Arc 5, Chapter 12
The Jungle
“Wait, Victor, Seraph,” Esper cried as the two boys started to run, “Please come back! I promised your parents I would take care of you!”
“Do not listen to him,” Seraph murmured, “His words are lies.”
Victor's heart felt heavy. Esper sounded frightened, his hands blindly grasping the air before him. Victor hated to leave him alone, without even saying goodbye.
But he kept his tongue bridled and head down as Seraph brought him to the mouth of the thick forest. A wicked tremor crawled down his back as the forest spiraled around Victor. The trees towered over him, dwarfing him. Sparse amounts of light escaped through the canopy of branches and leaves, lowering the visibility to little to nothing.
Seraph tugged on his sleeve, urging him to move. Esper was stumbling towards them, calling their names with desperation.
Humid, moist air was heavy in his lungs as Victor staggered behind Seraph. He could hear Esper crashing through the brush and shouting in pain when branches caught his skin.
Seraph’s pink eyes were wide, teeth grit as he effortlessly darted over thick roots without even looking down. His small wings were spread, allowing him to be more aerodynamic.
“I will take care of you, Victor.” Seraph’s voice was almost a snarl.
Victor drew his shoulders in, cheeks turning red. A feeling of security spread through him, and he knew Seraph would protect him. Victor was content allowing others to protect him, as he knew he was too weak to do it himself. Seraph was strong, much stronger than Victor was.
At least Seraph is good at magic, Victor thought miserably, I can barely even preform the spells in my books.
Victor watched Seraph’s back, an overwhelming sense of inadequacy coming over him. Seraph far overshadowed him, with his talent and even his general attitude. He could actually talk to people, without throwing up or crying. He had his life together, a whole, wonderful future ahead of him, all planned out with need to worry over it. Victor wasn't even sure what he was going to eat tomorrow, nonetheless what he was going to be when he grew up.
That's okay, Victor assured himself, I can just stand beside Seraph. That's what I've been doing all this time anyway. His heart nearly stopped. Oh, crap, what if Seraph knows how much I suck? Does he really wanna even hang out with me?
He stared down guilty at Seraph’s slender palm, which clutched his own. I'm not even doing that much for him. All I'm causing is trouble.
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden crash. He halted, nearly causing Seraph to fall. Esper had fallen, his leg caught on a root. The spirit had painfully slapped to the ground, new cuts and bruises dotting his skin.
“Victor, Seraph,” Esper sobbed, shakily pulling himself forward with his arms, “P-please!”
Victor turned to Seraph, sympathy flickering in his eyes. Seraph remained guarded, digging his nails into Victor's arm.
“Go,” Seraph’s voice whispered in his mind. He regretfully followed the order.
Victor was running, but Esper wasn't.
After hundreds of yards, Victor started to experience an aching feeling in his chest. He ignored it at first, but it began to grow. Soon, hot fire was burning in his lungs, agony washing over him with every breath. Victor knew it was coming, it was only a matter of time. He couldn't run, he wasn't in shape. There was a reason Matthew and Umbra had a tendency to carry him.
His knees buckled, and Victor came sliding into the leaf litter. He heaved and gasped, accidentally retching up his dinner from stress and overwork. He shook violently and pathetically as Seraph came to his side, wiping off his mouth with his detached sleeve and stroking his back.
“Deep breaths,” he commanded, “Breathe through your nose. It will quell the nausea.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Victor choked, rubbing his face, “I-I can't-I can’t run any more, I-”
Seraph nodded in understanding, embracing him. Somehow, Victor always found himself like this, hugging Seraph while covered in his own vomit. It felt nice, letting himself lay across Seraph’s chest, but it was also embarrassing. His parents holding him and calming him down was one thing, but a person his age?
In the midst of patting his back, Seraph suddenly paused.
“There is something near us.”
Tears welled in Victor's eyes as panic flooded through him. He tightened his grip on Seraph’s tunic, nervously scanning his surroundings.
Something crushed a branch.
Crunch, crunch.
It was getting closer.
Seraph slowly stood up, urging Victor to stay down. Golden light wrapped around his hands, cutting through the murky dimness.
To their side, the bushes started to rustle, moving in a slow path around them. Something was circling them.
Victor covered his mouth with his hands, unspeakable fear thundering in his chest. Memories of the nagas rushed into his mind.
Finally, the disturbance showed itself.
A creature slipped out of the bushes, wide lips drawn to display its massive teeth.
It seemed to be a giant lizard, low to the ground and walking on all fours. Hard, dull-colored scales showed signs of combat and violence with thick scars and missing chunks of flesh. Its claws were long and gnarled, shredding a groove into the soft dirt with every step it took. Despite its large and muscular bulk, the lizard moved effortlessly and fluidly, like a fish swimming through water.
Its monstrous mouth parted, forming rough English. “Capture them.”
Two somewhat smaller lizards threw themselves out of the brush, rapidly approaching the two children. Gritting his teeth, Seraph flung his hands out, a shield wrapping around them.
The biggest creature, who seemed to be the leader, narrowed its yellow eyes. It suddenly slashed its wicked claws through Seraph’s barrier, the spell shattering instantly into sparks.
A strange, raw emotion flashed in Seraph’s eyes, a light Victor had never seek before. “I will not let you touch my friend!” Seraph called, his prepubescent voice ringing with a tone of malice. He fired a beam of light magic directly at the lizard’s face, torching the scales on its muzzle.
But his attack didn't deter it. It only continued to slink forward, lashing its tail back and forth like a cat. The other lizards circled their back, cutting out any way of escape.
Victor grabbed Seraph’s pantsleg, looking for a glimmer of hope. However, the celestial spirit was aghast, horrified that his attack had failed.
“Lacertille, stop.” Victor knew that voice from anywhere.
The lizard instantly reacted, turning his head to the direction of the call.
Esper stumbled into view, awkwardly healing himself with gentle strokes of his fingers. Once again, his wings were spread, and he was still wearing the trailing robe.
“Esper?!” the creature exclaimed in surprise.
Author's Note- I'm suuuper sorry for the delay!!!!!!!!!! My muse had ignored me like all week and it finally hit me, at around twelve in the morning! One side of my brain screamed write and the other side screamed sleep (and so did my mom ahahah) and i guess you can see who won ;) remember to vote, comment, and have a good day! :)
(Art is by NightxxLights)
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