The Raid
Matthew kicked down the door in one sturdy swing. The simple wooden door was thrown off its hinges, slamming onto the floor in a burst of splinters.
"Now!" Matthew shouted.
Blue fire ripped through the air and into the room, covering the floor and chilling the atmosphere. Matthew heard a cry of shock, and he knew the attack had done its job.
Matthew and Esper ran in, Matthew holding a gun and Esper having a mass of thorny vines wrapped around him. Victor crept behind them, hands shaking.
Two emerald eyes cut through the semi-darkness of the small room. A woman stood before them, shaking her head.
"Of course," the figure muttered, swiveling her distinct hips. Her raven-black hair fell across her ivory skin, making her look like a wicked shadow. "Those idiots couldn't find an intruder in a paper bag. I guess it's my job to kill you guys, right?" Her eyes focused on Matthew. "It's a shame, though. You're such a handsome man. I'd be happy to let you and your little friends go if you gave me a little love."
Matthew stayed silent, not falling for her taunt. Behind her, he could see what he assumed to be Clockwork, bond in chains and lying on the floor.
Matthew raised his gun, aiming for her forehead.
Let's get this over with.
"You're kidding me. A beautiful woman just offered you sex and mercy, and you just point your gun at her? Where's your chivalry?" The woman sounded faux-offended, lowering her voice in a mockingly demure tone.
Matthew's finger began to tighten on the trigger. His stormy eyes stayed locked on the mechanical dragon in the back of the room.
"Not so fast!" She hissed, jerking her hand down.
A dizzy feeling washed over Matthew, making the tips of his fingers numb. His gun clattered to the concrete floor as his legs gave out.
Matthew gasped for breath, trying to gain back his strength, but it was to no avail. The spinning in his head was overpowering, making his vision blur and his extremities tingle.
She's moving around my blood! Matthew thought, heart sinking into his stomach. He managed to turn his head, descrying a distorted image at his side.
Esper was on the floor, collapsed his knees and clutching his forehead. The petite nature spirit's normally greyish-green skin had turned an unhealthy, sickly color and his form was quivering.
Crap, Matthew thought, Victor's the only one left!
Victor watched in shock and horror as both Matthew and Esper were incapacitated by the woman's seemingly invisible magic, and the sweat that soaked his back suddenly turned cold.
She was staring directly at him, predatory green eyes like those of a jungle cat.
The woman slowly moved her hand, and Victor was paralyzed in fear, waiting for the inevitable sensation that took down his father and friend.
But it never came.
"What?!" The woman shrieked, aggressively performing the gesture again. "How is this even possible?! A weakling like you should be dead by now!"
A slightly feeling of lightheadedness came over Victor, but it was no worse than how he felt when he had one of his anemic fits. His hands were cold, like he had lost some of his circulation, but none of the effects were particularly painful or life-threatening.
Heavy pants racked Victor's frame as the boy started to realize what was happening.
I'm immune to her magic, he thought, his watery blue eyes growing wide.
Victor was thrown out of his shocked delirium by the sound of Esper falling to the ground, unconscious.
I've gotta do something! His pupils darted back and forth, brain searching for an answer. He spotted a tongue of spirit fire, still smoldering from their initial onslaught.
That's it!
Victor bit his lip, summoning the remaining magical energy in his body to his hands. A cold, but welcoming, feeling caressed his fingers.
The woman took a step back, holding up her arm defensively. Clockwork groaned behind her, catching Victor's attention.
Victor blasted the flames at her feet, throwing off her balance and scorching the skin on her legs. The woman screamed curses as she fell to the ground, rubbing her wounds.
"You little brat!" She called, malice shining through her heavily-accented voice. "I'm going to kill you!"
"No, you're not," Matthew snarled, slowly standing up. He positioned himself over Esper, who still trying to regain his strength. Under the glare of his glasses, Matthew's eyes seemed to be glowing, eerily calm rage fueling his fast recovery.
Victor tried to hide his smile, proud that he had broken the woman's spell long enough for his father to be able to take back over the fight.
Wind started to stir, throwing around Victor's hair and blowing his bangs in his eyes. Matthew made a sharp, slicing motion with his arm, and the harsh wind was flung at the woman, slicing open her skin.
Lacerations marked her face and exposed cleavage, leaking trickles of scarlet onto her fine silk dress.
Taking a moment to catch his breath, Matthew grabbed Esper by the wrist and pulled him up. The nature spirit stumbled, but did not fall.
"That was rather sneaky of you," the woman sneered, reaching to touch the bloody wounds on her body. "sending your freakshow kid after me. But unless you want me to gut the brat like a fish, you're going to have to fight me like a man."
Matthew's eyes went to his gun, which had fallen several feet away from him.
Maybe I can make it... he thought, trying to calculate the chances of him actually reaching it before the woman realized what he was doing.
It's worth the risk, he decided. I've gotta end this before Victor gets hurt.
Matthew suddenly ran, aiming for his weapon. The woman's reaction time was near instantaneous, and in a split second, both adults were darting for Matthew's gun.
"Mr. Matthew, watch out!" Esper cried, dragging Matthew's attention back away from his weapon, which was centimeters from his fingertips
Matthew looked up just in time to see Esper sliding in front of him, taking a deep cut from the woman's dagger in his place.
"ESPER!" Matthew screamed, wrapping his arm protectively over the nature's spirits chest and grabbing his gun. He glared the place the woman had just been, ready to pull the trigger, but he found that she had disappeared.
"Drop the gun, pretty boy." Her voice was low and threatening. And he knew exactly where it was coming from.
Heart thudding as Esper's blood leaked onto his coat, Matthew slowly turned his body, a sick feeling of regret festering in his stomach.
The woman held Victor tightly against her chest, the dagger at his throat. A long cut went along his cheek, where she had already injured him.
"This brat may be immune to my magic, but having your jugular sliced open will kill anyone."
Author's Note: ;););););););););)
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