Arc 5, Chapter 21
The Demon
Acidia couldn't see.
Everything was black. His primary sense had suddenly been burned out of him. He felt trapped, smothered, with no sense of location or distance.
Celeste had thrown him into a portal, that's one thing he remembered before he had passed out.
But where had it taken him? Acidia had no idea.
The only thing he had sense of was the wretched pain in his eyes, or what was even left of them. It was throbbing, overwhelming, nauseating.
The skin on his face was raw and oozing fluids. Celeste’s magic had scorched the upper part of his face beyond recognition.
Acidia had tried to heal himself, but his spells refused to work on his grevious wound. In shock, he realized that Celeste had damaged his very core and created an injury that was unable to be healed.
He laid across the forest floor of an unfamiliar land, mulling over the events that had just transpired. Acidia was still transfixed in horror. His stomach was in knots, twisting with every thought that passed in his mind.
Celeste was right. He was a monster, a murderer. He didn't feel at liberty to mourn for the loss of his eyes. He deserved this punishment, there was no denying his crimes.
Myrkr’s words still echoed in his head. This was his nature. He was made to kill.
Acida gritted his teeth, mind made up. Sure, he had made some horrible mistakes, but he was still alive, right? He still had a chance!
Gaea had abandoned him, but perhaps it was for the better? He was now alone, but that also meant there was no one to force his nature onto him.
He could be free.
Acidia’s chest ached as he processed the idea. Shakily, he lifted himself off the ground, clenching his hands.
He could heal! He could do much more than harm people.
Trembling, Acidia dragged himself to his feet, tenderly wiping off the blood that dripped down his cheeks.
Acidia had made up his mind. He was going to make a new nature for himself, a new meaning for his life.
Acidia’s body throbbed violently, and Acidia swayed, falling against a nearby tree. What was going on?
He coughed, viscous fluid spilling into his hands. It burned his hands, shivers running up his spine. Despite his visual impairment, he knew exactly what it was.
His body was rejecting itself.
“No…!” Acidia whispered, a hard realization taking away his breath.
Gasping, he rubbed his hands on his robe, holding his stomach. His head was swimming, unconsciousness threatening to over take him.
Spirits were creatures made to fulfil one purpose, and when that purpose was denied, their core begins to break down. Acidia had only heard about this condition in hushed gossip. Apparently you can live from it, but you can't do it alone.
Beating his wings against the ground in agony, Acidia heaved repeatedly, more and more of the substance that made up his very core splattering onto the ground.
Branches snapped near him, and he knew something was coming. Acidia felt defenseless, trapped, terrified. He couldn't fight whatever beast had come to prey on him, he couldn't even see what was in front of him.
Acidia felt hot breath on his face, and he screamed, shying away in panic.
“What is that thing?” a voice said in confusion, “Is it sick?”
Acidia lashed out in response, his hand connecting with scaly skin. Another spasm of pain ripped across him, and he collapsed.
Acidia was asleep, a warm presence pressed against his side. He smiled at the sensation, feeling at peace.
For a split second, he thought he was with Gaea, resting soundly in her bed. But, just as quickly, Gaea’s cold glare gripped his head and that fantasy was destroyed. Crying out, he forced himself awake, flinging his body up.
A calloused paw touched his back, gently pushing him back down.
“Child, it's okay. You're safe here.” Acidia could hear the deep, calming voice, but he had no idea who it was coming from.
“Where...where am I?” Acidia slurred, his throat feeling dry. He seemed to have stopped coughing, which was a good sign. “And...who are you?”
The creature ran his claws through his hair, gently brushing the matted knots out of his face. “I could ask the same of you,” he replied warmly.
“I am-” Acidia stopped himself, heart fluttering. Back before he had passed out, he had made a vow to turn over a new leaf. He didn't want to be reminded of his past. For all he cared, Acidia was dead. “I do not have a name.”
“That's unfortunate, child,” the creature lamented, “I believe I will call you Esper. I once had a hatchling that went by that name.”
He blushed, a nervous smile coming to his lips. Esper? he thought, I think I like it.
“You are a nature spirit, correct?” the creature asked.
Esper hugged his chest. “Yes…”
A claw touched his cheek. “May I ask about the wound?”
“I...It's a long story.”
“I understand.” The creature’s voice was warm and comforting. “I suppose I should introduce myself now. My name is Lacertille, and I am the alpha of the southern demon lizard tribe in Ereith. My patrol came across you in the woods, and you gave us quite a scare. My shamans gave you herbs to halt the shock your body was in. Eventually you settled down and stopped vomiting. I was concerned for your life, child. You came very close.”
Esper swallowed, taking in Lacertille’s story. His heart pounded, his near-death experience haunting him.
“Mr...Mr. Lacertille, I have nowhere to go,” Esper confessed, face flushed. “I was banished from my only home.”
Esper gasped in surprise when two strong arms wrapped around him. He felt himself pressed against the warm underbelly of the demon lizard. Sighing, he allowed himself to relax. It was strange, to have someone finally hug him. He loved it.
“Child,” Lacertille murmured, “You may stay here as long as you please.”
Author's Note: one more chapter of backstory, and then we're ready to switch back to the regular story! :) remember to vote and comment pls ♡♡♡
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