” Seraph asked, his wings twitching.
The nature spirit scowled. “Cease your vacuous manners, child. Release the criminal you are harboring at once!”
Seraph’s mouth dropped. “Come again?!”
“Surrender, and you may be spared, child! Show them now!”
Seraph shook his head, hugging Victor. “No, no, I am afraid you do not understand, this is simply my human guest! He is no criminal!”
“How stupid do you think I am?” The guard’s eyes narrowed, pointing her finger at Victor's neck. “I am referring to the other one.”
Author's Note- oH CRAP
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